RE: Clues VI (Full Version)

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killerdude22 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:56:01)

NOVA-National Organissation of Agents

KHLOVER -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:58:27)

NOVA lies so it has to sound nice and good
New outsider's (synonym of peotection begining with V) association

anyone here?

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:01:12)

I'm not here

KHLOVER -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:03:33)


smacks with the nearest object, which happenes to be the battle monsters button

i have a feeling the ecpic quest, and the the east are all related to this

Big Bizznaz -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:09:47)

I just read your post maxwell and suddenly I feel like bad mouthing NOVA. jking of course but how are they going to hunt you down?

Lkeas -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:18:46)

NOVA knows who you are. You cannot hide from them. We have been visted by NOVA in IRC looking for members.

KHLOVER -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:43:50)

then again
we haveno proof that YOU Lkeas, is a character made by... whoever is supposed to be NOVa
maybe the person has 2 computers
in other words
how do i know ure not nova?

lostkause1473 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:45:19)

NOVA is not evil they just want to clean the land of all its contaminants. And i will stand idley buy as they destroy my fellow gaurdians and laugh as it all happens and i am not evil. Besides evil is only ranked when next to good and who really says a person is good or evil its a matter of opinion. Like if someone beats somebody up the guy that got beat could think the other guy as evil but the guy who won believes he is just a better fighter and good nor evil even crosses his mind. The only thing he thinks is the other guy is weak. So before you decide to label someone make sure you look at yourself first

Firestorm01 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:45:57)

As it has been said NOVA gains alot of what it wants and such by distrust. As soon as we start confronting each other and suspecting them then they have already begun to win. We must be united and find the truth to everything.

damselindigital -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:47:15)

There is never any certainty, but there must be trust and their must be faith. Otherwise, we are each alone and we shall never be able to defeat a unified front such as NOVA.

KHLOVER -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:48:57)

anybody read angels $ Demons?
the NOva may be the illuminati
think about it

Leo Biaxomus -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 23:57:53)

How, what and why?
The fear the pain and lies, they are nothing to what I feel.
Pure terror, sadness and fear.
Is NOVA giving me these feelings?

- Blind Faith.

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 0:05:38)

Evil is oppression. Evil is when something is bad. All people know in their hearts the difference between good and evil, unless their minds have been twisted in some way. Terrorising is definately evil.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 0:37:04)

Hm. NOVA is hunting down those who are defending the truth? They can never put a blanket over myself or anyone else. I will continue to aid you all as best as I am able. NOVA can target members all they please, but they cannot stop the truth from reaching the masses. There are a few of us in the IRC who won't be silenced without a fight.

The truth is present whether in sight or not. Remember that, friends. Take care as you avoid NOVA's strikes. As for me....I have my own plans for how to spread the truth to everyone.

Azerkail -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 0:41:41)

NOVA may snipe away our believers, but we will eventually spread the Truth.

But the only way we can do that, True believers, is to band together, like ribs of steel.

WARNING: This post is text heavy!

EDIT: NOVA's asking this of us, believers or not:

What can you do?

NOVA needs your help just as much as you need ours. When the time comes when we must fight for the human race, all we have on our side is our faith, and hope. This is a small list of things you can do to help yourself, and others.

Free yourself from what you think is true, and question the very nature of the truth. Learn what makes you think things are true and false, and discover the freedom you can discover when you take control of your own mind and actions.

Free yourself from possessions you have become selfishly addicted to, food, television, music, and games. When we say free yourself, we do not wish you to rid these things from your life. We want to show you the wonders of life when you are no longer addicted to your possessions.

The last and most important step is unlocking your true potential as a human being, the sons and daughters of the chosen children of the sky. Only with NOVA can you do this.

What can NOVA do for me?

Do you feel lost, confused or afraid. Are you suffering from depression? Its easy to see why with the darkness that plagues or world and fills our news. Unfortunately many people take advantage of this heartache. The modern world is full of people offering quick fixes and bandaid solutions to problems, without ever addressing the underlying YOU.

NOVA is different, we consider the whole person and develop an integrated hollistic program just for you. Many people go see doctors for their physical problems or mental health professionals for their mental and emotional problems, but little is done about the soul. NOVA cares for the WHOLE person. Together we can help you develop a program for your salvation. Remmeber NOVA cares even when you don't.

EDIT2: Believers, news from Seeker!


The threats have gotten ridiculous now. I had posted a message that I considered very important but I had to remove it for fear and now I am afraid it is lost forever.

This message therefore is not going to be as easily read or interpreted. It must be decoded before sense can even be made. And then what importance you place on it is up to you but some research about it might help.

