RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (Full Version)

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Bakuryuuha -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:35:35)


Do you believe in god?
I wouldn't say that I'm an atheist, but rather agnostic. I believe in a higher being.
How often do u play the game now that you a mod compare to when u weren't a mod?
About the same, I'd say.
Do you to school?
If so what grade are you in?
Freshman in college.
Whats you favorite subject?
Do you like "elite" talk?
Elite talk?
(Just some random questions...feel free not to answer them if ur fingers are tired lol)

How fast do you the earth is spinning?(Mph)
Not very fast, I'd say. But I'm not much of a physics person.
How long do u think our race(human) will last for?
Longer than we think. Humans aren't as frail as everybody says we are.
Do your cats ever jump on ur keyboard while ur on Online Chat (msn ect.) Don't you hate it when they do that?
I haven't lived with my cats since last summer. :\ I don't really recall them doing that though. They're very calm kitties, and I have a laptop, but I do imagine that it would be annoying.
Out of ur 3 cats which one do u like the most?
Aoi is more affectionate than Midorin, and the little one just hides all the time, but I love them all.
Do u have pic of u cats?
Ack, that reminds me, Accipitris asked for them too, but I don't have them right now...
Do watch Inuyasha?
You betcha!
What do you think of it?
A good series that dragged out way too long. Terrible ending too.
I think its great(its the only anime show I watch lol)...
Heh, you should go see more. There's a whole world of anime out there. If you like Rumiko Takahashi, I recommend Ranma 1/2 too.
Would you rather have Sesshoumaru instead of Inuyasha?
They both have their virtues and their vices, but I'd say that I like Sesshoumaru more. ^^
Have you everheard of my forum name in Inuyasha?
Yeah. It's the "ultimate" attack of the Tetsusaiga.
Can i have BackLash Wave for my tile...its mean Bakuryuuha in english(you probably know that)....and ppl thinks its a typo[:(]
Maybe. ^^
Whats you Favorite song by Americans?
I'm in love with "On My Own" right now...
Did I asked too much questions?
Not at all.
Blah thats it for now....i though I could type questions till the war was over...I'm gonna speed it up a bit...

trash_berd -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:49:22)

fav tv show?
American TV show? Lost. I already answered this.
fav super hero?
Cat Woman.
fav soda?
I don't like soda much, but Pepsi, I guess. None of that diet stuff.
fav fruit?
me ur fav?
Why not. :P
do i use "fav" to much?
A little.
7-up plus sucks huh?
I hate 7-Up in general.
u like stiky notes?
Not really. They're too...sticky.
does it anoy you when i use smileys?[sm=banana.gif][sm=jumping-smiley-017.gif][sm=b_rotten.gif][sm=deal.gif][sm=anibana1.gif]
Quite a bit. I don't like emoticons. >.>
what type of music u like?
Opera, Broadway, Asian. I've answered this already.
will i eva stop?!!??!
Probably not.

Arc_Valor -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 23:04:13)

Why did they see in you do be a mod? Dont take it to Offence please.
I don't really know. I'm active, I guess?
Why do you like pink?
It's just such a pretty color.
Do you like anything more than Cats?
I don't really like animals, but bunnies are nice. And geckos. :P
Do you watch Anime? If so what?
Yes, I definitely watch anime. I could list everything, but that would take too long, so I'll just name my favorites: Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Cowboy Bebop, Hana Yori Dango, and lots more.
Do you like math?
Not particularly.
Do you think the game when its done will ROCK?
It already rocks.
How many questions i've asked?
A lot.
Do you think im Cute? [:D] (Im easily mentally hurt)
Sure, of course.
Do you think i have too much time on my hands?
XD Maybe.
Do you like Adult swim?
Not really. Bad dubbing, temperamental, never finishes a series.
Do you like my Bunny and Cat sig?
Do you know what its from? (Hint: Flash Movie)
Not really...
Thank you for answerng my Questions. And have a Happy upcomming Birthday. Mine was just today [:)] (Have some cake everyone!)
Thanks and happy birthday!

