RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (Full Version)

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Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/10/2007 14:40:47)

until the orbs get fixed(they will remove the no turn activation,i heard) i would think the orbs would be much better

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/10/2007 17:48:28)

The Spell Gift Boxes seem very good....



Hmm quite a fascinating spell. Since it appears that no one has done a full work comparison, I will do one now. Hybrid stats will be used as follows: Lvl 80: 115 STR/DEX/INT, Lvl 100: 150 STR/DEX/INT, and Lvl 130: 200 STR/DEX/INT. I will do these at 45 MOB, 65 MOB, and 85 MOB.

Lvl 80:

45 MOB:
183.683 Earth Fury
183.683 Illuminate Ultra
183.683 MegaShock
183.683 MegaInferno
179.020 Ice Nine
176.000 Gift Box
169.386 Brilhado Feathers
167.516 Frost Elf Attack
167.516 SuperNova
164.129 Darksplatter
156.674 Ninjat Attack
143.406 12th Day of Frostvale
147.000 Riiiptide
119.856 11th Day of Frostvale
122.535 8th Day of Frostvale
115.485 9th Day of Frostvale
100.911 7th Day of Frostvale
107.554 Ice Needles
95.000 Jack Frost in the Box
88.000 Fire Ball Z

65 MOB:
149.862 Gift Box
147.000 Riiiptide
145.663 Earth Fury
145.663 Illuminate Ultra
145.663 MegaShock
145.663 MegaInferno
142.486 Ice Nine
136.327 Frost Elf Attack
136.327 SuperNova
133.832 Darksplatter
132.158 Brilhado Feathers
120.238 Ninjat Attack
103.010 12th Day of Frostvale
95.604 8th Day of Frostvale
86.094 11th Day of Frostvale
86.970 9th Day of Frostvale
78.733 7th Day of Frostvale
80.892 Jack Frost in the Box
70.574 Fire Ball Z
59.837 Meteors

85 MOB:
117.891 Riiiptide
115.011 Gift Box
107.643 Earth Fury
107.643 Illuminate Ultra
107.643 MegaShock
107.643 MegaInferno
105.951 Ice Nine
105.139 Frost Elf Attack
105.139 SuperNova
103.535 Darksplatter
94.931 Brilhado Feathers
83.803 Ninjat Attack
68.673 8th Day of Frostvale
62.614 12th Day of Frostvale
58.455 9th Day of Frostvale
56.554 7th Day of Frostvale
52.332 11th Day of Frostvale
62.080 Jack Frost in the Box
53.148 Fire Ball Z
36.371 Meteors

Lvl 100:

45 MOB:
207.000 Ice Nine
202.595 Earth Fury
202.595 Illuminate Ultra
202.595 MegaShock
202.595 MegaInferno
197.704 Brilhado Feathers
196.000 Gift Box
195.856 Frost Elf Attack
195.856 SuperNova
192.247 Darksplatter
176.080 12th Day of Frostvale
183.802 Ninjat Attack
162.000 Riiiptide
148.991 11th Day of Frostvale
148.278 8th Day of Frostvale
141.773 9th Day of Frostvale
123.090 7th Day of Frostvale
108.000 Fire Ball Z
107.500 Jack Frost in the Box
94.812 Meteors

65 MOB:
176.594 Gift Box
170.108 Ice Nine
167.447 Earth Fury
167.447 Illuminate Ultra
167.447 MegaShock
167.447 MegaInferno
162.000 Riiiptide
160.213 Frost Elf Attack
160.213 SuperNova
157.495 Darksplatter
156.516 Brilhado Feathers
143.406 Ninjat Attack
129.744 12th Day of Frostvale
117.387 8th Day of Frostvale
109.783 11th Day of Frostvale
108.803 9th Day of Frostvale
97.446 7th Day of Frostvale
96.856 Jack Frost in the Box
91.961 Fire Ball Z
69.862 Meteors

85 MOB:
137.941 Riiiptide
137.782 Gift Box
129.118 Ice Nine
126.456 Earth Fury
126.456 Illuminate Ultra
126.456 MegaShock
126.456 MegaInferno
124.569 Frost Elf Attack
124.569 SuperNova
122.742 Darksplatter
115.328 Brilhado Feathers
103.010 Ninjat Attack
83.407 12th Day of Frostvale
86.496 8th Day of Frostvale
75.832 9th Day of Frostvale
70.575 11th Day of Frostvale
71.803 7th Day of Frostvale
75.569 Jack Frost in the Box
70.575 Fire Ball Z
44.911 Meteors

Lvl 130:

45 MOB:
234.000 Ice Nine
232.808 Frost Elf Attack
232.808 SuperNova
232.000 Brilhado Feathers
219.208 12th Day of Frostvale
228.931 Darksplatter
225.000 Earth Fury
225.000 Illuminate Ultra
225.000 MegaShock
225.000 MegaInferno
220.000 Gift Box
218.971 Ninjat Attack
187.544 11th Day of Frostvale
180.000 8th Day of Frostvale
176.257 9th Day of Frostvale
180.000 Riiiptide
150.500 7th Day of Frostvale
132.000 Fire Ball Z
122.500 Jack Frost in the Box
109.604 Meteors

