RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (Full Version)

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Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/14/2007 18:45:52)

I was using the button tutorial, and it said that i needed to make a circle. This also works with a square, right?

Myhos -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/14/2007 20:58:45)


ORIGINAL: LightningBlade

I was using the button tutorial, and it said that i needed to make a circle. This also works with a square, right?

Inside the button the object can be ANYTHING a square a triangle a ...well you name it

banished and forgott -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/15/2007 0:48:36)

well i have a question i got flash mx with freehand, dreamware, extention manager, fireworks and homesite+...i dont know why but everything is in a different language have any idea how to fix????

petermaxo -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/15/2007 13:19:30)


Yea you see for flash the # 5000 = 5 secs so if you want it to be 6 minutes just tweak the #:

60*6= 360 so then..

_root.timerDelay = timerX+360000;

I hope that helps

but if you want it to be for the entire movie you might need it to be a global funtion

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/16/2007 16:27:16)

whts wrong with this code????
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.*
ip = ""
port = 9339
smartfox = new SmartFoxClient()
smartfox.onConnection = handleConnection
smartfox.connect(ip, port)
// Handle connection response from server
function handleConnection(success)
if (success)
status_txt.text = "Connection succesfull!"
status_txt.text = "Can't connect!"
smartfox.onRoomListUpdate = function(roomList)
for (var i in roomList)
var room = roomList
roomList_lb.addItem(room.getName() + " (" + room.getUserCount() + ")", room.getId())
roomList_lb.sortItemsBy("label", "ASC")

// Join the default room
smartfox.onUserCountChange = function(roomObj)
function updateRoomStatus(roomId)
var room = smartfox.roomList[roomId]
var newLabel = + " (" + room.getUserCount() + ")"
for (i=0; i < roomList_lb.getLength(); i++)
var item = roomList_lb.getItemAt(i)
if (roomId ==
roomList_lb.replaceItemAt(i, newLabel,
// Setup components callback functions
function changeRoom()
var item = roomList_lb.getSelectedItem()

// new Room id
var newRoom =
if (newRoom != smartfox.activeRoomId)
// Check if new room is password protected
var priv = smartfox.getRoom(newRoom).isPrivate()
if (priv)
// Save newroom as _global for later use
_global.newRoom = newRoom
// Pass the room id
var priv = smartfox.getRoom(newRoom).isPrivate()
function loginProtectedRoom(pwd)
smartfox.joinRoom(_global.newRoom, pwd)
joinRoom = function(newRoom, pword, dontLeave, oldRoom)
smartfox.onJoinRoomError = function(errorMsg)
var win = showWindow("errorWindow")
win.errorMsg.text = errorMsg

// Put the selected room in the combo box back to its old value
<Zone name="simpleChat">
<Room name="The Cottage" maxUsers="70" isPrivate="false" isTemp="false" isGame="false"
autoJoin="true" />
<Room name="The Tree" maxUsers="70" isPrivate="false" isTemp="false" isGame="false"/>
<Room name="The Pool" maxUsers="70" isPrivate="false" isTemp="false" isGame="false" />
<Room name="The Bathroom(lol)" maxUsers="70" isPrivate="false" isTemp="false" isGame="false" />
<Room name="The Tradin' Place Foo!" maxUsers="70" isPrivate="false" isTemp="false" isGame="false" />
<Room name="The Big Fieldy Place Room" maxUsers="50" isPrivate="true" isTemp="false" pwd="piddu"
isGame="false" />
function makeNewRoom()

function createRoom(name, pwd, max)

var roomObj = new Object() = name
roomObj.password = pwd
roomObj.maxUsers = max

smartfox.onCreateRoomError = function(errorMsg)
var win = showWindow("errorWindow")
win.errorMsg.text = errorMsg
function userSelected()
uid = userList_lb.getSelectedItem().data

// If it's not me...
if (uid != smartfox.myUserId)
// store the recipient for later use
_global.pmUid = uid

var win = showWindow("pmWindow")

var uList = smartfox.getActiveRoom().getUserList()
var targetUsr = uList[uid]

win.title_txt.text = "Send a private message to " + targetUsr.getName()
function sendMessage()
var m = message.text
if (m.length > 0)
_parent.sendPrivateMessage(m, _global.pmUid)
message.text = ""
smartfox.onConnectionLost = function()
Edit: stoopid syntax error!!!

