Suikoman444 -> Sea Squirt (11/14/2006 22:03:45)
Sea Squirt Also see other Sea Squirts: Sea Splash, Stout, Tough, Spirited, Strong, Stalwart, Spunky, and Sea Fiend Jr. Level: 25 Power Level: 25 CHA Level: 25 Price: 37 Gold Sellback: 19 Gold Location: The Sea Fiend and Crusty Joe's Fish Shop Element: Water Damage: 6 - 11 BTH: +6 Stats: 199% Training Difficulty: -66 ATTACK #1 Hits: 1 Element: Water Type: Melee Damage: 66.667% Base, Random, and listed Stats BTH: +5 Rate: 50% Effect: Attack 1 deals *85/90 damage. (Not factored in.) ATTACK #2 Hits: 1 Element: Water Type: Ranged Damage: 133.33% Base, Random, and listed Stats BTH: +0 Rate: 50% DESCRIPTION A Sea Squirt is a young version of the Sea Fiend, a massively powerful monster of the ocean depths. [img][/img] Numbers thanks to In Media Res.