RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (Full Version)

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.I_Period -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 9:11:08)


what's your favorite way to die(other people)
Wow... strangest question... well... the fastest way possible.

Cats PWN Dogs right?
No, I do prefer cats as pets though.

favorite AQ weapon?
Maybe Dreaded Staff of Nihilus

If I was a cookie would you eat me?
No, I'm not a fan of kung fu cookies :P.

your favorite of the following

vampire werewolf
Werewolf on AQ, Vampire on the rest.

Me or a cookie
You, though it could be cookies if it was lots of them :P

painting or drawing
If in a paper, drawing. I hate to paint.

paladin>Ninja>pirate or Pirate>Paladin>Ninja
Ninja>Paladin>Pirate :P

ok um, can you think of any more stupid questions for the next arch knight?
No, you will have to think of them by yourself.

ok thanks, Bye

Bramble -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 11:17:43)

Yay, you called me a very cool person :P
I don't like to lie :P

Great Job on the Akness/ship xD
Thanks =D

Your nick's Ciberon everywhere, everywhere but here, why VampireHSS here?
Because I never wanted to change it.

Umm, who's your favourite artist ever?
Not sure.

What's your favourite genre of music and band?
I listen to most types of music. Band... hum... none.




oh ya btw Mr.Salesman was wrong, Salut is "hello" in french lol

ok Me go now Bai!

Blind -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 11:19:04)

hi :|
Hi... what an enthusiasm, huh?

Taco or cookie?


Fo sho?!

no wai :|

Crumpets or penguins
Blind. :P

What are your special super powers :)
Edit lock, unlock, pin, unpin, delete and poke the gecko.

If you could have one thing RIGHT NOW what woudl it be (say the first thing you think of)
Lots of money.



wind_luver -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 17:11:14)

Hey Cibbie ^_^(Mister Food ;-) <3
I can't believe it's you... O.o

Jeevus you've had a lot of random questions.

Should I ask you some more? or some semi-serious ones...
I'd say serious but it is really up to you.

Well I'm not going to guess waht your going to say, about 4 other people have tried that, and only one got it right, so I'm just gonna say that I'm not in the mood for random questions so... here we go! ^-^

1. Do you actually mind me calling you Mister Food or other variations?
Not on the IRC, here, kind of.

2. Did i ever actually explain the origin of that? Latin and what-not.. heh
Yes, the first time you called me that.

3. What languages do you speak? (apart from English)
Portuguese and a very little bit of French, since I learn it in school.

4. Whats your favourite genre of book? when you do read that is...
I never read books, I get bored reading. Some say I haven't found the right book.

5. Whats your favourite genre of movie?

6. Got a favourite actor? Why?
Tom Hanks, dunno why.

7. Whose your idol? Why?
No idol :P

8. If you could be doing anything at this time, what would you be doing?
Learning 3D or serious programming.

9. If you could speak to one person, any person in the world, to tell them your opinion of their actions (they could be dead) who?
One of my uncles, who died with 17.

10. Whats your favourite period in history?

11. If your favourite colour is dark blue, why do you mod in light blue?
Stolen it from Jecht.

12. Whats your favourite animal? Not pet, animal.
Something on the catish family.

13. Are you supistitous? (note, that this was asked on question 13 ^_^)
Nope, even with most of people around me being.

14. Ok, thats enough from me now ^_^

15 <3
16. ~Ari

Memorex -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 19:50:27)




oh and never did congradulate you. so congratz lol
Thanks. <3


Loki -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 20:08:50)

How much wood WOULD you chuck? o.O
Only the required ammount.


See ya round!
See ya!

[AD].Blade -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 22:55:51)

<} (its an acorn <3's suck)

wut do you like better ripple filter or glass filter?
depends on the situation

gradient map or photo filter
I combine both

do you like chicken?
Only on launch or dinner

if yes then, WOOOHOOOOOOOT!!!

if no then :( you dont earn my affection this dating site sucks..... JK ^>^
You seem to be in the wrong place :P


Tkill93 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/21/2006 16:30:26)


Favorite video game?
Guilty Gear X2, Guilty Gear Isuka, Diablo II, Warcraft 3, Starcraft

Favorite online game?

