RE: =AK= New AK! (Full Version)

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Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:11:34)

Weee: Excellent, I have my first minion!

tip: I live one hour behind AQ serves, Pix lives like 5 hours ahead. I'll be on a lot, but don't always count on me. I'm not always the best person to rely on sometimes [8D]

Anyway, expect me on a lot. Further questions will go to the soon "Ask a AK" thread that will be up tommorow (I hope).

tiptopjoe -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:12:16)

lol ok *bows*

Nabsol -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:12:45)

Are you really going to accept games?Now 80% of the UCaG's are Sarah_Renee Locked.

tiptopjoe -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:13:23)

wait that means that Pix lives in the UK i didn't know that
go uk lol

Pix -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:15:31)

May I interject with a complimentary;
"=) UK FTW!"
...that is all.

weee -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:16:12)

bows you are my boss i shall do as you say darky you are powerful and all knowing of my past or are you but anyway welcome to ak lvl of being v.i.p. and can you edit others posts

tiptopjoe -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:16:47)

whats FTW mean?

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:17:59)

Pix: Yes. UK > a lot.

Nabsol: I locked a few to ya know. I'm pending a few, I'm unsure if it will be RP or RPG or choose your own adventure type thing (A, B, C, D type choice thing). If you state it in the text you might join some will join my pending group :P

Nabsol -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:47:06)

Look,there are no new games,its Saturday,and im bored to da max.

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:49:10)

This is my editing color, for the record.

And what game do you suggest should get approved then? I'm all ears to a game. I approved one to some time ago.

Pix's friendly advice: Darkflame, please don't do this. It encourages people to beg and whine.
It does? Oh, right, people don't think smart sometimes. And man, I forgot to put I read through all the games at this current moment[8D]

Nabsol -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:54:51)

My Avatar The Last Airbender game.

See, I don't take kindly for people asking me to approve their games. Somebody elses is a diffrent story (even though my answer will just be a "meh" and I leave it at that), but still the same. If your game is good, it gets approved, end of story.

Sarah_Renee -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:01:44)

Do not ask for games to be approved. Read the rules people.

I fixed that rule. Now you can't Pm us or post asking about it. Old rule was just for PMs.

BlackPhoenix666 -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:07:04)

WOOH lucky DarkFlame. i want to be AK but then again i may be on a LOT but i am a little lazy... oh well not like any one would like me as AK anyway *sniffles* i don't have many friends on the forums though i play around a lot. (if you are my friend and i am unaware then... woot! i have a friend XD. is it boredom that is making me post or is it really that i want to congragulate him? O.o you'll never know)

*pssst* any status on the chance of RPs comign back to UGaC?

No this is a Board for Games and contest not RPs

Corruption_Vash -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:08:55)

Phoenix, I think when they say "No RP's in the UGaC, thats what the RP board is for," I think they mean it.

BlackPhoenix666 -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:11:48)

ya but non AQ related rps don't make it through do they? plus you have ot be ACCEPTED into rp boards, i liked it here because for some reason i haven't been accepted into the rp boards. it is'nt fair! [:(] i made my own board on acebaords because i couldn't play rps here anymore

Stop Whining . Who said Life was fair. I will not say this again. RPs do not belong in this board. Whining about it will not change it but may get you a vacation.

sorry. *mutters darkly*

Mobuis -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:13:55)

Never been to the UCaG in about a year, but I saw this so I wanted to say congrats.

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:14:48)

C.V. gets a point for pointing that out. What does the point go to? My own bank [8D]

You can whin and beg, but its Sarah_renee's choice, not ours (Pix and me). Her word beats ours.

If you have a issue with it, take it up on the forum issues place.

Corruption_Vash -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:17:48)

Didn't get accepted, eh? Hmmmm... maybe you should read the entire new set of rules over again. ;P

Nennski -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:23:55)

friends on here lets see if i have anything close to one its darkflame and im not sure with that one but i join his supporters as well to Flame

Batosai of the Night -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:26:26)

Way to go, friend. Good luck.

weee -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:27:23)

i wish you more luck on the forums as you grow more powerful

Nennski -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:28:56)

hey i was nice to darkflame before two

and sarah i think you just got lord a, anoril, and the whole lot of cyseros defenders mad at you
They can get glad in the same britches. Other than that it does not phase me one bit. Don't like the rules then tough.

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:31:15)

Maybe becuase I was just like them untill today weee? I understand the situation there in, sort of o_o

Well, it gets better when my Meet the AK comes! [8D]

Soon, all of you will be my minions...
...I hope nobody sees that...


Nabsol -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:32:41)

Isee that.
-puts a contract in front of him-
Igf you sign this,you get me has a minion.And you get a free ebil pin.

Corruption_Vash -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 19:32:57)

Wow, you guys actually made Sarah come up with more rules! Thats good for 2 cookies!

No one made me do anything . Except people who can't follw the rules in the first place.

Edit:Isn't it just the most terrifying thing when a mod edits your posts? O_O

No its more terrifying when you make the mod mad .

Super Edit:It's really frightening when you edit my posts...

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