I'd like to learn how to make flash games (Full Version)

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Shad0wdrag0n -> I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/9/2007 16:23:24)

I'm interested in learning how to make rpg flash games like AdventureQuest and DragonFable. I would really appreciate it if people could suggest webs sites and books that would be a good place to start learning how to make rpg flash games. I have used flash before, but I don’t know any of the coding used to make actual games.

Thanks in advance.

VampireHSS -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/9/2007 16:44:37)

First, I moved this topic since it was not on the correct place.
Hum... first you need the program, but you seem to already have it. If you don't you may buy it from www.adobe.com. After having the program you will need to learn ActionScript, which is the language used to code in Flash. A good website to start is www.flashkit.com.

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/9/2007 22:46:42)

How different is the actionscript for each version of flash? There are numerous tutorials that seem to cover the same thing, but each uses slightly different codes. Also, I'm using flash version 5 and none of the codes from the tutorials seem to work, so do I need to find tutorials specifically for flash 5?

Finding information on the basics of creating flash games, and using actionscript, is proving to be very difficult and very frustrating.

nolraitru -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/9/2007 23:05:33)

Yes, you will need a specific tutorial on AS using Flash 5, because they've updated all of the AS since that version. And they update it every time a new version comes out. So that's why you need a Flash 5 tutorial on AS, instead of using a Flash 6-8 or Flash MX tutorial.

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/10/2007 13:44:55)

In that case I'd really appreciate some help finding tutorials for flash 5 that teach how to create rpg game elements like inventories, usable items, turn and skill-based combat, skill advancement, etc. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.

somebody621 -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/14/2007 13:55:06)

Actually, you should start to learn the actual syntax first. This will help you SOOO much in the long run. Another thing: Don't just copy + paste code; take the time to learn it. This way, when you want to do something which doesn't have a tutorial for, you know how to do it. Actually I think you should get flash 9 alpha, and learn AS3 right away. It is much harder to learn, but later, the class based approach will help you much.

Just my 2 cents.

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/23/2007 3:36:04)

Are there any web sites that teach the syntax for AS, because all I can find are web sites with tutorials. I think I may actually hit Amazon.com and see if there are any good "Action Scripting for dummies" books :)

The Illusive Man -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/23/2007 13:43:36)

you have to have a legal version of flash 8 to use 9 :)

Stex -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (2/23/2007 19:50:06)


Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/3/2007 16:21:32)

OK, I've been able to learn a lot reading through tutorials. I even picked up a book to brush up on flash basics. The one thing Im having trouble finding is a tutorial on how to create a turn-based combat system like the one used in AQ and DF. Does anyone know where I can find such a tutorial?

lil boi blue -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/3/2007 16:34:13)


its on there

here: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/photo12/tutorialgame.swf roll over the hand made timeline to see where to put what

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/4/2007 20:20:10)


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue


its on there

here: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/photo12/tutorialgame.swf roll over the hand made timeline to see where to put what

These tutorials are great. I was looking for one that changed the frame when two movie clips collided. But, how do you change the position of the colliding movie clip? Say I wanted a character to walk into a door on the left of the screen, and appear next to the door on the right of the screen in the new room?

EragonZZZZ -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/4/2007 21:25:11)

From what you just said, it seems you are also trying to make a 'walkaround'

Like what goes on in Dragonfable, where you click somewhere and you walk there?

In other words, are you trying to make something like this?
(click to walk. Includes two rooms)

Seeing as I made that, I think I might be able to help you here. Not by giving you the code, but I will most certainly teach you how to do it.

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/4/2007 22:46:41)



From what you just said, it seems you are also trying to make a 'walkaround'

Like what goes on in Dragonfable, where you click somewhere and you walk there?

In other words, are you trying to make something like this?
(click to walk. Includes two rooms)

Seeing as I made that, I think I might be able to help you here. Not by giving you the code, but I will most certainly teach you how to do it.

That's what I'm looking for. I'm most interested in learning how to do the part where the character walks off the right side of the first scene and comes on the left side of the second scene. I've only checked out movement controlls with the keyboard so I'd also like to learn how to move the character by clicking with the mouse.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/4/2007 22:51:53)

I'll be glad to help you out here, but now I'm going to sleep. If you want to experiment a bit here are some things to chew on:

Make the 'Background' movieclip have multiple frames, each frame = new scene. When the player reaches a predetermined boundary on the screen, the frame advances (if (player._x > 500)

if (player._x >= 500)
player._x = 0
Background.gotoAndStop(Background._currentframe + 1)

Obviously the reverse is true for the other side of the screen.

Good luck, and I'll be glad to help you throughout the week (and anyone else who wants to contact me)

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/5/2007 4:40:42)

I don't know if it matters but I'm using Flash 8. I tried the AS given above but I had to put _root. in front of both players and both backgrounds to get it to work.