Favorite tv show?
I only watch the news on tv :P

Least favorite tv show?

Favorite singer/band?
Not sure.

Rock or rap?
Both are cool, in it's way. However, rap has too much "comercial-style" songs.

Metal or rock?
Both cool.

Country or rap?

Have you ever eaten poutine?

If so, wasnt it awsome [8D]

Why do you make sigs?
Because I like

Did you ever think of quitting for good?
Yep, more than onec

Why didnt you quit?
My love for it didn't let me.

Do you have a computer? >.>
lol. I own my own computer, bought with my own money I saved. It's a laptop.

Least favorite color?

Is pink pimpin?
Untill it gets overused...

Is Hope emo?

Do you enjoy being an ak?
Yep, it is really cool to feel helpfull.

Is the world really round?
Not exactly, but near.

Is gaming the true meaning of life?

Christmas or your birthday?
Hard one... maybe christmas, because it is the only time I get to gather at least 4 people of my family together.

Cows or horses?

Birds or fish?
Birds are more cute, fish is good to eat.

see ya =D

scout commander -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/22/2006 19:42:56)




Well its Meh.

How are you.

Hows your job.
Going nice

On noes another AK.

These are awsome.

Well have you seen meh befor?
I think so.

What do you do.
Locking, moving, helping new members and getting tuts for the Gallery Q&A. Most of it was around this.

Have fun?


~Scout commander

GirliePanda -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/22/2006 19:59:17)

HI!!!! *waves very enthusiasticaly*

*blinks eyes* Lets see...what is the most stupidest question I can asketh thou....

Do you like pie or cheese?
Depends on the pie.

Do you think Longhorns>You?

Do you like to play AQ?
Of course, that's what brought me here originally.

Do you prefer a kitten or 1/2 inch of peanut butter and 3 inches of grape jelly on wheat?


Ssssoooo, anyhoo.

I'll leave now.





HA!!! You really thought I left didn't you!!!
Not really, since I looked at the scroll bar.

Anyway, I'm not ready to go just yet....I have more evil questions to ask you...

Have you played Frostval yet?

How do you feel about answering questions?
Sometimes cool, sometimes boring.

I really like pandas!! Do you?
Kind of

Bye now!!

Peace out!

Hang loose!



Midnight Sapphire -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/22/2006 20:20:14)

Hi, and welcome to the forums.

I just have a few things to say.....


I bet you think I'm really weird now.
"Wierd" is not the correct word, "random" is.

That's okay if you do. Everyone does.

Do you think I should go to college here in California or go somewhere else?
I'm not american.

^You don't have to answer that one if you don't want to....

Bye now!!

Simply Chris -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/22/2006 22:22:51)

