RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (Full Version)

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Baker -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:27:38)

Yays, yet another AK to annoy have nice, civilized conversation with!

Do you speak any other languages?
I'm learning Latin :)

AQ or DF?

Pokemon: Has it gotten a little old? (I think so)
Yeah, and it's been answered.

Favorite forum other than GoCA and why (intelligent posts, interesting topics, all around fun, etc.)?
OOC, just because it's fun to go in there sometimes :P

Which type of bball is better, baseball (my favorite) or basketball?
Baseball FTW!

What is your favorite city in the world? (if it's the city you live in just put your second favorite)
Orlando, FL (I live here), otherwise Carlsbad, CA.

What is your favorite country in the world? Why?
Italia :)

What is your favorite soda?

Which do you like better: your old title or your new one? I personally like the old one because it was so ridiclously long.
Well, this one, because it shows that I'm AK :)

Okay, that's all I've got at the moment. I wouldn't want to annoy you too much. I find that's not a good thing to do to mods/AKs. Some don't seem to like it for some reason...
Be annoying, be annoying in more then one post! PLEASE!

Anyway, cya 'round!

scooter1791 -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:31:48)

id hav t say ichar i think ur kinda weird and i dont know y
Thanks for the spam?
Yeah, I think I'm weird too :d

grrrrrrrrrrrrnesssssssssssssss its not spam im just tellin u wat i think

Ninja Paladin -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:34:19)


/me tacklesnuggles Charchar
/me is tacklesnuggled by NP

Congrats. :)
Thanks, yo.

When are you gonna be pro already? >:O

Learning session Saturday before Omega. I command it! :D
You got it man.

What's your favorite band? Song?
Band? Don't have one, I like too many.
Song? Birdhouse by They Might Be Giants.

Ruby Tuesday's or T.G.I. Friday's?

How's the living conditions after being AK? As bad as rumored? :O
Not yet, though I am already on page 4 of this thread after barely a day =|

Who's your favorite actor?
Toss up between Jim Carey and Robin Williams.

What's your favorite Discovery Channel show?
It was Croc Hunter, then Steve died ;_;

Who is the OG?
Mr. Rogers

/me nuzzles iChar "My AK, kthx."

Bai bai nao! More questions later! :P
Make a seperate post for them :O!

tinytiger10 -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:37:11)


Time for teh random questions[sm=icon_cool.gif]

Do you know what a MFRG iz...?
Nope :P

Favourite Music Genre?
I like everything, except Country :P

Do you like ... mythical creatures....?
Yes :O!


do you remember meh?
Of course <3

vampirez or werewolvez?
Werepyre :d

I like Vampirez, DID u pick vampirez? they'ree awweeesome
Kinda, lol

Kay, say the first thing u think of when I Say...

POKEMON (cuz pokemon is sik...)



Lime Green
Victoria (my ex)

K, Done With thattt...

Thxx for answerring those quesstions! *jumps for joy*
No problem :D

Guess what


Does that koala look strange? *points at the bus*

Buckethead or um Chris Brown...

i chose the first one what did u chose? =P
Me too :O!


cya later


astrobrat -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:37:50)

Only a few questions. I was reading and it hit me, thats what I wanna do, I wanna be an Archknight!
1. How do you become an archknight? Are there forms, or contests, or do you have to know an AK or something?
Nope, you just get asked by the head moderator.

2. Are AK's permanent or do they have a time limit?
Depends on activity.

3. If time limit to the above question, do they getta keep their custom title afterwards?
Of course they do :d


EragonZZZZ -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:46:55)

Yay! IChar's an AK!

1. I liked your old title though...oh well XD
Hahah, I'll poke Grafh, and see if I can get together a new version including GoCA and AK :d

2. aushtin powersh faija!

3. :d?
Yeah :d

4. What kind of computer do you use?

5. Tablet?
Have one, it don't work ;_;

6. Ever read lord of the flies?
Yes I have :D

7. Do you have ESP? I do.
I have ESPN2! :O

8. I knew you were going to say that!
That's because it's a lame joke, lol

9. Ice cream or cream of ice?
Ice cream. Cream of ice sounds like an innuendo.

1010. Do you like binary?

10. Ooh, moar bases! Which base (question numbers are still in correct order)

12. Thumbs up, down, or a different finger ^^?

13. I say Quicksand, you say?

14. Do you script?

14b. Do you NOT script?

