Metal -> RE: Photoshop problem (1/19/2007 8:03:36)
i don't know what the hell is wrong with you people. he's asking a question, he's asking for a solution. if you don't have the answer to his question, or the solution to his problem, why post? don't try and give him alternatives for saving, tell him how to fix it so he can save for web. if you don't know, big deal, no need to carry on the "save as .gif!" as you can see, if you actually read, he CANNOT save as a .gif file in his version of photoshop. when he was installing the program, he did not check the .GIF extension in the recognizable files for PS. try what rev said, first. if that doesn't work, try using the hotkey shortcut (alt + shift + ctrl + s) when did this problem begin? just out of the blue one day, or was there a significant change in your system settings that could have caused this?