8th Day of Frostval (Full Version)

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Eternal Chaos -> 8th Day of Frostval (12/20/2006 14:25:20)

8th Day of Frostval

Level: 70
Price: 1 700 5,235
Sellback: 850 2,617
Location: Warlic's Expert
Element: Neutral

Hits: 8
Type: Magic
Element: Fire, Ice, Light, Energy, Water, Earth, Wind, Darkness
Damage: 9-26 per hit
Stat Damage: 110% per hit
BTH: 17% each
MP Cost: 257

On the 8th day of Frostval, my true love gave to me... 8 mages a-casting!


Element from .*..*..*..

Reyn Roadstorm -> RE: 8th Day of Frostval (7/6/2008 23:46:40)

8th Day of Frostval

Level: 70
Price: 1 700
Sellback: 850
Location: Warlic's Expert
Element: Neutral

Hits: 8
Type: Magic
Element: Fire, Ice, Light, Energy, Water, Earth, Wind, Darkness
Damage: 5-15 each
BTH: 20% each
Cost: 130 MP

On the 8th day of Frostval, my true love gave to me... 8 mages a-casting!


Element from .*..*..*..

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