RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (Full Version)

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Mr.Hide -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 2:21:41) questions for seems like you've had more then enough.

Just good luck then. And take it easy ^^
Thanks for your consideration. :)

BigBoywithdabow -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 7:17:20)

i got questions =)!!!
but first congratz and good luck( and nice avvy. dont ever change it)
Thank you, and I wasn't planning on it.
are u european or american?
if american, which state?
favourite pizza toping?
fav fruit?
Golden Delicious apples, and Strawberries
how tall are u?
how many languages do u speak?
3... but only 1 fluently
favourite sitcom?
Don't watch 'em
did u like happy feet?
thats all (for now) have a nice day
And youself!

Kitti -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 9:17:21)

Yay, AKness! So that you get a free quarter from Rimblade (according to alac88): 1) What's it like to be an AK? >_<
Enriching :p
Not too many questions really, I'd just like to say my congratulations: congratulations! You deserve it, and you offer some hope to others that promotion is available to the saintly. Thanks bunches, and quite. :) I've seen you around but I don't know too much about you, so I'd like to ask -
2) Which AK/mod/admin do you think you're most like? Because if it's Cysero or someone, I might have to run away. Soon.
I'd have to say a mix of alac and Rimmy - nice, but just slightly insane
3) Did you have any inkling that you would become an AK, or did they suddenly spring it on you so that you went "Omg, lol, rly?!!1one" or the human equivalent?
I nearly hyperventilated when Reens blindsided me... I think it's part of the recruitment test
4) Are you likely to be on during hours that other AKs/mods aren't on? This is a strange question, but I'd like to know because there is this long period when no mods are on which I tend to hide from.
More then likely, because I always seem to be on when other mods aren't
Uh, I'll stop there. At 6+ pages, I'm sure you have more than enough questions to answer.
Thanks :)

samjam727 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 9:34:03)

Hey Westward Ho! cograts on the AK-ing job I remember when you were just a regular forumite.-A really helpful forumite-
Thanks... as do I.
Do you know the answer to the unifarse?
It's... pie. No, actually, it's a secret of DOOM.

Well ByeBye!


Oh wait forgot *snuggles*That's either cute or creepy, and I can't decide which, lolz :p

Captain Planet -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 11:55:36)

NO MORE COLOR TAGS! AH! (And I am shouting...)
Now WH, you mus go through even more irony (and several lame questions) once more!
Let the embaressment questions begin. [;)]
Bring it on!
World domination or a cookie? (It has chocolate chips!)
Tough... I'd go with the world domination. Then I'd enslave me you and force you to make me cookies.
Take over the forums or have Pae be your pet gecko for a day?
Pae, any day of the week.
Ninjas or pirates?
Pirates, argh!
Asparagus ninjas or monkey pirates?
Monkey pirates?
Scale of 1-10 what would you rate Cysero taking over DF?
8 - it was shweet.
If you could have anything in the world what would you choose?
A horse. Really.
Lets say you are now head of Cysero's Defenders. You recently have word that the rebellion has become big again and they will be attacking you shortly. Due to a bit of bankrupcy, your only weapons is a paddle ball, piece of paper, and some leftovers of the pie you ate that you stuck in your pocket. You see the rebellion coming, how do you fight then off?
Distract with them the paddle ball, futher distract them by scattering the pieces of pie about, and write a letter to Chuck Norris asking for assistance.
Oh really? 0_o
Yep o.0
Have you enjoyed being an AK?
So far.
If you had a nickle for everytime you anwsered these questions you would:
Quite AKing and become a professional rodeo clown.
What is answer to this problem (Guess if you can.): Schfifty five + 9,256,545 divided by 456,789 =
How did you get that right?!!!
I am a genius.
You must have cheated!!
Cheating is for wimps. I am all-knowing.
What does Northward, Southward, and Eastward think of your name?
That is the PWNORZ
I heard they might start riots because you didn't choose one of their names?
I should hope not
What do you think of my name? (Be honest.)
'Tis certainly interesting
Well thats all for now.
Okey dokey
I'll be back soon.
See yeah WH!
Bye bye!

Ambeltzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 12:44:43)

Why do you like penguins? I like 'em cause they saved my life once... It's a long story.. Something to do with me losing a carrot.
They're entirely too cute.
Do you think penguins are cute?
Are you a Penguin 0_0?
No... but I think it would be fun for a day.
Are you smart or are you Super Indumninance?
Neither. I am westward_ho!
I'm a Penguin.
Your funny.
I shall take that as a compliment
I like you.
Thank you
Do you like me? if you do let's make a Penguin gang and roam the streets of New York!
Penguins are too cute to form gangs. They form book clubs.

slimjim dolly -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 14:29:16)

In animal farm did you ever think snowball was evil? Napoleon was just one big loser.
Napoleon made me angry, but Snowball was blind to his own fate, so he sort of deserved it. It was pretty obvious what was going on...

