Evening's Concealment (Full Version)

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geopetal -> Evening's Concealment (9/5/2006 13:04:35)

Evening's Concealment

«Fully Defensive Mastercraft armor. Good against Darkness. Has a small chance of giving a guaranteed block against an attack.»

Also see:
Level: 75
Power Level: 75, Mastercraft
Price: 19,364
Sellback: 9,682
Location: Ruins of Alnaphar! - Quest for the Twilight Set
Element: Darkness

Melee: 41
Ranged: 41
Magic: 34

Fire: 81%
Water: 81%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 81%
Earth: 81%
Energy: 81%
Light: 77%
Darkness: 58%

Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 215.9% Base, 215.9% Random, and 395.3% Stats
BTH: +11 plus Stats
Rate: 70%

Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 342.9% Base, 342.9% Random, and 627.8% Stats
BTH: +11 plus Stats
Rate: 30%

There is a 3.58% chance of getting a guaranteed block against any individual hit that is not supposed to be unmissable, regardless of your stats, defenses or the hit's accuracy*.

When also wearing the weapon and shield of the set, the chance for the above effect is 11.48% /(1-0.0392*[Monster DARK Resist]/100)% instead**.
    DarkRes	-200%	-150%	-100%	-50%	0%	50%	100%	130%	150%	200%
    Chance	10.6%	10.8%	11%	11.3%	11.5%	11.7%	11.9%	12.1%	12.2%	12.5%
*Evening's Concealment pulls you into the shadows!
**The full power of the Evening Set swiftly draws you into the shadows!

The creatures that take this form are but shadows of life itself. When you take on this form, you become a shadowy wraith that may be able to avoid any attack!


Image thanks to Balu. Numbers thanks to Ash, Dev and Kamui. Update thanks to In Media Res.


The armor attack starts off as a fully defensive attack (80% of average), which is 260% Base, Random and 476% Stats, with +9 BTH.
  • Attack #1 deals 85% damage.
  • Attack #2 deals 135% damage.

    In addition, both attacks gain +2 BTH and deal *85/87 damage.

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