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 17:14:33)

you're using smartfox server already?! Wow, do you know how much a dedicated server costs? XD

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 17:33:16)

omg it costs money!!!! oh noes.......oops.... deformed squirrel attack! [sm=icon_evil.gif]

Myhos -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 19:30:06)

HAH thats a good one, do you expect for these kind of things to be free? hell no! for an unlimited amount of users (this is the basic package) you need to pay up about 1000 dollars (800 euros) LOL

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 19:56:47)

holy jumpin juhuzavets batman! by the way, it took me until the 2nd to last day oof my trial to make this game, and it totally sucks....
tell me wht u think tho
i call it R.P.G...... R.andom P.rombelm G.ame
arrow keys to move, sometimes use ur mouse to do stuff.....

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 20:05:10)

oh by the way myhos, i got the free server that only holds 70 peeps...(i aint expecting much!)

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 20:13:17)

flsg...ten bucks says you reacted that way not out of shock, but out of sheer jealousy. XD

whoa...that game put my mind on freakout mode. confuszling to the max.
but nice concept. collision formulas (YAY! MY FAVORITE) need work, though.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 20:20:21)



flsg...ten bucks says you reacted that way not out of shock, but out of sheer jealousy. XD

whoa...that game put my mind on freakout mode. confuszling to the max.
but nice concept. collision formulas (YAY! MY FAVORITE) need work, though.

ty, and i will work on it as much as i can, even tho i have 2 days of trial and not enuf money, still its my first game and i dont plan on it being the last! its gonna kik moglin but!

Jergal -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/17/2007 22:12:08)

If you want to end up making a real game you will have to concentrate on the programming part in priority. Flash is nice because you can make decent little games with a few gotoAndPlay and eventually some hitTest, but you will not get very far without focusing on programming. Unless you just plain enjoy drawing and do not care much about the rest (which is utterly respectable, artists are the cool).

A few things that will help in the kind of game that you want to make:
- Dynamic Z-sorting (depth management, the player can walk around an object and appear on top of or behind it depending on the relative Y coordinates)
- Collision detection (be careful with hitTests, they use a lot of memory. When you have to test many objects it is better to switch to your own methods. And a very important part of collision detection is "what to do if objectA and objectB do collide ?")
- Grouping your code (OOP may be a bit hard if you just started. Another way to have your code neat and organized is to group it in one or few places. Having your code organized is extremely helpful for any program that consists of more than the few gotoAndPlay and hitTest I mentionned above. Use instance names to target your objects, and only one main onEnterFrame that will group all the tasks that you did with onClipEvent(enterFrame). There are better ways, but the problem with programming is that when you start, there is so much to learn that you have to aim low at first.)
- Forget about chats for now >>

The hardest part in programming is to actually think up how the hell you want your objects to behave in a very detailed way. Once you have what you want in mind, you just translate it in computer language. If you start to write your code without knowing exactly where you are going, hoping to get ideas on the end up with something sucky that you will most likely have to re-code from scratch if you want to build up further. Yah, programming requires mind discipline, like it or not... >>

But then again with Flash you can do decent little games without bothering much about programming, so do as you wish, now at least you know what to expect and where to dig.

Edit: Damn, I wrote all this stuff when you have 2 days left on your Flash trial ? >>

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 7:23:29)

today only 1 day :) and also i like drawing the best, i rock at drawing in real life, and its a fun practice.


If you want to end up making a real game you will have to concentrate on the programming part in priority. Flash is nice because you can make decent little games with a few gotoAndPlay and eventually some hitTest, but you will not get very far without focusing on programming. Unless you just plain enjoy drawing and do not care much about the rest (which is utterly respectable, artists are the cool).