General Axe in a sack -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 14:30:48)

I gave up reading after 3 pgs.As did I
Did anyone ever get to the most important ?Nope
Las Vegas ,Miami or ,New York?Vegas, baby! (Don't watch the other 2)
Or 2 of 3?Huh? Stop confusing me!

slimjim dolly -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 14:40:12)


ORIGINAL: Axe in a sack

I gave up reading after 3 pgs.
Did anyone ever get to the most important ?
Las Vegas ,Miami or ,New York?
Or 2 of 3?

I agree the book was pretty boring. I had to read it in English class.
Oh... I thought he meant the thread. I really liked the book, personally. <.<

Lord of Angmar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 14:46:20)

Please stop shouting. You're hurting my ears. :p
same old questions:
1) How do you like being an AK? is it chickeny?
Not quite, but something like that? (Yes, another quarter!)
2) Why, just why?
Why not?
3) When i say 42, what do you think of?
*heh heh*... it's a long story
4) What is your second favorite food?
5) Did you ever change your name?
On the forums or in real life? Either way, nope.
6) What is your favorite book?
Anything fantasy. I don't have a real preference, other than LotR - I love those!
7) We are going to do a little word association. . . pencil. . . potato. . . finger. . . . pencil. . . RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho!. . .
8) heh heh heh See you around . . . . . . . . . what do you think when i say that?
*turns in a circle* Where?

~Falan Tar~

Secret Bonus Question (worth two cookies!): What does Falan Tar mean? GIve me cookies?

Warlord Knight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 14:48:03)

And yourself.
if you could have any staff members job whose would it be and why?
I like my job now, thanks.
do you like hockey?
what's your favorie team?
Don't really have one, but I saw the Nashville Predators play once. :)
can i have an avvy like yours? it's really cool.
It is mine. Step away.
what would you say if i whooped all your DF characters in PVP?
w00t w00t
have you ever had any of your ideas put into AQ or DF?
Nope, but I'm still pulling for the Merc class
are you suddenly wishing you hadn't made this thread because of all the questions you have to answer?
what's your favorite non-Artix Entertainment Online game?
I don't play other games online. I limit myself to one at a time.
Do you play halo?
how do you feel about Evo's sig (the darth penguin one)?
'Tis cute.
what's up with your name?
Beats me.
That's all for me
Ok, bye.

*Whatshisname* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 15:44:06)

Congrats on the AK-hood
Thank you
Did Artix come and see you and knight you offically with his axe or something? Like the queen.
Whoa, that would be so cool! No... I was just blindsided by Reens and nearly had a heat attack.
You seem quite popular [8|]
Tell me about it[&:]
Maybe that'll change when you actually start locking threads/banning people/etc.
All ready started, seen no change :p
Talking about that, have you locked anything yet?
Will you be one of those horrible AKs that give no mercy?
And why answer in pink? I thought your favourite colour was purple or green? (Is colour really spelt with a 'u' or without?)
They were already taken
How do all these people come up with these questions?
I did wonder that myself...
... Ah, what will you regret most about no longer being a non-AK? (That was difficult to put into words)
Being expected to solve every problem sort of stinks. :p
Well, maybe I'll ask some more later (Joy!) so until then, enjoy your AKness.
Thanks again
P.S. What is my name? (No looking at my profile [8D])
It's a secret of DOOM.

Mysterious Player -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 16:04:25)

Hiyas and congratz.
Hiyaz, and thank you.
How would you feel about a horse and penguin hybrid?
Could it fly? Then YES!
Do you have an army, or evan followers?
Not yet... you know, it's only my second day.
Did you know you should of been a ArchFrappémancer instead of a ArchKnight?
Nope, but I'll take it into consideration
Whats your fav DF Monster, DF Quest Boss, DF War Boss, DF Item, DF Quest, and fav thing about DF?
Sandstorm, Nightshade (currently), Glaciarious (I can never spell that!), Worldstaff, Floating Cave, the story! :)

Master Magic Mage -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 16:28:34)

hey there!
And yourself
mage warrior, or rogue?
Magi and rogues... I am not too fond of warriors.
when you got to be archkinght?
2 days ago
fav wep?
fav town?
df or aq?
fav quest?
Floating Cave
coke or pepsi?
Diet Pepsi, please
allright i cant think of any more[:(]
Ok, bye!

westward_ho! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/14/2007 17:30:08)

Ok guys, thanks for being so interested but this has come to an end!

Thanks for being so welcoming! :)


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