Notspelling -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/28/2007 14:55:06)
in The Devourer Saga, Play Part 4, Warlic says" We are all together here for one reason... Yo learn what can about the Devourer before it is too late... I think it should be... We are all together here for one reason... To learn what we can about the devourer before it is too late... Also in the Devourer Saga, Play Part 4, it says... The greatest race at the time of The'Galin's last arrival was the Drakel. In the distance past the Drakel represent (I think should be represented because its the past)... a link between Humanity and Dragonkind, and yet they are not half-dragons.... so on intill With their 'magiscience' the Drakel build cities that were able to withstand The'Galin's destructive powers. Also, it should be built because it was 1000 years ago. ADDED: And ALSO in the devourer saga, part 4, the Huntress says... I still appear young because living in-between universes, as The'Galin does, halts the flow of time. WHile I am here on Lore, I am aging normally. That should be While.