RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (Full Version)

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Beastslayer -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 6:39:49)

Why is your name Wallo instead of Willo?
God commanded it so.
How long do you spend on the forum per day on average?
In term time, about six hours. On holidays, I leave my laptop on, so about 14 hours.
Are you good at maths?
I'm crud.:)
Do you know what is 'The product moment correlation coefficient'? (We're in the same year, so you should know...[8D])
Are you clever at logical things?
I think so...
Are you sporty? Is so, what is your favourite sport.
I despise sport, apart from schwim schwim.
What is your goal in AQ?
To get to level 100...
That's all.[sm=fun_08.gif]

Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 6:45:28)

If 7+ Monkeys - Fighting the Power = Ice-Cream, will you give me a Indestructable plate.
Slight snag there. I don't have one.XD Well get one or you dont get a cookie.
If you saw a Gorilla wearing a goldfish tophat, riding a bicycle with forty-two thousand Rabid B.U.R.Ps on its face what would you say?
I would laugh at it before I get eaten/nibbled/smashed/broken/bent... Best answer yet!
How many people have you eaten.
19. I've eaten 317 and your next.

C453580 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 7:53:43)

I bez i'm back!
Oh noes!
Is school boring?
If so why?
Who nose?
I think it's fun with History and English!
Bored yet?
Who nose?
Have i asked to many questions?
A bit.:)
I'll keep snuggle you if you don't give me your DS (I don't want to buy one but i'll if i must!).
Bored Now?
A tad.
Well what are you doing right now?
What do you think about London?
It is a silly city. Dirty.
Ever seen Big Ben (that big clock you know)?
Of course. I think I know what Big Ben is, silly.:)
Ever been in London?
If so is it fun there?
Did i fail with my ebil plan?
Your plan is foiled! You would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for us meddling kids.
I need to play some AQ now.
But i'll try to make you bored!
Bored Now?
Have you been in many other countries?
Oh yes.
am i bad at English?
Yay! finally i'm done!

miroslav -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 7:58:56)

1.where do you live?
2.isn' t it annoying of everyone asking you if you get bored?
A tad.
3.what PS2 games have you got?
A lot a lot. Around 20?

Wallo -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 8:19:27)

That is my signature if anyone wants it...

Rinsaku -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 8:27:42)

Do you think anyone would be sad, now that I kill you for saying "Who nose"!
Who nose?
Am I the best hat you've ever hat? *Giggle*
The blood seeped down my neck, but it was mostly ok.
Im having your signature, to BURN! *Evil Laugh*
My Kung-foo skeelz are better than yours, grasshopper!
I am a Kung Fu Queen. Huzah!
Would you dance if i order you to?
Boogie nights...
Who's the best AK to snuggle?
Who's the best to snuggle?
Would you consider?
Time is running, Mr. Anderson.

C453580 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 8:29:43)

Yay! Wallo Signature!

Gonna try it Nowz!

I'm sad i'm very sad........ cuz teh sig is to visionpower.[X(][:o][sm=crying5.gif]

Big sig.:)

Alexander -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 8:29:58)

How old are you? Sorry if this has been asked before, I bez lazy.

Do you think you do good at your job?
I think so.:)

Do you like Web Comics?
Oh yes,

Have you played the Jak and Daxter series?
Finished them all.:)

What Game Consoles do you have?

Do you consider yourself strict?

You're my favorite AK.

C453580 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 8:48:24)

Hiya Wallo!

I'm going to torment you!
What are you doing nowz?
Lemme guess School nowz?

Please DS Nowz?

It came out 11th March right?
Do you got any games on DS besides Metroid Demo?
Mario 64.
Favorite biscuits?
Wagon Wheels.
Favorite sweets?
Sour Skittles.
Bored yet?
Bored of me yet?
I need more questions.
How old are y..... wait someone already answer that![:@]
Do you know what i'm doing right nowz?
I'm playing on my Gamecube!
Do you have Gamecube?
If so do you recommend any games?
Edit: Bored yet?
I bez my plans is foiled again!
Bye i need to shot someone!

