Crypt of The Risen (Full Version)

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Senomi -> Crypt of The Risen (1/26/2007 16:01:23)

[image][/image]Crypt of The Risen

Other names: Special War Mission

Location: Amityvale Invasion -> Special War Mission
Level/Quest/Items required: Dragon Amulet
Release Date: January 26th, 2007

Objective: For centuries this has been the crypt of the fallen defenders of Amityvale. Its holy aura has been used to purify shards of Bloodgems found in the hills, but the evil of the castle has disturbed these heroes rest. You must remove the purified shards and help the Risen find peace.
Objective completed: You have found one of the Purified Shards of Bloodgem. Return these to the DEFENDER SHOP in FALCONREACH for a specially crafted Light weapon to help you fight evil.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(X) Fallen
(1) Risen Guardian - Boss


Purified Bloodgem Shard


Thanks to
-- Krazy_Kakadu for reward information.
-- Stephen Nix for rewrite.
-- Karika for the war tag.

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