A few things that will help in the kind of game that you want to make:
- Dynamic Z-sorting (depth management, the player can walk around an object and appear on top of or behind it depending on the relative Y coordinates)
- Collision detection (be careful with hitTests, they use a lot of memory. When you have to test many objects it is better to switch to your own methods. And a very important part of collision detection is "what to do if objectA and objectB do collide ?")
- Grouping your code (OOP may be a bit hard if you just started. Another way to have your code neat and organized is to group it in one or few places. Having your code organized is extremely helpful for any program that consists of more than the few gotoAndPlay and hitTest I mentionned above. Use instance names to target your objects, and only one main onEnterFrame that will group all the tasks that you did with onClipEvent(enterFrame). There are better ways, but the problem with programming is that when you start, there is so much to learn that you have to aim low at first.)
- Forget about chats for now >>

The hardest part in programming is to actually think up how the hell you want your objects to behave in a very detailed way. Once you have what you want in mind, you just translate it in computer language. If you start to write your code without knowing exactly where you are going, hoping to get ideas on the end up with something sucky that you will most likely have to re-code from scratch if you want to build up further. Yah, programming requires mind discipline, like it or not... >>

But then again with Flash you can do decent little games without bothering much about programming, so do as you wish, now at least you know what to expect and where to dig.

Edit: Damn, I wrote all this stuff when you have 2 days left on your Flash trial ? >>

Myhos -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 11:35:39)

Sir Schoopy, your making a bunch of newbie mistakes with your flash game; All you your pointers have the actually point which your clicking as the top left end of your pointer. Go inside of all your pointers movie clips or buttons and fix it.

Also I'm adding my 10 bucks with Eragonzzz

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 15:45:38)

if you have one day left on your trial, just uninstall it and then reinstall it, it does work lol.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 15:50:09)

EragonZZZZ: jalousy? lol. It is true that I have always wanted the unlimited SFS, but why would I be jalous? I'm just shocked. that SirSchmoopy is the first person on this forum who wants to create multiplayer games at the very beginning

Jergal: wow, you talk like colin moock lol
lil boi blue: are you sure? It shouldn't work

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 16:07:26)


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue

if you have one day left on your trial, just uninstall it and then reinstall it, it does work lol.

thanks, considering the fact i asked everyone i knew if they culd lend me sum money, and all i got wuz 400 bucks in the stomach [sm=twill2a.gif]\
....but how do i uninstall it???

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 16:11:35)



Also I'm adding my 10 bucks with Eragonzzz


petermaxo -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 16:12:06)

Sir Schmoopy: Wow! I didn't know there were free servers of any form! this will make my supremely complex password system un needed (for the moment).

flsg: I wouldn't say he's the first one to want to. I have made approximately 1/4 of a game, and am currently alpha-testing it before releasing it to the internet-at-large, i.e., actually buying a real website rather than getting a free one. And getting a server.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 16:12:48)



Sir Schoopy, your making a bunch of newbie mistakes with your flash game; All you your pointers have the actually point which your clicking as the top left end of your pointer. Go inside of all your pointers movie clips or buttons and fix it.

Also I'm adding my 10 bucks with Eragonzzz

but u do realize that u might owe her $10.

petermaxo -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 16:29:35)

When the server capacity is 20, does that mean in total or at a time?

ex. for a game, 20 loged on or 20 total?

Edit: Woah... the code used for these things is complex!
I would appreciate any tips anyone might have on the subject of servers.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 18:37:42)

how do i uninstall it?

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 18:54:31)

why does this always say cant connect? i have the smartfoz server and it doesnt work even when server is running? u shuld checkitout

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 3 (5/18/2007 19:53:58)

petermaxo:20 total

SirSchmoopy: O.M.G.sorry to say this, but you shouldn' start with a multiplayer game or even a chatroom, because you don't even understand the basic of a multiuser socket.
I looked at your thing, but I don't even need to see it to tell you that it won't work. imageshack?! Do you think you can just upload a single flash file on a webpage in order to run a chatroom? You need a dedicated server(most of them cost money), and you need to configure very complicated things (do you think I'm still jalous eragon?) I seggest you to learn the basic of actionscript before attempting such a big project.

BTW, did you see any big game running with a single file hosted on a webpage like imageshark?

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