Musuk Yaga (Full Version)

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Cheese -> Musuk Yaga (1/19/2007 17:49:20)

Musuk Yaga

Location: Yaga Stone Circle, The Yaga Sisters

Quests given

Shops owned

Yaga Stone Circle

Musuk Yaga: Ah, there you are. I was beginnin to get worried about you.

Musuk Yaga: This? This is a trap. Our lord, He Who Does Not Die, has noticed you. Noticed your dealings with Thursday.

Musuk Yaga: *Cackle* Foolish little hero. The master has the girls destiny in his hand. Created werewolves and bound spirits to keep her safe...
Musuk Yaga: ...Until he is ready for her. Her time is nearly here. He hired the Five Yaga Sisters to remove you from her destined path.
Musuk Yaga: YOUR destiny, <Character>, lies with the Savage Outworlder. Walk forward.

The Yaga Sisters

Musuk: Never mind that.

Musuk: Yes, I heard, sister.
Musuk: A princess, yes, we know of one, but she doesn't need saving, hahaha.

Musuk: Nothing, little one.
Musuk: She doesn't need saving because she's right where she wants to be.

Musuk: Yes.
Musuk: I came to Doomwood on my own, and wish to stay and with my found sisters.
Musuk: I'm sorry, little hero, but I have no desire to be "saved".

Musuk: What?

Musuk: Oh no you di'n't.


Thanks to
-- Senomi for dialogue.
-- ArchMagus Orodalf for location.
-- Peachii for correction.

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