Shadowrath -> RE: =MtAK= Rimblade... (And Mr. Flibble) (10/11/2006 18:09:22)
I am currently deciding who is more important...the Flibbles or Rim..hmm..decisions... I'll go with the puppet-of-a-puppet(ie.Rimblade) Do you like darkness and destruction half as much as your master? What do you think of my name?fluffy and cute,eh? Maybe Mr.Flibble's AK staus stands for All Kill!!..its a possibility.. Flibbles! How does one coemm to be as evil and domineering as you? You're overcompensating for something,are'nt you??Go on,you can tell me... Snow or Shadow? Mmmm..Flibble pie...hmm..wonder what it would taste like..lasery..mmm... I am going to lock you in a cage You need a more subserviant servant I suggest him*points up* Give me a slave of my own Ever considered having a protogee? Cuz I'm available y' could teach me how to shoot lasers from my eyes.. or you could simply shoot someone and let me watch[:D] Do you respect anyone? Will I ever be as evil as you? I'm pretty close already see,i am so evil,i dont have to show it People just know i am evil And with that,I shall leave you with my trademark Toothslayer cookies..full of the sweetest,stickiest substances known to man..and some unknown...Now,go away and leave me alone,or I'll come back with more questions... You have been warned... -SW