RE: Igneus Art Thread (Full Version)

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Sireus -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (7/5/2007 21:05:53)

i have been messing around with creating fire text, i turned my pic into a sig, but i can never keep it the right size. one is just massive so ill only add the small one.


hmm, i kinda messed up some of the text, but you get the idea of the new style

Necromancer Verina -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (7/8/2007 13:29:18)

Not the best but i hope you like it nonetheless!

Sireus -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (7/9/2007 15:01:32)

hmm, well the clan flag thread has been moved or deleted, it was in the stickies. anyways the flags were choosen by poll so we dont need to make any more, this is the flag we went with-

Igneus Clan Flag

its a bit small, but its the only pic of the chosen flag that i could find

Baker -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (8/6/2007 20:12:55)

Or, here's the full sized picture from that poll:

abthewab -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (8/7/2007 13:31:54)

Heh. I finally made another one. It's a bit lower quality than I would like, but I had to save it like that otherwise the filesize was too large.
Anyway, the link is
and the image should be in my sig :P

I noticed that Igneus was so close to Ingenious for some reason, so I made a sig like that. xD

Sireus -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (8/19/2007 7:53:32)

NEWS JUST IN: farmers around the world are reporting strange goings on in their crop fields, strange images scorched into the earth, what could this all mean???

Crop Circles!?

Cerbero -> RE: Igneus Art Thread (9/11/2007 15:43:36)

i made a few userbars, but this one is the only one that works, i'll fix the rest later...

Edit: removed, didnt work either >.<

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