13th Dagger (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Flegias -> 13th Dagger (All Versions) (10/13/2006 15:43:25)

13th Dagger
This dagger once belonged to Mykel Myarz, squire to the great and terrible warrior Jaysun. It was said long ago that anyone who holds his power would be impossible to kill.
(No DA Required)

Location: Friday the 13th Invasion, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part II, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part III, The Stakeout, Friday the 13th Invasion - A Ghoulish Attack, Friday the 13th Invasion Part IV
Price: N/A
Sellback: 500 Gold

Level: 10
Damage: 26-30
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: Crit +1
Resists: Darkness +5

Rarity: 8
Item Type: Dagger
Damage Type: Pierce
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Andy8 -> RE: 13th Dagger (All Versions) (3/15/2009 12:14:08)

13th Dagger
This dagger once belonged to Mykel Myarz, squire to the great and terrible warrior Jaysun. It was said long ago that anyone who holds his power would be impossible to kill.
(No DA Required)

Location: Friday the 13th Invasion, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part II, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part III, Friday the 13th Invasion - A Ghoulish Attack, Friday the 13th Invasion Part IV
Price: N/A
Sellback: 800 Gold

Level: 27
Damage: 42-52
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: Crit +4
Resists: Darkness +5

Rarity: 8
Item Type: Dagger
Damage Type: Pierce
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Jay -> RE: 13th Dagger (All Versions) (3/20/2010 20:56:26)


Also See: Butcher's Knife, Unlucky 13th Dagger (I-VIII)

Thanks to
  • alphasmart, DK123456789, gastria, java842, Slayer Zach, and Stephen Nix for information.
  • Peachii for corrections.

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