Do you speak French?
Kind of.
Sure you do.
Here, let's play just a little bit.
Parle-vous Francais?
A petit *ahem*... forgot how to write the word. <- o.O For shame! 'Oui, je parle francais est (?) petit!' ... my French teacher would have given you an 'F' for not using complete sentences. :]
Tres bon.
Bonjour, Monsieur Vampire!
J'emapelle Chris. Quel est votre nom?
J'm apelle VampireHSS :P
C'est un nom très gentil!
Vous avez quatorze ans, oui?
quatorze ans.
C'est ennuyant, n'est-ce pas ?
Hum... meh...
Oui, je sais que mon Français est mauvais..
Lyrique français!:
Parole, hé ! Entendez le bruit de la pluie en chute descendant comme une flamme d'Armageddon (hé !) La honte celle qui est morte sans nom Entendez les chiens hurler hors de la clef à une hymne appelée "foi et la misère" (hé !) Et saignez, la compagnie a perdu la guerre aujourd'hui Je prie de rêver et différer des mensonges de cavité c'est naître du reste de nos vies en vacances Entendez que le broyage de tambour hors du temps un autre protestataire a croisé la ligne (hé !) Pour trouver, l'argent de l'autre côté Est-ce que je peux obtenir des autres amen ? (amen !) Il y a un drapeau enroulé autour d'une vingtaine des hommes (hé !) Un bâillon, un sachet en plastique sur un monument Je prie de rêver et différer des mensonges de cavité c'est naître du reste de nos vies en vacances (hé !) (parole, hé !) (3,4) "le représentant de la Californie a le plancher" Sieg Heil aux bombes du Président gasman loin est votre punition pulvérisent les tours d'Eiffel qui critiquent votre coup de coup de gouvernement vont le verre cassé et tuent tous les pédés qui ne conviennent pas des épreuves par le feu, mettant le feu ne sont pas une manière dont est signifié pour moi cause juste, cause juste, parce que nous sommes proscrit ouais ! Je prie de rêver et différer des mensonges de cavité c'est naître du reste de nos vies où je prie de rêver et différer des mensonges de cavité c'est naître du reste de nos vies C'est nos vies en vacances

Can you tell what song that is?
No way
I know my translation is horrible, shush. =[
Bien, je suis fait. De nouveau à l'anglais.

Well.. wasn't that fun?
Kind of, lol.
I hope you aren't mad at me. :[
Of course not.
I'll cry if you are.
You aren't?



Alright, see ya'.
See ya.

CaMoFlage 1334 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/22/2006 23:10:17)

1334 (Leea)

know me?

favorite word?

why are you an Archknight? Why not a Knightarch
Can't change it :P

*Imagines what it that would look like*

*Imagines how i came up with the name*

im cool... are you cool?
Cool is something for other people to think of you and not you to think of yourself.

ready for more questions?
Do I have a choise?

want a cookie?

like Halo2?
Never played, played Halo though.

use your AK-Powers and delete this word please..... ---> Just did... <---

so how many more questions do you think you can answer?
How many this post has...

fav song?

if you could be any part of an airplane, what part would you be?

yknow Busta rhymes?
Yeah, he made a music called "I love my chic"

he has a son, know that?
Now I do.

i know him


you a member of JTRCorp?
Nope, but I guess that is leaded by a member called JTR.




nolraitru -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/22/2006 23:12:35)

More questions :)

Do you like my new title?
Yeah, how you got that? You gotta teach me the secret, lol.

I like it, so doesn't really matter, does it?
Depends if you think that or not.

<3 your opinion anyway

Make me a gift, and I make you one k? (After I catch up on gifts first ;_;)
I'll think about it.


Bye, <3

GirliePanda -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 1:23:23)

Hi!!! *waves hand a little too enthusiastically this time. her hand pops off*

Ooops! Sorry! Here, let me get you some ice for that bump on your head.
There's no bump, no worries.

I have more dumb questions!!

Are you exited?

You better be! The panda will eat you if you're not!!
I have two big legs, which I can use to run away from you or to kick.

Sooo, do you agree with the following things?
No, not at all.

Not sure.

Aggies>every other football team<Longhorns.

I don't have anymore questions at the moment. I'm sure you're sad about that.
Not really, since I have a strange feeling you will come back.

Blue Moon -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 2:01:32)


You are supposed to know :P

whats the stupidest quesstion youve answered yet?
Not sure, a lot are on my list.

whats it like being an ak?
Cool feeling.

any advice on becoming an ak?
AKs are only hiring when required.

ty for your time, peace!

Grafh -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 9:27:05)

I should say something. :P
Yeah, it's about time :P

I'm slow and a bum, you'll learn that quick.

How you doing?

No one bothering you yet?
Kind of.

Except for this thread, I remember mine *shudders*.

I still need to do my "Meet the mod".

See I'm a bum.

You should join my shop.
I'm counting on it.

I just advertised.
You advertised something inside the forums, so that's not a problem.