So it ended up looking like this:

if (_root.player._x>=500){

EragonZZZZ -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/5/2007 6:46:52)

Yep. Congrats for figuring that out yourself, by the way. I was hoping you'd realize that, because it makes my next little 'bite' easier to chew on.

When you reference things in flash, you often times if not always must use what is known as an absolute or relative path. That tells flash exactly where to look for an object.

What you discovered is you must put _root.player for the game to work. That is because your player, I assume, is on the stage. _root.player tells Flash to look on the stage for something known as "Player".

A more complex example of this would be, say, the AdventureQuest player (sword, shield, armor, head)-
To reference the PLAYER: _root.player (if the player is on the stage, which we'll assume he/she is)
To reference the SWORD: _root.player.sword
To reference the SHIELD: _root.player.shield
To reference the HEAD:. _root.player.head

The easiest way to figure out paths is to remember to name every symbol that you put into your movie so you can remember what it is. Then, in your scripting window, click on the button at the top that looks like a cross-hair. There are two options at the bottom. Select absolute (easier, and I find it works better) and locate your symbol (it gives you a window to do this. You'll see). Then just press okay and the correct path to go to your symbol is placed in the script window.

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/5/2007 22:42:17)

While working on the movement system I've also been tinkering with a turn-based combat system. I think I've got it figured out, but I'm having some trouble integrating it into the game. I have the combat system and the main game in two different scenes. I want to make it so that when the player contacts an enemy it jumps to the combat scene, then have it jump back to the main scene once the combat is over. I tried putting the following code on the enemy, but it doesn't seem to be working:

_root.gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);

Is there a better way to handle this?

I'm also having trouble figuring out how to remove the enemy from the main scene once it's defeated. I tried moving the enemy off-screen but if the player leaves the room and comes back in the enemy is back in it's regular place.

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/11/2007 15:07:26)

How do you make it so a character walks when he moves?

EragonZZZZ -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/11/2007 15:16:52)

Well, to answer the first question, make certain that the first frame in the new scene has the action

WITH parenthesis. Very important.

A better way to handle this is, a bit more complicated but more efficient, to design a battle system in a seperate fla file, then pass variables to the new swf (obviously after it has been published), then after the battle ends, remove the battle swf (enemy = gone XD) and send variables back saying, "you won" or "you lost"

Dragonfable does something similar, except they load the entire quest into the game engine, which is why that the game never stalls (even if your internet goes out) during a quest.
It sends the data from the quest BACK to the main engine after the quest is done (which is why the "saving exp" part takes awhile). I'm not QUITE certain how the DF battle engine works (if it is built into quests or if it is externally loaded) but I'll figure it out eventually. XD

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/11/2007 20:25:14)



A better way to handle this is, a bit more complicated but more efficient, to design a battle system in a seperate fla file, then pass variables to the new swf (obviously after it has been published), then after the battle ends, remove the battle swf (enemy = gone XD) and send variables back saying, "you won" or "you lost"

Dragonfable does something similar, except they load the entire quest into the game engine, which is why that the game never stalls (even if your internet goes out) during a quest.
It sends the data from the quest BACK to the main engine after the quest is done (which is why the "saving exp" part takes awhile). I'm not QUITE certain how the DF battle engine works (if it is built into quests or if it is externally loaded) but I'll figure it out eventually. XD

This is a little beyond my skills at the moment. I have no idea how to integrate two .swf files together (getting one to load into another, having the current hit points transfer from one to another, etc). Is it difficult? Is there a tutorial out there to explain this, or can you write one up? :)

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/14/2007 5:04:58)

I've got another thing I'm having trouble with (did I mention I've only just started learning AS?) I've got a MC that turns invisible (the alpha changes to 0) when the player comes into contact with it. The problem is that when the player exits the room (jumps to a different frame) and then comes back into the room the object will be visible again. How do I make it so the object stays invisible?

petermaxo -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/14/2007 9:35:18)

I can help there. I don't know if there is a better way, and I'm not entirely sure that it will work for flash 5, but if the object is called 'object', the player called 'plaayer', you take a globalized variable called 'var1' and set it at 100 and add actionscript to the scene with the invisible object including: if(_root.player.hittest (object)){ var1 = 0} and _root.object._alpha = var1

Shad0wdrag0n -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/14/2007 16:18:57)


ORIGINAL: petermaxo

I can help there. I don't know if there is a better way, and I'm not entirely sure that it will work for flash 5, but if the object is called 'object', the player called 'plaayer', you take a globalized variable called 'var1' and set it at 100 and add actionscript to the scene with the invisible object including: if(_root.player.hittest (object)){ var1 = 0} and _root.object._alpha = var1

Actually, I recently upgraded to flash 8, so I'm good. I tried this out. Setting the alpha of the object to equal var1 works fine, but the hitTest part doesn't change the value of var1.

petermaxo -> RE: I'd like to learn how to make flash games (3/14/2007 17:46:11)

OK, on flash 8 I know what I'm talking about. instead of _root.player.hittest (object), use player.hitTest(object) and it should work.

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