.//Obsession -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/24/2006 12:12:53)
RAWR!!!!!! PUT ME BACK UP DAMMIT!!!!!! *Uses pencil to draw sword* Don't make me kill you. *claps hands together* .... *Puts them on paper.* *Sword rises as a real sword* I know I've left, but for some reason, I'm always obliged to help. Here's the info you nit-wits....
[image][/image][b]Kereo Takana[/b]
Teaches: Gimp, HTML/Skinning, Pivot, or Animating in Gimp/Spriting.
Specialty: High Quality HTML, Power Pivoting, Manga, Spriting and Sprite Animating.
Note: Activity is REQUIRED along with MSN or Yahoo! Messengers. No more PM's about private tutoring. If you do, I won't accept you here, or in the PM. Always ask here.
Student Limit: 5
students: camelburp, Damaster12
FAQ: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=5913965
messenger contacts: MUST CONTACT THROUGH THESE
Msn: kidsoccer@charter.net
Yahoo: kereotakana