DRAGONSLAYER12345 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 23:20:06)

Hello Fy

Are you a neat freak? I am.
Yes, extremely. I'm OCD about those things. And I'm a terrible perfectionist.
Are you waching Family guy©?
Do you know how to make the copyright sign?
you make it by typing & copy no spaces
what happened to the Loreville Times sticky
Probably deleted by mistake.
c u lata

starsbright -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 23:22:20)

I think I'm back too soon..Oh well. Chocolate coffee mocha cookies that me momma made are seriously affecting me. ^_^

A Rabid Orlando Bloom fan too? yay! Seen Pirates of the Caribbean? Will is soo..valiant and..heroic! *pouts* I should have gotten him, instead of Elizabeth..
Omigod yes!! :D But I like Keira Knightly, unfortunately...but still...sexay!
I wish I saw Van Helsing. David Wenham is sooo adorably deliciouso in LotR. Maybe I can convince my mother into letting me watch it.

*cough* Enough of fangirly girl stuff. Onward ho with more questionnes!

You HAVEN'T read LotR?! Girl, you need to see what you are missing out on! Who cares if all three volumes amount 1000 pages altogether(including appendices)? They are so good. You HAVE to read at least ONE of them, or I will never give you cookies again! *gasp* A horrible fate to ANYONE!
:O Ohnoes! Maybe I will when I have free time. ^^
What kind of movies and books do you like? Anything fantasy for me, with a touch of humor and romance. I especially like the Piers Anthony series, Xanth. Excellent series! Have you read Piers Anthony?
I like anything, really, from horror to comedy. ^^ And no, never read it.
Enough questions. I best be gone, I need not delay you on important Mod issues. Though if you need delaying, I can always help..XD Oh, here's another cookie! ^_^ ariq0r8-4r3q-45 DHDIR943
^^ Thank you!
*politely takes cat off keyboard and out of bedroom*

Dragon Fang -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 1:03:22)

Whats Your NickName?
I have lots! FeiFei is what my name is based off of though.
Whats Your Favorite Movie?
Finding Neverland.
Do You Have Any Brothers Or Sisters?
Yep, one 11-year-old brother.
Would You like to join my forum and be a mod?
Depends on what your forum is about.
Whats your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate! No fancy toppings.
Who's your favorite NPC on AQ?
Blackhawke, 'cause he's super hawt. XD
Do you like this game?
Never played it before.

Pastici -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 2:17:58)

What do you think of dishes that have organs in them? (Liver, kidneys, etc...)
Not a big fan of 'em. Blegh..

ashes0 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 2:24:00)

i wanna be working with the staff you wont have to show me how to write programs debug and not to mention im an expert at counter hacking i know you need that how many of you staff know the first thing about writing a program like 1 out of 100 and yes i know you dont get paid fine with me
I'm not really in charge of any of that. smbdoll is the head moderator, and from what I know, we don't need anymore right now.

Zylo -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 2:42:50)

*Looks at ashes0's post.* Err...okay... You know, you probably won't get to become staff by saying you want to be staff in a thread that's not made to see who wants to be staff... Plus, mods can't promote someone to mods, as far as I know.

This is going to become my (with some editing) official list of first questions for mods! Yay?
Have you heard of me? (I just have to ask...for no apparent reason. :P)
Do you love me?
Do you hate me?
Do you feel indifferently towards me?
Do you want to hit me with a mallet yet?
Not really. Whips are better. XD
A sword maybe?
Then what?
Whip...ped cream.
What do you smell like? soap? ;_;
What do you taste like?
Is it chicken, cause I hear everything tastes like chicken?
I hope not. >.>
If that's the case, how do we know that everything tastes like chicken? Couldn't it be that chicken tastes like everything else?
Do you like confusing people?
XD I try not to, but I do anyways.
Are you confused?
A bit.
Is confusion a good thing?
At times, confusion is very handy. :P
Do you like to bore people?
No. ^^
Are you bored?
Nope! Lots of work to do.
Is boredom a good thing? (I doubt it.)
Eww, no.
Boredom causes me to chop stuff up and light things on fire. What's it cause you to do?
Answer questions like these. XD
Are you in denial?
About what?
Can you deny being in denial?
Yes, but that would be a double negative...
If you deny being in denial, then are you in denial by denying that you're denying about being in denial?
...yes. >.>
If you admit being in denial, then would you still be in denial?
Yes, because you're still in denial about what you were originally in denial about.
Do you like pointless questions?
Not really. :P
Do you like these questions?
Not really, either.
Do you find these annoying?
Do you find me annoying?
If you want a question with a point, I could make it about something sharp.
>.> Like swords? *points up*
Do you think I should shut up now?
If you want to.
*Shuts up...for a moment.* That was HARD!
What a feat! *applauds*
(Now for the dumb(er) question.) What's your favorite color?
Pink!! Can't you tell?
*Scrambles away and comes back in with a plate full of fresh home-baked cookies.* A token of thanks for not strangling me...yet.
:D I <3!!
<.< >.>

