Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (Full Version)

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Lkeas -> Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/20/2007 17:57:00)

Canu'r Delyn

Founded once upon a tide by Ioci, the legendary bard of Nautica,
this sandy shore is a haven for all Nauticans who are called to create
in the spirit of peace, pride, and unity representative of our honorable clan.
Here you will find poets, storytellers, philosophers, and artists of all kinds!
Only a few basic rules need be kept, the rest is up to your imagination...

(click the images to get to each forum)


The original respite for poets and bards.

This was once the most popular hangout for Nauticans,
but it's seen some dust gathering the past few months.

Let's bring it back to life!

To contribute your rhymes and rhythms,
apply to become an approved author in Legends and Lore!
Poetry is acceptable for submitting to the writing academy,
I'd love to see a strong Nautican presence in our creative writing forum.

More information on how you can become a Nautican Scribe can be found here:

Squid Ink and Sea Pens

Also check out our classic poetry in our archive!

The Canu'r Delyn Archive


The meeting grounds for philosophers and thinkers.

It sometimes wanders away from its original intent,
but for the most part there is some great discussion!
Join your fellow Nauticans for intelligent chat and
discover the mysteries of the ocean and all of life!


The hangout for visual artists.

We just started a revival thread so we need contributors!
If you have old art you want transferred, check out the
old gallery archive and post in the new thread to let us know!

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/21/2007 20:03:12)

Great! Long overdue...

birdy -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/21/2007 20:09:03)

It looks better than the older one... reminds me... I need to update the link to this ^_^

Goddess10 -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/26/2007 19:35:10)

Hmmm, I am considering signing up, but I have a question, is this just for Nautica related works, or can I express my dark, twisted, and cliched soul poems as well?

Lkeas -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/28/2007 13:22:43)

If you become an approved author in L&L you can post any sort of creative work you want in your own thread in the Creative Writing section. Canu'r Delyn is a Nautica-related poetry thread within the Collaborative Fiction subforum. There is also supposed to be a thread in there for Nautican stories, but I don't remember where it is and nobody's posted anything in it. It doesn't have a fancy banner yet since it's pretty inactive.

Goddess10 -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/30/2007 23:55:27)

Thanks, I think I will

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/31/2007 1:29:17)

ooh shiny banner must find cool link to have or maybe i could just stare at it

Ioci -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (4/30/2007 15:13:23)

A Nautican with powers beholds the starry sky
And ponders what was and is
And how they all are one
A deep abyss followed by a deepened sigh
Brings life into Canu'r Delyn
Where starry nights reflect the waters
Where the Nautican folk lie

Capn Nautilus -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (5/3/2007 16:52:05)

ahhh very poetic Ioci...good 2 see the canur is still here but i have a feeling the new nauticans dont visit it or post on it some ways that is a good things keeps it clean of spam, but i think the next gen of nautica is forgetting what we are seems mostly veterans and loyalists who post here....pity.

VonKrieger -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (5/6/2007 19:35:43)

Knowledge can be passed on to people but it is up to them to understand the meaning.
It seems that the knowledge we tried to pass on has not been fully understood by our next generation. It is not them we should blame, but maybe we should try to help them understand to help them realize what the traditions of the old generation, and maybe they will enjoy it as much as we did. It sounds teribble but it may be time for the new to replace the old, times and ideals have changed and it is up to us to make the right or wrong decision.

Capn Nautilus -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (5/6/2007 22:56:36)

but if so..who will lead this..revolution?!....they arent organised and most hav misunderstood the should we let the young rule our ideals...or are we veterans....forgotten.

Serbitar -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (5/7/2007 6:18:45)

Two have already tried and failed. Let me use an example you might further understand as Nautican. You cannot change the flow of the sea using a barrier. It is hopeless, allow things to take their own course.

Capn Nautilus -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (5/7/2007 20:19:38)

put your poetry away!. lol ok now u see the more people that try and fail the lesser input we get in this clan...what are we 2 do.

Adriella -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (6/15/2007 17:14:32)

Welcome to our clan
To find it, go beyond sand

We welcome you into our waters
We will treat you like a son or daughter

Can’t you hear the call of the ocean?
To live here, you don’t need a potion

Under in the sea
You can be so free

We do not desire the sun
We are free, so we have won

We have won within ourselves
We are safe when the ocean swells

We are safe from the storms above
The sea, to us, is like a mother’s love

We frisk and frolic and float
To be at the sea we need no boat

Now, wont you be with us down here?
Just dive down, we will be waiting near

Sir Gnome -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (7/12/2007 18:38:31)

Nautican Artists! I need your help. King Cy is making a list of suggestions for clan armors here. What we need is some good artwork of what we would like this type of armor for our clan to look like, and a description of the armor to match. Dont feel by any means you need to use the description i have already posted, the more creative the ideas the better. Thank you all!

Lkeas -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (8/31/2007 13:28:48)

Updated the links for the new Coral Reef under Fishtank's direction. Thanks Fishtank for taking over!

Sir Gnome -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (8/31/2007 13:31:25)

Lkeas - What do you think of my ideas in the Amphitheatre regarding this thread? (ie making it a single post locked thread)

Fishtank -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (9/20/2007 14:21:20)

New reef, again, in Scakks new art thread

Sir Gnome -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (9/20/2007 14:39:30)

Indeed. As long as people don't mind, i WONT be adding this link to the Amphitheatre, as I have linked to this thread from there already, as a portal in its own right.

Lkeas -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (9/20/2007 15:14:09)

Edited to link to the new Nautican art area. [:)]

Nitro7k -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (1/17/2008 22:08:35)

[:)][:)] AWESOME....although i can't find the thread i was looking for...

battle blade -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/13/2008 7:03:27)


Fishtank -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (3/13/2008 7:41:31)

First, you get an image upload account, via an image upload site such as Photobucket, then you upload the image there. You can then post the URL of the uploaded image on the forums.

If you need more help, then I suggest you read The Detailed Sig Guide, you can test your signatures here.

Keep in mind, that the max sig limit on the forums is 500 (length) x100 (height) pixels. The maximum file size is currently 50KB it can be less than 50KB. But no greater than.

posiedion -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (7/25/2008 2:26:21)

fish you should of been the blue moglin... not zorbak but the one that know's the perpose of life.

Master Merlin -> RE: Canu'r Delyn - Where the Nauticans Come to Create! (11/2/2008 22:52:59)

Nearly half of the links are dead, this thread needs some updating...

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