65 MOB:
211.288 Gift Box
206.198 Ice Nine
195.544 Earth Fury
195.544 Illuminate Ultra
195.544 MegaShock
195.544 MegaInferno
191.818 Frost Elf Attack
191.818 SuperNova
188.832 Darksplatter
188.356 Brilhado Feathers
180.000 Riiiptide
165.742 12th Day of Frostvale
173.823 Ninjat Attack
146.138 8th Day of Frostvale
141.802 11th Day of Frostvale
137.940 9th Day of Frostvale
122.188 7th Day of Frostvale
120.237 Fire Ball Z
117.649 Jack Frost in the Box
82.871 Meteors

85 MOB:
167.724 Gift Box
163.960 Riiiptide
159.862 Ice Nine
150.990 Earth Fury
150.990 Illuminate Ultra
150.990 MegaShock
150.990 MegaInferno
150.827 Frost Elf Attack
150.827 SuperNova
148.733 Darksplatter
142.416 Brilhado Feathers
128.674 Ninjat Attack
112.277 12th Day of Frostvale
110.495 8th Day of Frostvale
99.623 9th Day of Frostvale
96.059 11th Day of Frostvale
92.386 7th Day of Frostvale
94.099 Fire Ball Z
93.392 Jack Frost in the Box
56.138 Meteors

It is an interesting spell.... As Izon said in EC. I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/10/2007 18:30:42)

indeed, too bad its going away...

to macer


are you sure?whatever, maybe i can help you edit it some bit, im abiot bored right now...nobodys posting in my sig shop in the pfs and all

Seedling -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/11/2007 19:15:11)

Swordfish! Its a good water weapon if you can't afford Poise

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/11/2007 19:26:00)

Also, please add Drakaxe. It is the greatest wind weapon for mages.

Seedling -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/11/2007 20:57:04)

Fishtank:Horn of Pwny is better.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/11/2007 22:52:58)

seedling, true...but its rare

also swordfish falls behind abit
Nemesis Plate:


113.275 Poise
105.595 Bloodsail Axe
100.825 Captain's Hook
100.578 Ultimate Trench Axe
100.284 Ultimate Destroyer (86)
100.250 Salvation Scepter (82)
100.098 Swordfish (Triggered)
100.025 Porthole Slasher
99.386 Aqvarius (130)
95.568 Swordfish

Bloodsail is much better until it gets rared

macer -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/11/2007 23:35:41)

Swordfish has good damage, but Horrid BTH, which in my mind makes it a lower choice on the list of water weapons.

Seedling -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 8:29:35)

Agent:Hmm, Swordfish is better than Aqvarius, because it says Aqvarius(130), and not many Nauticans are Level 130.

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 11:14:19)


ORIGINAL: Seedling

Fishtank:Horn of Pwny is better.

Let me reprase myself, the best non-rare wind weapon for mages.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 14:56:52)

true, but i was talking about Captain's hook or bloodsial axe, both non rare at the moment

Fishtank -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 15:04:57)

Captain's Hook is rare. Unless it was moved to another skop somewhere, but I think that was just those double element pets.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 15:20:27)

no its not, its on deren, on teh pirate vs ninja war

edit:confirmed, its on the devourer option, first button

Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 21:10:38)

Wow, I'm not used to this much activity. It seems I've forgotten to add a few weapons still... I'll add the Drakaxe, and I think I might still need to add Sila's Staff. (Both are very good weapons.)

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/12/2007 21:39:32)

I wouldn't reccomend the weps from the first part of the war.

They always get beter as the war goes on though.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/13/2007 0:10:18)

I agree, hydro, im not going to purchese them, however the highest level candy cane seems quite worthy, only one point of damage off of brihalldo blade(82), quite a good weopen since its possible brihalldo balde might get a nerf

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/13/2007 0:26:06)

Yes, you are right, I ment in general, that weapon only is useful to a select group of high level wariors.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/13/2007 0:43:19)

and hybrids...don't forget about us hybrids!

Capn Nautilus -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/14/2007 10:20:40)

theres not much in store for mages for cheap water and wind weapons

J_bn -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/19/2007 13:45:45)

The level 80 Jingle bell weapon is fairly nice. I bought it to replace my salvation scepter as a wind weapon.

The special has an annoying 20% rate, but it has decent damage and 40 BTH, which is useful. IMO, good for mages who don't have tokens for DFSZ or Arcane ancestor axe. It has 2 more BTH than Mistral Ravager, and 1 more base damage. The special, while at the same rate, does more damage and with over twice the BTH of Mistral Ravager.

Capn Nautilus -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/20/2007 11:04:07)

well i guess that is a plus

macer -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/21/2007 0:05:37)

I dislike the Jingle bells, the damage is just not good enough In my opinion, for a level 80 or 60 weapon (for the level 80 and 60 versions respectively) because the Drakaxe and the Exterminator are far better, and only 5 levels higher then the highest level Jingle bells.

and I finally did a bit of redo work on my part of the guide, will try to do a bit more in a bit.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/21/2007 0:23:55)

a few things macer,

The guatlet, ring, and ....the other thing arn't z tokens, there gold misc also i think you should add warriars edge,its the only misc i might ever use and it is essential to beating Kel Al

Capn Nautilus -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/21/2007 10:51:13)

oh for energy i forgot a good 1 that serb seems to love the thunder rod.

Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (12/21/2007 14:53:31)

also add the brihaldo blade(level85) energy melee onto the guide, its the strongest currently, for stepping stone weopen to the ubers and spirit katana

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