RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (Full Version)

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gagloser -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 16:12:52)

can you change my title?

Be careful what you wish for...

i dont care what into.

The Arch Devil -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 16:44:43)

I do belive he will change your tittle if you ask him... But into beggar or something like that ^^

Paris -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 16:51:45)

Did you bother to revive Crono in Chrono Trigger?


Why can't Frog use that sword attack he used on the mountain sized boulder in regular battles?

It'd be too easy.

What is your favorite Chrono Trigger team?

Crono, Marle, and Ayla.

What is your favorite food that starts with the letter P?


Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 18:23:06)

Have you ever played any X-Box games?
If yes, which ones?
Sorry to be rude but that title thing was funny!
Hey...Ask and ye shall recieve. Just keep in mind that I never said WHAT you'll recieve.

Overseer -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 20:29:22)

Have you ever played Dynasty Warriors??(I have.)
If yes which one have you played. 4, 2, 6, 7??
If I was a Fire Dragon (I love Fire), would that make us enemies??
Probably not.
What is your favourite comic you have ever read??
Are my Questions good??
Do you think I'm a newbie??
Not yet.
Are you a Hockey Fan(I am!)??
Are you sad about the Hockey Lockout(I am!)??
Not really...
Is my Char good??
Does he have a weird name??
Does his face look weird?? Should I change it??
If you were rich would you stop being a mod and go on to your original life??
Why do you snuggle??
Because I can.
Can I ahve a snuggle?? hehe....
I suppose so...*snuggles*
I love saying "wazza" Is it weird??
Am I weird??
Are getting annoyed??
Am I typing lots of questions??
My fingers are not hurting typing all these questions, are your fingers hurting typing every single answer??
No...I do much worse on a daily basis.
What should my sig be about, I'm thinking of creating one!??
I don't take interest in sigs.
I'm done, thanks if you could answer them [:D]!!

davidfreeland6060 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 20:34:59)

can you create any monster you want and put it in the game?

No. I'm the wrong person to ask about this.

can you create a pile o' gold monster for me?

can it give out 30000 gold and 10 xp?

and can it have an attack like megogg and defences like xyfrag?

and can it have 1000 health for level 0 people and have 10000 health for level 110 people with maxed out end?

DragonMasterLink -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 20:59:46)

Am i COOL?

Are u COOL?

Rai Spellfang -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 22:39:17)

I'm amazed you've got such patience...

Yeah...most people are.

I've got a couple questions for you still though...

For the name you gave on the first page, I actually checked it out and realized it's exactly how Vash says it... did you memourize it from the anime or did you cheat with the manga?

I had seen that episode of Trigun a few days ago, so I was able to remember it.

Do you recruit Magus in Crono Trigger? After all, he did kill Cyrus, your namesake.

Yes...He's still useful.

If Vephy was an enemy in AQ, do you think he'd have Powerword Lock?


You mentioned that you're going to majour in computer science, what are you going to specialize in?

I am still deciding on that.

How much TV per day do you watch?

An hour, sometimes two.

Do you watch a lot of Cartoon Network?

Used to, mostly Adult Swim.

Do you think water is cooler than ice even though ice is colder?


Ryoga Hibiki -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/23/2005 23:41:55)

Do you like the Dragonslayer Class??

...Why would I like a class that kills my own kind?

Do you like Galanoth???

Do you wear Spectacles??


Do you put on Make-up?


If you could, would you want to snuggle my poodle??(He bites ALOT)

He couldn't get through these scales...

Why do you want to live in America??

Lived here my whole life, and it hasn't been that bad. Might as well go with what works.

Would you want to go out with my sister if you could??

Probably not.

Why do you think Fyrel is cute?

Because she is.

Do you like Brunettes or Blondes?

Why do you like Math?

I don't like it, but I am good at it.

Can you help me do my Math Homework on Coordinate Geometry, Linear Laws, Remainder and Factor Theorems, Quadratic Functions, and Snuggly Equations?

Probably, if I felt like doing that kind of math right now...which I don't.

Why do you like Dragons?

