General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (Full Version)

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Eternal Chaos -> General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/19/2006 13:58:24)

(Sumbit, please! [:D] It's fun seeing all your awesome work.)

This thread is for the submission of any digital media relating to Paxia in general only as well as resources. You will post links only unless they are thumbnail pictures. Also, any picture(s) posted in this thread can be used by anyone on the forums. Do not rip off the artwork of others. If you are found ripping off anyone's artwork you can be permanently banned from the forums (you may use the artwork, but may not claim it as your own in any way whatsoever.) Entries ordered by Media Category > Artist.

I will be a little tolerant and allow slight discussion, but remember that one word posts like "Cool" are going to be deleted.

Note: *This is for the new clans, not the current ones!* Signatures must be under 51,200 bytes (50 KB) and be within 500 x 100 pixels. Avatars must be under 10,000 bytes (not 10KB), must be a .jpg or .gif and not over 95 x 95 pixels. If your submission does not follow the limits, it will not be added.

Please read the Detailed Signature Guide if you haven't already.

Anything solely for one clan (i.e. Nautica Signatures) belong in their respective sub-forums. This thread is for submissions that don't totally just belong to a single clan. If it's a resources (renders, for example) they can be submitted here as well.


[img][/img] [img][/img]


Igneox - ellopez159
Glacius - ellopez159
Lucius - ellopez159
Nocturu - ellopez159

Eternal Balance (1024 x 768)
Life, Computer, and Balance! (800 x 600)
Paxia - Prankman Hifly
Paxia Clans

Igneus Clan Unity - Jonasor
Geoto Clan Unity - Jonasor
Aerodu Clan Unity - Jonasor
Clan Unity - Badger Boy
Clan Unity Award - necrometal
Trail by Combustion - Psycopath

Clan Unity - .Discipline


Post away! [8D]

Mystic Endevor -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/19/2006 15:28:06)

Err, I have some sigs for clan unity, are those allowed? Of course, I didn't create them, but I will ask if I can post the here first, just want to make sure I can.

Sure, "Clan Unity" stuff is fine. Make sure to get the original owner's permission though, and I'll add them.

Mobuis -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/19/2006 17:11:43)

800x600 wallpaper by me xD,

Made with GIMP, the background Bliss form windows XP, and paxus/AQ-advert cutouts.

(still <3 that avvy <_<)

Mystic Endevor -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/20/2006 13:18:02)

Jonasor gave me permission to post his sigs for clan unity. He's so nice. Lol, he did it through PM.

Unaligned Clan Unity Sig

Nocturu Clan Unity Sig

Igneus Clan Unity Sig

Nautica Clan Unity Sig

Geoto Clan Unity Sig

Aerodu Clan Unity Sig

Dynami Clan Unity Sig

Lucius Clan Unity Sig

Glacius Clan Unity Sig

This just in: Guardian Valor's Clan Unity Sig

And Badger Boy makes three. Thanks Eternal.

.Discipline -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/20/2006 14:42:50)

[image][/image] CLAN UNITY AVATAR

Mistermafio -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/20/2006 14:50:52)

I made an sig for clan unity
(don't think to much of it)

Badger Boy -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (12/20/2006 21:00:34)

Clan Unity Sig <~~ I'll make more soon.

AND 1 -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (1/6/2007 15:45:48)

BB, can I use that sig?

necrometal -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (1/15/2007 15:48:31)


award for the ClanUnity supporters

J_bn -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (1/16/2007 9:04:08) - By J_bn - By Psyco. J_bn's used as a stock.

forgot to submit these. I made the 1st one, and then Psycopath made the second one. both are from the trial by combustion thread.

Prankman Hifly -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (1/20/2007 15:27:27)

The newest Paxia wallpaper Click me

mturf -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (1/23/2007 19:43:42)

here's the original jpg for the Paxia pic on the map:
it apparently makes a good wallpaper ^-^

Badger Boy -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (4/8/2007 19:27:15)


ORIGINAL: arindeardorff

BB, can I use that sig?

Of course, that's why I made it.

Phantasmia -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (5/20/2007 18:42:45)


Z -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (7/11/2007 2:14:37)

Updated. ^_^

Mystic Endevor -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (7/25/2007 17:09:06)

I would just like to state that all of those sigs up there with my name on them, I did not create. Jonasor did. I don't want to take credit for his(?) work.

Z -> RE: General Paxian Media / Resources Gallery (8/1/2007 23:43:44)


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