And you know who it is!

Lol i'm just joking!

Do you got any other consoles from Nintendo?
Bored Nowz?

Bye....DAMNIT i need more bom...*cough cough* i mean questions *cough*

Edit2: How much do you sell lilliputtians(pet version) for?
Edit3: You are my Favorite GC!
Do you recommend any pets from the donation list?

brandon -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 9:23:04)

New questions!

Why is the meaning of life 42?
Read HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy.:)
How does people bugging you make you feel?
What will you do if i bug you begging for guardianship?(im already a guardian so you dont have to worry about me pming you.)
Report you to the mods, and get you a (5)
How would you feel if you got hit by a car?
What will you do if you are lost in a stranded island with only a girl surviving with you?
Eat her. You sick, sick people.XD

C453580 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 9:25:39)

Wow! that's alot of consoles!

rdfrdfrdf -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 9:39:47)

Can you balance items well?
When did you become GC?
20th November, 2004.
What level are you in AQ?
What is your favourite weapon?
Sword of Reaper.
What makes AQ special in your opinion?
The fact it gets updated.
What good stuff does AQ have in your opinion?
What good stuff does AQ lack in your opinion?
Do you like the ideas from my suggestion thread?
Haven't seen it yet...
What qualities should an ideal GC posess?
Paitient, polite, prepared to work long hours...

azurah -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 9:45:46)

Is mr worm possesed by drakel wodoo?
Doo doo!
Is Vephoma possesed by drakel wodoo?
Oh yes.
Are you possesed by drakel wodoo?
is there anything called drakel wodoo?
What country do you live in?
Oh do you think my bunny avatar is cute? or is it the lord of cuteness?
It's scary...

trash_berd -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 12:34:28)

what state do you live in?
does reading my posts make you want to kill your self?
No comment.
if you could, if there was just one thing about aq that you could change... what would it be?
The fact that clans are not in the game yet.

Hero of Winds -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 12:38:23)

Do you like GameCube, Xbox or Playstation 2 better?

Explain why.
It has the best controller, the best games, and has the best fighting game ever.

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live, and why?
Land O' Lakes. It's an utopia there.

What do you want do when you get done with university?
Either journalism or programming... wootzors!

starsbright -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 13:59:57)

Hey! I'm back! (again)

What kind of cookies do you like best?
Chocolate chip.

Here's a whhoooole bag of them, just for you! Want it?
Yay! /me nibbles on the cookies

Then answer my questions, and pay $19.99 s&h fee!

1) What's your favorite color?

2) Has there been a sunny day in England recently? Was it nice out?
It's been sunny and rainy.:(

3) What's ya favorite holiday? Mine's my birthday. ^_^
My birthday too.:)

4) Do you have any pets of the intelligent sort, say, like a cat or dog, or Dory from Finding Nemo?
Did, but they died.:(

5) I noticed that when you are annoyed by questions, you answer 'A tad.' Always do that?
A tad.

6) Have YOU ever been snugglewugglehuggled? Well, you will be now../me snugglewugglehuggles wallo ^_^
I am snugglewugglehuggled every time I go into mIRC... Yay!

7) I think my inquistiveness is bothering you, so I'll just go away for a little while. Maybe I'll return with more cookies! O.oCookies good.

dragon_ice -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 14:56:06)

What bothers you the most in real life?
What do you do for a living?
Proffessional student.
Is Vephoma cool?
Oh yes. He wears flares!
What is your favourite war?
Drakonnan War.
What is your favourite armor?
Golden Plate.:)

St Anger -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 15:03:33)

Have u ever killed carnax?
Have you ever been ever?

How many charectars do u hav?
Wat is ur favourite ps2 game?
Wat is ur favourite book?
Dude, Where's my Country?
Wat is ur favourite computer game?
TimeSplitters 2.
Hav u ever said never?
No.(I avoided your trick! Nya.