In terms of personality, they're a good deal like humans. Just that people like killing them because they're big, scaly, and can use bad breath as a weapon.

Which AQ Dragon do you think is the hottest? Serlissa, Pirrelvag or someone esle?

...There are better-looking dragons out there than the ones in AQ. Take a good look at the people walking around you when you go outside...

Why will you do when the world runs out of Ice?

It won't. I can make sure of that.

Are your hands getting tired by now?


Who is your Favourite Moglin?

The dead one. Quite frankly, they scare me.

So far, what has been your Favourite War?

What Job do you hope to do, or wish to do?

What is your Favourite Mexican dish?

What is your Favourite Chinese dish?

Do you watch Soccer?


If so, which team do you support?

If not, why?

Who is your role model in society?

Do you think Bush is a good President?

How tall are you?

What's your Hair Colour?

How much do you weigh?

How muscular are you?

Will you be happy if I stop this session of Questioning?


Would you give my character a Eissig Falchion, a Fireball Z spell, a Star Forge Spell, and a Whirl Tide spell in exchange for his Non-Rare items if I stop asking you questions?


If not, can you recommend me to Artix, to become a Staff Member?

Thank you for answering (hopefully) ALL my questions.

Seriyu -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 0:47:20)

Well I can see where the meet the mods topics are going... anyway I only have one question and it's a pretty simple one at that.

What's your pet peeve?

Bad spelling and grammar, particularly replacing you with "u".

Magicdog, I'd be lieing if I said I didn't think he'd say that.

Rai Spellfang -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 0:59:16)

Why do I have a feeling that Cyrus will say either people who ask a lot of questions or people who ask what his pet peeve is in answer to your question Seriyu?(Cyrus, you're free to answer this one too :P)

I forgot to ask one question Cyrus...

If Jackel was to offer to make you a weapon like the rest of the staff weapons(Vephammer, Artaxe, Rise and Shine!, Flutterby Wand, etc.(sabre :P)) what would you call it and would it be Ice?

Actually I'd also like to ask another(I feel bad about asking so many since people keep asking you weird questions and an abundance of them)...

What's your favourite type of weapon, either in RPGs/RPing or in real life?(You can pick up to 3 if you're indecisive like me :P)


Gremlinpower -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 1:01:13)

Hi, i have a few quick questions/beggings
Could you change my title to Gremlin?

Whats your favorite part of AQ? (sorry if you already answered this one, which you probably have)

How do you manage to answer all of the questions?

I can type rather quickly.

Do you think Meet the Mods was a good idea?

Yes. I think it's good that people can see what the mods are really like.

Why are all the monsters on AQ so easy?

and finaly...
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could cuch wood?

As much as it wants.

Legoman -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 4:43:47)

Why are you so cool?

Why are some of these questions so lame?

Why am i so grumpy?

Are you going to answer the questions?

samuelchong1 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 4:46:28)

do u get money by being a mod??

Balinor -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 8:55:06)

How did your 'interest' find Roleplaying, and why do you do it....?

Rai Spellfang -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 11:57:24)

samuelchong, no member of the AQ staff is paid... not even Artix makes money, it's all basically volunteer work for them.

Oh Cyrus, I noticed a few pages back you said your favourite Final Fantasy game was FF7... Why? Just.... why?

It's because it has the most coherent plot of any PSX Final Fantasy game, and still had decent gameplay.

kennethlee95 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 12:12:15)

Why is my PM button gone?

I don't know...I'm not the one to ask about this.

Is Artix Artix's real name?


Does anything happen when you beat the Reaper?

Safiria -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 16:55:44)

What would happen in a battle between an Enterprise security team, who always get killed soon after appearing, and a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers, who can't hit the broad side of a planet?

The stormtroopers would be killed, and the security team would accidentally shoot something vital during the gunfight that causes them to be killed shortly afterwards.

Noah_B -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online (3/24/2005 16:59:08)

What's the so cool about being the "blue" oyster cult? ... why not green?

Umm...go ask someone who really knows the band...I'm clueless on the matter.

And do you know where I put my keys?

On your head.

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