*Runs away.*

h4rold -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 5:18:16)

are you mc hammer?
<.< I don't think so...
if i gave you a basket of corn muffins, would you paint my chicken coop?
Yes. I want a batch of a dozen. ^.~ Pink sound alright?
do you have magical powers?
Oh definitely. I'm magical! Kind of like Disney. *makes spooky hand gestures*
if the answer is yes, can you summon me a slice of banana bread?
Only if you bribe me.
tea: with or without cream?
Tea with cream? >.> No, definitely without.
who's that guy over there *points*
Yoda's reincarnation.


ftfox -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 5:58:09)

Hi Fyrel or can I call you Fy? but anyway on to the questions!
Sure! A lot of people do.
1. How much do you play AQ? (if you play AQ at all)
Maybe a hour a week, or a little more.
2. If so, what was your fav war that you hav helped in?
XD I haven't helped in many wars, but I liked the War of Fangs.
3. if you could give moglins chainsaws would you?
o.O No! creepy, those ebil little Moglins with a chainsaw...
4. Do you like Moglin? (moglin tastes like chicken)
No, they scare me.
5. Have you met any of the other mods IRL?
Not yet. ^^
6. What are the names of your cats? (I have a cat (a very lazy one))
I've already answered this, but they're named Aoi, Midorin, and the littlest one has no name.
7. how old are your cats? (my cat is 11)
I think the two older ones are 7 or 8-years-old. The smallest one is not yet a year old.
8.What do your cats look like?
Aoi and Midorin were in the same litter, so they both have short fur and a white-brown coat. The kitten is black.
Bye Fyrel or Fy if I can call you that.

knives -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 7:42:15)

what u think is the best ps2 or dream cast game in the world?
;_; I don't really play any PS2 or Dream Cast games. In fact, I don't play any video games.
r your awnsers always in pink?
You betcha!

Dark Knight -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 8:04:30)

is my sig funny?
Very. XD
what is your dream job?
I don't want a job. XD I want to stay home and be pampered. :P
how many AQ chars do you have?
Only 2.
if more than one wich is your fav?
My main. I haven't really played with my 2nd one. ^^;
what type of music do you like?
Already answered, but I like Broadway, opera and Asian pop.
what is your fav band?
Right now, I love F.I.R., a Taiwanese band.
what is your fav song?
Qi Li Xiang, by Jay Chou.
should i stop saying fav instead of favorite?
Abbreviations can get annoying, but I don't mind.
am I nutts!!?
Yes. Aren't we all?

P.S bye

Rinsaku -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 9:35:00)

/me divingsnugglewuggles Fyrel
/me creatively snuggles Rinsaku. XD
Do you read BTN?
Would you read BTN if I gave you the link?
Maybe, if I find time, or if I get extremely bored. :P
But I forgot. I'm WAY to lazy to post a link, would you look for it in the Gallery Of Creative Adventures?
Later. ^.~
What was the best time of Spread The Love, The "Hits Someone in the face, in a lovely way", the "I love the way you are posting RAWR!" or the "Help others!" time?
XD Rawr, definitely. It's just such a sexy exclamation. Ask Pae, she has perfected it. ^.~
Am I to lazy to post more?
Never! *cracks her whip* More I say, more!
Am you to lazy to answer this?
"Am you"? XD No, I'm not. ^^
What is your favorite kind of dance?
I actually really like modern dance. I think it's very abstract and beautiful and intimate in a way.

miroslav -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 10:06:51)

huh, lots of questions.

what are your cats names?
XD Answered 3 times already, but they're named Aoi, Midorin and the last one is nameless.
i got 3 cats, one of them is named snoop dog, isn' t that just awful?
Oh yes! To degrade a kitty by naming it with the word "dog"...*shudder*
well it was my idea in the first place^_^
what kind of music do you listen too?
Answered this too. ^^ I listen to opera, Broadway, and Asian pop.
oh no!forgot one!did you give me my title?if not, can you tell me who it was?*cracks knuckles*
Now that's a secret...>.>

Cookie -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 14:35:06)

Oi Fyrel.

