RE: Clues VI (Full Version)

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f180 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:20:41)


ORIGINAL: Circa Survivor
i don't even know where this secret encclopedia is can u please

no. i cant tell you. NOVA might hear. well thats what Lkeas said...

Circa Survivor -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:21:17)

evil you are annoying , someoen said once that you act like you know everything , and i can understadn why he said that , also mysterious player when did u mention it ? can u p.m. it to me or somethin ?

Agent Redemption -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:21:27)


ORIGINAL: Circa Survivor

gosh dang why does NOVA looks like an official sorta company........

falerin , are you the traveller ? or the Histories ? (if histories is a person)

I doubt he is (Ive already explaned my thoughts) as far as offical company looks go, thats fairly easy to fake.


falerin posting links to both sites....?

falerin is a loremaster its his job to do so.

ORIGINAL: Circa Survivor
could there be three sides ? one side that just wants the " worlds" the way they are , NOVA , and Us

us? us who? but yes there could indeed be at least three sides, then again we cant be sure its not just one side eather (read 1984 if you dont understand how that would work).

Kellehendros -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:23:05)

Wow, what a great excuse, I'm pretty sure that NOVA knows what's there, all the same info in the regular encyclopedia, plus a few hypotheses, sounds dangerous. You think Maxwell doesn't know everything we know? He gave it to us.

This is no way to figure out what's going on...

PS: Does anyone know which F key (1-12) enables the word search for a page?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:24:03)

The other excuse Kell is that the people who actually figured it out want the others to figure it out and do all the work themselves. While this seems reasonable, I've arleady stated before that forcing everyone to go through the same process only makes this thing work longer then what it could be.

Ndog1 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:26:03)

the secret encyclopedia is really easy to find...

Circa Survivor -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:26:34)

why can't you tell me then ?

Seraph7676 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:26:37)


ORIGINAL: ninja117


ORIGINAL: Lord Barrius

I have been called "spy" in the past because of my MySpace connections. Well, I'll be frank with you. I have both the Seeker and NOVA in my friends list. If you decide that I cannot be trusted because I seek the truth in a way that you dislike, that is your choice. But I urge you at least this much. Read my posts carefully, and use the knowledge hidden within.

Whatever you do, band together. To divide is the work of The'Galin....

So do I, I am Andrew. If anyone also thinks I am spy so be it.


Yeah I saw your my space and you've got both.You've got me don't you and Azerkail.Now I wonder what NOVA's intentions are...

Circa Survivor -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:27:39)

their intentions are to find Hope

where has everyone gone ????

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:34:17)

im right here

Ndog1 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:34:41)


Kellehendros -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:35:19)

Bang, found it. Its in Confrontation, perhaps this is why NOVA suppressed Falerin?

Edit: His name is Galrick, it mentions something about Fair Harbor, odd.

Edited to remove excessively long quote from the official fictions. There is no mystery here the official fictions are found in the Story Writing forum at

Fulcan Ryst -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:38:34)

Hmmph... I don't care about NOVA, for the time being at least...

"Band together, power in Numbers."

I have my own agenda now...

Never mind...

Seraph7676 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:48:03)

Find hope...

Agent Redemption -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:50:05)



ORIGINAL: Circa Survivor
i don't even know where this secret encclopedia is can u please

no. i cant tell you. NOVA might hear. well thats what Lkeas said...

if thats true I have lost nearly (if not all) respect for her work, few are the acts as deplorable as the promoting of ignorance.

2 D -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 20:51:45)

where truth/lies, maxwell?

Seraph7676 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:03:19)

Don't know...

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:11:52)

The enyclopedia has already had an attack on it once. NOVA is trying to remove it. What little I've learned is very interesting. For one thing, the Devourer is already here. There is still time to stop him, but he is already here, and works using lies to keep us in the dark. Not everything in Lore is as it seems. I'm still researching, and will post more interesting tidbits I find. It is not currently known what exactly NOVA and its motives are, but hopefully that will become clearer soon.

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:12:33)

MAybe you have to break it down a bit:
First Clue:
First, take out the numbers: aHRcDovLddyiYXRbGVvbijbvaWhZ2VzL2ZsYXNoLRoZXBvcnRhbCzdY=
Second, look at the words. Take out he gibberish: acDovLddyiWhNoLRoRhbCzdY
Lol, that's all I got. Of cource it's not the answer, but notice how Rhb is their. It could mean captin rhubarb!

Kellehendros -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:13:05)

My bad, sorry falerin.

Like I said, follow the link, it talks about the Traveller. Though I still think there's a link here between the Traveller and us.

Does anyone know which F key (1-12) at the top of the keyboard enables you to search a page for a certain word? That'd make it easier to search the other stories. (On that thought, falerin, is the Traveller in any other stories?)

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:14:04)

Ctrl+F=Find word also, it's F3

Lkeas -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:14:29)


ORIGINAL: Agent Redemption

if thats true I have lost nearly (if not all) respect for her work, few are the acts as deplorable as the promoting of ignorance.

I do not promote ignorance. In fact, I fully support the search for truth, and feel the truth must be known. The truth is there for those who need it...


even if truth and lies are run by the same program it does not nessesarly mean that the information they give is on equal terms. in keeping with the programing line of thought, both a virus and a data base can be run through a computers os (which is a program that contols the computer) but one is certanly preferable.

True, I hadn't thought of that. There are many Cor Dem and nobody can be sure that all of their intentions are good. A slave may not always rebel against their master, eh? Or, as you say, one messenger may be hacked. It is still a mystery, I suppose.

By the way, I tried PMing you but it seems you have it disabled. [:)]

Circa Survivor -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:16:42)

still no more clues..... i dont think he gonna post today

p.s. Hi Llkeas

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:18:50)

i just noticed cordemi is taken off the npc list in encyclopedia.

Rimblade -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 21:22:54)

The Traveller? Well, if we know that he is master of the Seeker, we know who the Seeker is. After all, we have a lovely description of the Traveller himself, even if he is having a bit of an 'out of worlds' experiance.

One wonders if the Relic is the one sought after by the Drakel for so long...


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