I should leave before I break any other rules.

Thanks for your help as an AK.
I feel glad to help.


GirliePanda -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 15:08:13)

You know, you were right! I am back!! Imagine that!

So, how's life right now in this second?
Just tried out a volleyball training, and it is very bad, since I'm not tired at all. I could do that 1 hour and a half again. So... let's say I'm bored.

You've said that you are not an american. What country do you live in? What's it like there? Do you like living there?
I live on a very small island, with 15 000 people, called Faial, which belongs to an Archipelago called Azores, which belongs to Portugal, that's an European Country. It's pretty cool to live here. It's a relaxed place, both city and green places.

What is your life's goal?
To become a sucessfull webmaster, a professional Handball Player or to run a sucessfull buisness.

What is your favorite sport?

What do you do in your spare time?
I practise Handball, I'm with my friends and I'm here with the AE Community.

Do you like serious questions or random questions better?

I need to go now. I may or may not be back....but I'm leaning more towards coming back....meh...
Lol, ok.


Xarymandias -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 15:12:57)

OMG! A bird!
It's beautifull, isn't it?

Oh, hi Vamp. Congrats.. er. Sure, don't tell me on msn, wait a whole week for me to figure it out. Grr.
Lol. XD

Just for that, I'm forgetting your birthday. Yup, my dog sure will appreciate this Nintendo Wii.
You never knew my birthday :P

Have fun with the otherworldly power of editing posts :)


zargor the dragon -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 16:13:03)

Hello, would you mind answering these questions?
I do.

What is your favourite thing in life?

Am I annoying?
Am I annoying?
Yes, very.
Am I annoying?
Yes, very annoying.
Am I annoying?
No, not very annoying
Am I annoying?
No, not annoying at all.
Am I annoying?
No, not annoying at all and pointless.
Am I annoying?
No, not annoying at all, pointless and a spammer
Am I annoying?
No, not annoying at all, pointless, spammer and you broke a rule by spamming. So... since I have the power to edit posts, I just remove your other 9 "Am I annoying?" questions. Oops...Sorry.

see ya 'round

JTR5353 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 16:14:43)


ORIGINAL: CaMoFlage 1334

you a member of JTRCorp?
Nope, but I guess that is leaded by a member called JTR.

You called?
Not really, but glad you came.

This calls for a secsy party!

Which brings up an important question: Secsy or sexy?

Stupidins or Chickenmancers?
Chikenmancers, Stupidins ftl. I get tired of them.

Are AK's really locked up in dungeons with only a computerand a wet sponge, watching in horror as SMBdoll whips them into submission every milisecond they're not locking threads?
Nope, that are rumors.

If not, wouldn't it be cool?
I refuse to answer.

Zeeky Boogy Doog! *a'splodes*
*Gathers pieces and remakes JTR with glue*
There you go, see you later.

EDIT: Fixed my own quote. Huzzah! I've been edit'd!

DwD -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/23/2006 20:21:21)

HSS, When did this happen. Why? XD
Not long ago. It happened because it had to happen, lmao.

Uchiha Sasuke -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/24/2006 11:52:16)

Wow you get some weird questions on here, haha.

Congrats all the same though.

Theshowstopper -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/24/2006 17:12:04)

Hey, congratz on the erm...AK ^_^

How is it?
It is nice, not to mention the lot of calm required.

Why the color blue?
I didn't knew what colour to choose, so I took this one from Jecht, who is no longer an AK.

Lol, yea, funny questions =P

Good luck, and have fun XD
You too.

_Depression -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/25/2006 12:36:23)

hey Ci
hey Wind

Why don't you post in my gallery?
I don't post much on galleries.

:::WHICH IS HARDER (the game):::

1. Eating or Talking?

2. Walking or Video Games?
Depends on the video game

3. School or Cooking?

4. Poker or 411?
Dunno what 411 is.

:::Join us again next time on WHICH IS HARDER:::

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