Ever seen Donnie Darko?
Why haven't you?
Just to irritate you. :P
What kind of lame reason is that?
:P What kind of lame question is that?
Well...? Are you gonna go watch Donnie Darko or do I have to show you some alternative uses for that whip o' yours?
I like whips. ^.~
Do you solemnly swear you are a 17 year old girl and not some 80 year old male pervert who is turned on by having people think he's a young girl?
No, I'm actually a 40-year-old male, balding pedophilic hobo. Now git!
Aren't you forgetting to lie?
Ha! Caught you, didn't I?
And what's with all the romantical questions here, I thought I was the only one for you? Lol. Well, only if you're not a 80 year old male pervert who is turned on by having people think he's a young girl.
XD Refer back to Blackhawke's post. I like polygamy, remember? There's enough to go around. ^.~

Afina -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 14:40:52)

~waves happily~ ^_^ Hiya Fyrel!

1) Who's your fav Rper on the forum?
Actually, you! I love the way you RP and write in general. ^^
2) Do you miss Spread the love?
I do, definitely. I think that was one of the first threads I started on AQ, and it really helped me meet a lot of wonderful members that are just fantastic.
3) Will you be my Aq sister? >.>
Sure! I'd love to!

Wallo -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 15:12:24)

I'm handsome? Why weren't my lawyers informed about this?
It might've caused an upheaval.
Why is your obsession of felines so... obsessive?
I just love 'em. Can't really explain it. :P
What WAS Spread the Love?
Gasp! You don't know what Spread the Love is?! I might have to throw you into the dungeons! ^^ It's a thread I started that was meant to help AQ member get along better, since I had been seeing a lot of animosity towards newbies. People just went in there to throw compliments at each other, and whenever someone needed cheering up, it was readily available.
You must see Donnie Darko. Best move ever.
XD Read Cookie's post.
Or see The Big Lebowski.
Heh, never seen that either.
Ever been skiing?
Yep! In Wisconsin!
They serve boiled cat in some countries.
...I'll just pretend I didn't read that. *throws those people into the fiery pits of hell along with Bonsai cat manufacturers*
Do you agree that Dadric's dog is awesome?
No. Never! >.<
j00dle d00.

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 15:35:38)


Do you like pretzels?
(If yes)With or without cheese?
I don't like cheese much.
if a woodchuck had no wood how lopng could it survive?
Woodchuck without wood? Never!
The pretzel stealer,muahahahaha

Tharg Bloodaxe -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 15:39:50)

Hey. (Damnit... as I wrote this Comcast crapped out) I'll start with the profound, and then alternate between serious and silly questions. :D
Ooh, I can't wait!
If you had a time machine that only had enough energy that could go towards any point in the past, as well as a return trip, when would you go?
Like I said, I don't like the past much, but if I had to, I'd want to go back to some time in the Renaissance, simply because there was so much change during that period and so many new styles of literature, art and music developing.
So, how did you become so obsessed with kitties?
It's not as exaggerated as you all seem to make it. ;_; It's just a love of cats. I've always been around them growing up and they're just really my type of animal and pet.
What type was your first pet you owned?
A couple of goldfish and two cats.
Would you eat a cat if you were in a culture that cooks them as a delicacy? Like Korea? :D
Never ever. I have eaten dog meat though, by mistake. ;_;
Ever read a comic called "Crushed, the Doomed Kitty Adventures"? If not, I sent you the url in a PM. (Since the material itself isn't PG-13 :p)
XD No, never read it before.
What is your favorite RPG? What makes you feel strongly with this choice?
Does AQ count? I really like AQ for its community, and just because of the people, really.
What is your favorite fantasy race? Explain why.
I don't really know what counts as a fantasy race, but that's a very interesting question. If fairies count, then I'd say they're my favorite. ^^ They just seem so delicate and beautiful. I also love Vampires. There's a dark sort of elegance about them that's hard to explain.
What alignment would you consider yourself as? How about your kitty persona?
Err, alignment? Like good versus evil? I'd say good, I guess. I don't really role play... ^^ I don't really have a kitty persona either. I just act like one, and people seem to take that as me pretending to be a cat. :P
When did you first arrive to AQ?
Some time in December.
How did you become a staff member? Why did you accept your position?
I was one of the 9 new mods when they were recruiting a while ago.
What aspect to AQ do you feel needs the most improvement?
Security. :\
What is your favorite color? Is it green?
XD Pink all the way!
Do you believe in true orc lovin'? *toothy grin*
Oh of course. ^.~ Definitely, yes.
Do you look foreward to the next part of the interview that will be in Orcish? Ancient One cheated, and Dadric asked me to translate his... but I don't think I'll do so anymore. :p
Yeah! It should be interesting.