Anyway I will provide some hints to the the puzzle:

fribg lugvyf rug qan ,tvyyveo fnjG`

:ronj rug av ryozvt qan relt qvQ

,fribtbebo rug rerj lfzvz yyN

.ronetghb fugne rzbz rug qaN

!abf lz ,xpbjeroonW rug renjrO"

!upgnp gnug fjnyp rug ,rgvo gnug fjnw ruG

ahuf qan ,qevo ohwohW rug renjrO

"!upgnaferqanO fhbvzhes ruG

:qanu av qebjf yncebi fvu xbbg rU

-- guthbf ru rbs rzbkanz rug rzvg tabY

,rreg zhgzhG rug lo ru qrgfre bF

.guthbug av ryvujn qbbgf qaN

,qbbgf ru guthbug ufvssh av fn ,qaN

,rznys sb frlr ugvj ,xpbjeroonW ruG

,qbbj lrtyhg rug uthbeug tavyssvuj rznP

!rznp gv fn qryoeho qaN

uthbeug qan uthbeug qaN !bjg ,raB !bjg ,raB

!xpnaf-erxpvaf garj rqnyo yncebi ruG

qnru fgv ugvj qan ,qnrq gv gsry rU

.xpno tavuczhynt garj rU

?xpbjeroonW rug avnyf hbug fnu ,qaN"

!lbo ufvznro lz ,fzen lz bg rzbP

'!lnyynP !ubbyynP !lnq fhbwones B

.lbw fvu av qrygebup rU

fribg lugvyf rug qan ,tvyyveo fnjG`

;ronj rug av ryozvt qan relt qvQ

,fribtbebo rug rerj lfzvz yyN

ronetghb fugne rzbz rug qaN

The following pictures were also provided:

The blog was dated October 10, 2006 at 5:57 PM.

Can I make a note, true believers? The book, 1984, starts off with a line referring to "13 o' clock."
Julius Caeser's last words were "Et tu, Brute?"
An Alberti Disk is used by cryptologists. Decoders, in a sense.
The backwards clock makes no sense to me.

Leo Biaxomus -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 0:59:47)

I am blind.
All truths and lies, look the same.
I am blind, NOVA has tempted me.
Why can't I tell the difference?
Truth and Lies, where are you?
Souls, Life and Death.
When does it end?
Please, someone help me.
I am blind, and I want to see.
Hope, Faith.
They are the same to me.
I am... Blind Faith.
Show me the path, so I may walk it.
People are becoming corrupt, with what?
The truth, the lies, I want to see them, and show them.
Who should I follow?
Who should I help?
Who should I lead?
NOVA, TSE, Truth and Lies.
Give me sight.

And... I have no idea why I'm going to say this. But, Truth, I am... I... I am sorry.
-Blind Faith

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:05:20)

That Hideous Strength. I will never trust NOVA now.

They are far too much like N.I.C.E.

Agent Redemption -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:05:58)

what on earth are you talking about leo?

kabliga2 -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:09:42)

strange i had a post challenging nova to come and find me and it got deleted.......not too strange the truth saga but i thought it was worth mentioning

is that where i think its from Genoclysm?

Leo Biaxomus -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:13:54)


ORIGINAL: Agent Redemption

what on earth are you talking about leo?

To be honest.
I really don't know. I just have a weird feeling.
I think the meaning of my post is. What is the truth? I lack the knowledge of the truth.

But that strangest thing is, Blind Faith. I have no idea what or who that is.
EDIT: Blind Faith, means to have faith in something, without knowing seeing it's true intentions/beleifs.

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:25:01)

That Hideous Strength is a book. It is the third in a space triligy that C.S Lewis wrote. I am seeing a very eerie amount of similarities between NICE and NOVA. Their ideals, claimed goals, skirting questions, self righteousness while using dubious means. They give me the same feeling too.

They have no ties, but people tend to repeat the past.

NICE seemed nice at first to those who weren't heavily involved. History repeats, and maybe this is another NICE. Maybe not, but I am on my guard.

lostkause1473 -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:41:40)

I just thought somethin wasn't their a nova group in the show the 4400 if so they are only tryin to protect those who cant protect themselves. Besides offering help connot be evil. I have seen nothing evil from thier group (real one) other than speculation and i will not be persuaded by anyones opinion because opinion is not truth it is just thought. So everyone out there make no decisions about their group until u know. And if I ever discover the truth i will tell nobody because it is your job to find the truth. Your truth could be completely diff. than someone elses so think long and hard before accusing someone of their action either good or bad

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 1:51:33)

Truth is not subjective, truth is absolute. Anyways, the cipher is backwords, and I think decoding Caeser using thirteen counts should help.

Stave -> RE: Clues VI (10/3/2006 2:01:26)

Meh? What Nova? Does this have to do with anything on AQ? I doubt it....I am wandering how this thread went from clues to...Nova lol. Weird stuff. P:=

Falerin -> RE: Truth (10/3/2006 2:01:54)

This absolute truth you speak of can only be known if all bias is removed. No living being can remove all bias. We all have filters and perceptions that alter how we percieve things including the truth. Therefore the only truth we can know is "percieved truth" and this is very very subjective indeed.

And as AQ staff let me be among the first to assure the previous poster that NOVA is very much tied to AQ

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