flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (7/26/2007 17:46:23)
dominic_r_monroe: lol if Althorne sees this he'll never talk to you again lol petermaxo: wow, I didn't understand the problem, but I know that you won't get far with this code(no offense) first of all, what is the "this" you refers to? the code can't be on a movieclip, since you'll need to use "onClipEvent(enterFrame)" which means that the "this" you're refering can't be the mc, so of course when you write this.gotoAndStop(frame), the movieclip doesn't do the action... second, why would you want to use onEnterFrame? Isn't putting the mc to the right frame once enough? You're telling the mc to go to the desired frame each 1/12 seconds(or 1/24, depend on your FPS) third, if you thought a little bit, this code will NEVER work. Imagine if AQ used your way. 600+ monsters means 600+ if()? No way.