Haunted House (Full Version)

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Lord Darkovia -> Haunted House (1/5/2007 19:09:26)

Haunted House

Location: Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> Thursday -> Quests -> Haunted House -> More / Skip Cutscene -> Start Quest!,
Location: Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> Thursday -> More Quests! -> Haunted House,
Location: Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> 4 Right -> Up Right -> Up
Requirements: None
Release Date: January 5th, 2007

Objective: You've come to Thursday's haunted house to try and find her missing pendant and return it to her... If you make it out alive!
Objective completed: You defeated Underbed, Awdreetoo, and the terrifying Nightshade and found Thursday's Pendant. But what for Thursday's Family Secret, and the master about whom Nightshade spoke?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Awdreeto
(8) Red Spectre
(1) Underbed
(1) Nightshade - Boss


Thursday's Pendant


At the Greenhouse:
Awdreetoo: AH, more plant food, good. Come closer, I can't eat you from there.
<Character>: Tempting, but no thanks. All i want is the basement key.
Awdreetoo: The key. I have a secret about the key... I want to whisper it to you, come closer
<Character>: For a plant, you're really creepy. You know that?
Awdreetoo: Yeah, I get that a lot. But then again, I eat everyone who says it.
<Character>: You've also got a weird thing about eating people. There is just no way that you're going to give me the key, is there?
Awdreetoo: "GET IN MAH BELLY!"
<Character>: *sigh* Ok, here we go.

*After defeating Awdreetoo, Greenhouse Key is added to player's Temporary Items.*

Found Greenhouse Key!!!

Hiding under a small bush you find one of the two keys to the basement closet.

In the bedroom on the second floor:
Underbed: ...GO AWAY! Some of us are trying to sleep.
<Character>: You take your nap, all I want is your basement key.
Underbed: Do you know what happens to people who wake sleeping monsters?
<Character>: Um... They walk out of the room with a basement key and the monster goes peacefully back to sleep?
Underbed: Don't MAKE me come out there...
<Character>: Don't make ME come under THERE.
Underbed: I don't know why you would want to go into the basement closet... HE is there...But you want the key so bad, tough guy, come and get it.
<Character>: ...You live under a bed, how big can you possibly be?

*After defeating Underbed, Bedroom Key is added to player's Temporary Items.*

Found Bedroom Key!!!

Wrapped up in a sheet you find one of the two keys to the basement closet.

*After getting the Greenhouse and Bedroom Keys, you enter the basement closet, where you find Nightshade.*

Nightshade: Ah, another hero to join my happy family of ghosts.
<Character>: You've been collecting the souls of fallen adventurers? Thursday set me up!
Nightshade: No, the child knows nothing of this. She also knows nothing of your importance to the master....
Nightshade: She doesn't even know of her own importance, or her family secret.
<Character>: The master? So you're just another one of Sepulchure's goons?
Nightshade: BAH, Sepulchure is a simply a tool of the master. So are you, hero.
<Character>: !
Nightshade: Enough of this chatter. After I destroy you all of your questions about the true master will be answered. COME HERO! JOIN US!

*After defeating Nightshade, you approach the chest that contains Thursday's pendant, completing the quest.*

Other information
  • After quest's completion, the Greenhouse and Bedroom Keys are removed from player's Temporary Items.
  • The bookcase in the second floor acts as a HP/MP potion refill, capped at 2 each, during the quest.
  • The blue light on the candle in the basement acts as a HP/MP healing pad during the quest.
  • Location of Cat Item reagant:

    While doing Cure in Thyme from Mogloween Chapter 7 you can find Cat Item (Cat's Whiskers) as a temporary item. 2 Right -> Down -> Right.
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Another full moon? Weird.
  • The art of Soup, by Tsun War.
  • "The History of Cobwebs."
  • Whoever he is, this is not his best side.
  • Smells like mold, mothballs and old socks. Why did you sniff it?
  • One of these HAS to open a secret door! Maybe not.
  • OOOO! Hidden Potions!
  • Ew. This is ALSO not his good side.
  • My reflection is just staring at me... CREEPY!
  • You hear something moving inside...rats, you hope.
  • This barrel contains many smaller barrels, with teeny tiny barrels in them.
  • The strange blue light of the candles seems to restore your strength!
  • You need to find both keys!
  • Oh Boy! A Box of used dust!
  • Neatly stacked barrels of pickled tuskmonger feet. Tasty!
  • Quest previously dropped the retired rewards Ensorceled Chest and Obsidian Chest.
  • Sepulchure name was misspelled as Sepulcher; this was fixed on May 24th, 2024.

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for entry reformat, other information, and corrections.
  • PaperClip OF DOOM for initial entry reformat.
  • Krazy_Kakadu for NPC links.
  • Stephen Nix for the monster numbers.
  • Highlord Sendai, Niki, and Peachii for corrections.
  • ARMYgeneral for candles image.

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