Ollierulez1 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 15:53:04)

What is the meaning of life?
Why do you like cats so much?
XD Read up, I've answered already. Twice I think. ^.~
What are your cats names?
Answered this too, but I'll do it again. >.> Aoi, Midorin, and no name.
Am i the ultimate ruler of the universe?
No silly. I am. XD
What is your favourtie food?
I have a craving for plums...but I have no favorite food, really. I love 'em all.
Do you like poking badgers with spoons?
Not particularly.
If yes, do you do it with metal spoons , plastic sporks or other pieces of cutelery?
Sporks all the way! ^.~
What is my cats name?
That's a secret. >.>
Whats your real name?
Any siblings?
11-year-old brother.
Are you religious?
Not really.
Do you play any video games?
What is the most random thing you have ever heard?
XD A lot of random things...but if you know the writer Aimee Bender, she has a lot of random things.
Why do i post so many questions?
Because you just had to!
Are they annoying?
Not particularly.

Miriad -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 15:57:21)

Well...I have not much to say and so much time...oh the Irony....

Ummm....Kittens > Dadric?
XD Difficult choice...I <3 kitties, and I <3 Dadric, and thus, by transitive property of...<3-ing, Dadric = kitty.
Any chance of a Picture of you in the near future?
Most recent picture. Now don't you dare ask again. :P

Any idea of me calling you Fy Fy on IRC?
Hm? FyFy? Lots of people call me that.
Wookies > Gundams?
XD Sure, just don't tell Mirai I said that.
I have spoken. 'nuff said

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 16:04:03)

How often have you appointed Archknights?
I didn't really need any for the boards I mod on, so I've only appointed one (Afina) for clan boards, and she was already an AK for GGD at that time.
Can I have a cuddle?
How bout' a snuggle?
And a hug too?
How about a hugglecuddlesnuggle? XD *hugglecuddlesnuggles* Woohoo!
Ok thanks if you give them to me.
Who is you favorite Star Wars character (any movie or book)?
XD I don't watch Star Wars, unfortunately. I'd say that Yoda's pretty cool, if only because he's green.

darkgillshadow -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 17:09:03)

Oy, must...find...questions...
Alright, alright.
Hiya Fy!
Where's the love?
I ate it for breakfast.
No way! French silk pie is awesome. :P
Would you say that you are a religious person?
Not at all.
Rock, paper, or scissors?
How about sporks?
Second favorite genre of music, since I know the first, please? ^^
Err, what did I tell you was my first? Opera, Broadway, Asian, etc...
Who's the teacher's pet in Mirai's class now that I'm gone?
XD Me oh me!
"Is he using apples? I'll kill him..."
Who'd win in an arm wrestle, Dadric or Cyrus?
I don't know, hard to say. Cyrus is a dragon, but he's also very snuggly. Dadric is a crazy college student. Hm...
Did anyone notice I was missing on IRC?
I don't really know, since I haven't been on in a while either. ^^;
Almost forgot! Who is the chairman of your "fanbase"? I need an invite!
XD I really don't know. I didn't even know I had a "fanbase" :P
If you were an unquestionable dictator, what would you do to little ones who break the rules? (hypothetically, of course)
Tie them to chairs and make them watch re-runs of Teletubbies. Oh the torture!
Bye Snugglekitty!

jmd102993 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 18:49:24)

1. are you as powerfull as 10 bulls
Actually, I'm kind of weak. ;_; Can't even wrestle my little brother.

2. are you dumb or smart
Intelligent, I like to think...

3. are you a heshe
o.o I don't think so... the place you live in on one of the following

1.boreal forest
3 grassland

5.are you shure about # 3

6. do you think it is true that this
(:p) looks like a face sticking out its toung

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