Eryanarmo -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 15:59:37)

Wow, you always seem to be online.
I am.:)
Everquest II lets you order pizza delivery to your home in the game. Do you think AQ will ever become like that?
Snigger. WHo would actually do that?
If you could be a class NPC, what class would it be for?
BlackJack class, or Monk Class.
Do you have an iPod? (Thought I'd ask since it seems like 90% of the world has one...)
No. They are tacky...
Thanks for your time; here's a plate of cookies.

swordfighter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 16:39:12)

can i borrow 75p for a new ninja outfit?(first page, USD to Pounds)
25 or 6 to 4? (its a song by Chicago, uve probly never heard of them...)
did u get th reference in either of those questions?
Not really.:P
whats ur favorite game?
whats ur favorite/least favorite school subject?
how long do u do ur Archknight/GC stuff per day?
12 hours a day.
How long do u play AQ per day?
12 hours a day.
do u ever go offline?
My laptop is right next to my bed.:)
4r3 u 4nn01d 8y 1337? (are u annoyed by leet?)
thats all for now...

trash_berd -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 17:09:17)

ok, i know im anoying you but just this last one, when you say "no comment" do you realy mean yes?(plzzzzzzz dont say no comment)There is nothing to say, hence no comment.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (3/22/2005 17:11:47)

[Deleted by Admins]

phoenix_forever -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 17:45:53)

Last time you saw me, I was on the brink of death, needing to be saved. Fortunately, I had more questions to ask!

How do you like answering so many questions?
It makes me go O-O
If I bribe you with say...chocolate chip cookies ( I can actually make those!), would you give me a hug?
If you had a million dollars and you could spen it a boxes of cookies or video games, which would it be?
Cookies! Yummy.
If you had 10 million dollars and could only spend it on school supplies or a birthday gift for someone you never knew, which would it be?
Birthday gift, definitely. But what kind of present would cost 10 million notes?
Would you snuggle me if I gave you a kiss on the cheek? *kiss on cheek*
Rowr. *huggles*
If you were to create a day for yourself, what would it be (weather, etc)?
Sunny weather, on the beach, with a wireless connection and a charge socket.
Tee hee, have I driven you up the wall yet with ' what if' questions?
Do you know the point of 'what if' questions?
It isn't one of the subjects I study well into the night, no.
What if I knew the point of 'what if' questions?
I would scream.
Oh boy, here's my ride (I am going on a trip)! And don't you DARE try to kill my oliphaunt!
o_O You caught me!

swordfighter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 20:01:50)

Leo, Aeris, or Krug?
Aeris, or Pantsman.
Whats th shipping forecast?
o_O Hot!
Whats the Frequency Kennith?
A lot.
How many cookies would u eat, given th chance?
About 12 before my stomach would protest.
If ur on 4 12 hrs, what do u do when ur off?(sleep?)
Sleep and bugger about.
If u didnt answer 'sleep', or 'yes', or somthin like that above, r u a robot, or a zombie, or both?
I'm not on for 12 hpurs every single day.:P I'm usually on for about 8 hours, so I spend 6 hours doing something else.
Next question: robot-When were u last upgraded? zombie-When did u last devour a soul? Robotzombie-will u b my best friend?
Last Friday. Fyrel is my best friend.:P
Do u have a soul?<--clik it.(this isnt me, but i know this guy)
Crud... I would donate if PayPal didn't screw me over...:(
Holy crap! Its like 2am where u r and ur still on! What r u thinkin?
I went to sleep at 2:05 AM this morning.:)

dragon_ice -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Wallo. Online (3/22/2005 20:25:41)

What do you enjoy eating?
Am I annoying you?
Yay! *returns the favor*
Do you have an MP3?
Do you have a CD player?
What is your fave game for GBA?
Mario Advance 2.
Do you play Ratchet and Clank?
Of course I do! It's one of my favorite series!
Here are some chocolate chip cookies for answering all these questions!!!

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