Fire Gem (Full Version)

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AngeL AzraeL -> Fire Gem (11/17/2006 15:19:08)

[image][/image]Fire Gem
This precious gem is actually fossilized magical fire. Return these gems to the Defender Shop with a few Defender Medals to exchange for a rare holiday fire weapon.
(DA Required)

Location: The Cave of Glaisaurus, The Frost Cave
Price: N/A
Sellback: 20 Gold

Level: 0
Max Stacksize: 30

Combine 5 with 5 Defender’s Medal to form Fireslice
Combine 10 with 10 Defender’s Medal to form Mighty Fireslice
Combine 15 with 10 Defender’s Medal to form Grand Fireslice

Combine 5 with 5 Defender’s Medal to form Flameguide
Combine 10 with 10 Defender’s Medal to form Mighty Flameguide
Combine 15 with 10 Defender’s Medal to form Grand Flameguide

Combine 5 with 5 Defender’s Medal to form Wrath of Flame
Combine 10 with 10 Defender’s Medal to form Mighty Wrath of Flame
Combine 15 with 10 Defender’s Medal to form Grand Wrath of Flame

Rarity: 7
Item Type: Resource

Thanks to
-- avoideverything for max stacksize.
-- Pink_Star for a location link.
-- Stephen Nix for DA Required.
-- SalvationXI for corrections.
-- Slayer Zach for correction.

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