Rimblade -> RE: Clues VI (10/4/2006 16:12:57)
Who is easy to answer, but the 'what' is a little more difficult. The Traveller is, most probably, the only one who I can really call 'transient'- one of those mentioned in the Histories of Lore (in the L&L) forum. He appears to be a rather more seasoned traveler than some of the other notables in Lore, and claims to hail from another plane... possibly a seperate multiverse, with a seperate creator (though there is some indication that the Creators are not totally seperate). I expect he fully knows all the answers we need- but he tells us he wants us to look for ourselves. That seems to be 'what' he is. The'Gralin is the Lover of Loretheria (I probably spelled that wrong), and is referred to in Drakel writings as 'The Uncreator'. He seems to be bent on subsuming (not neccicarily devourering) every Creation for reasons not totally known, though it seems it may, humorously enough, involve... jealousy. I could say more, but anything else would be speculation of the furthest order, and I'm wrong too much for me to confidantly state anything I do not know to be truth. -RB At any rate, the Monty Python reference is excellent [;)] Erm... do you suppose it could be a reference to the Temple of the Light Lord in the Drakel City?