15. Real World vs Forums?
Real for some things, forum for others.

16. You eat dinner or dinner eat you?
I'm not in Soviet Russia, so the former.

17. Borat?
nothx, I'll pass

18. Drive or no drive?
Don't drive yet.

19. if( == EragonZZZZ)
IChar.tacklesnuggle(var == kill)
\\Does this pseudocode execute? If so, what does it do?
It now kills you when I tacklesnuggle you :D

20. Who is this ---> (__:-(|)
Homer Simpson, obviously.

21. Will you use that smiley now?
Prolly not TBH.

22. Did you know who I was before I posted in yo GoCA Q and A thread?
Nope :d

Peace out.

vashigoozes -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:52:14)

greetings lord iChar. 'tis an honor to meat you. With no further adu, lettuce begin! [sm=bdaysmile.gif]

Hehe, what colour are you going to use, now? Am i ebil, or am i ebil?
I'll keep using mine :)

tea following questions are meant to enlighten me of your life, if you donut mind (most of these questions are personall, so just say "n/a" if you donut want to answer them)

1. do you have a car? if so, what type?

2. Whats your ethnicity?
I'm non-Hispanic White (atleast that's what the FCAT says :d)

3. Name a couple of your pet peeves peas.
People asking questions :)

4. Whats your favorite sport?

5. How did poo come up with your name?

6. How many food-related words did i type in this post roast? :O
One so far.

Thanks for your time! Bye-bye, iChar.
kbai and don't use my colour ever again, kthx.

The One To Rule -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 21:53:06)

Mmmm hellllllo

What art thou up to this fine evnin'
Answering these questions :P

cool (lol I base that on assumption)

why did they elect you as ak I fear you will go mad with power!
I will do no such thing........ oh wait, yeah I will >:D

On a lighter note I do in fact like pudding


penkiller -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:14:46)

Hmmm, an other Q&A thread were someone has to answer my questions, huh? This iwll be interesting heheh.
onoes :o

I'm trying to think of a good question here without breaking forum rules, lol.
Rules are fun and good to follow :)

So your an artistic type person, eh? I dabble in it a bit myself, but not too good at it. What do you use to do all your edit, making, etc.?
Photoshop CS2 (only because I can't find CS1)

What's your favorite drink?

Is it wierd that my frineds and I talk about blowing things up all the time?
No, I do that too :d

Well, I guess I'll leave you alone now, have fun, don't work to hard, and all that good jazz.

twilight_dweller -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:28:16)

I'm back like I promised!

/Steals Pie Munchies smiley


1. You are in ye olde dungeon. Obvious exits are North, South and Dennis. What do you do?
I eat Dennis.

2. Did you get the reference? + 10 Intarwebs if you do.
I don't need your points, my Emo Power is speeding up teh intrawebz D:<

3. So... You have a girlfriend?

4. If you do then... nice.
Not a question! D:<

5. So. How long were you a member before AKship?
A year and a few months.

6. Did you watch the Borat movie?

7. Does your girlfriend like you the same way you like her?
She better, or else she's lying.

8. Are you a vegetarian?
Nope, steak is too good to give up.

That's it.

But I'll be back later.

Seriously I totally will.

shadowelite2 -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:28:41)

Not a question D:<

The sky.

hows life?

do u know me?

u know i know u?
You better D:<

u know i like ur stuff?
See previous answer.

u know i'm onli gon ask that much for now?


Bartimaeus -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:29:10)


your previous title was better....

Why iChar?
See Reens post.

Do you know me?
Elected offical of Dynami.

*give iChar a cookie for being in Dynami*
YAY! *munch*

That's it.... for now....

Metal -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:31:54)

color thief
[NapoleonDynamite]Heck yes![/ND]

have fun as ak bro

Afnan_3240 -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:39:57)

Answered XD


Less awesometacular

AQ level?

DF level?
Highest is 22

Video games?
360 and a Ps2

like my siggy?
sure :D

Dalefanwill -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:47:08)


/me tacklesnugglehugglenuzzlinates Chair. :p
/me licks Dale

Congrats, again.
Thanks, yo.

So, um, question tiem nao! :D

Paper or plastic?
D. All of the Above.

Lordbarrius or Bored Larrius?
Barrius, he's nice and evil >:D

Pi or cake? ( ;P )
Pi will kick you (no, focereal)

D:< or :d
Don't make me pick D:<


NP or me? :o
Both :o

All done nao.

Lord Me -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:49:07)

First of all:

LM is a complete moron. just wanted to get that out there.
Agreed :D (<3 LM)

i hate you :P

Now. The babies can come in a mass load or slowly fed into your blood system via needles >.> Choose wisely.
Mass load, kthx

Being an AK... can you see through time and space? o.O

I think your name would sound way cool if you mixed the vowels up. Like oCher. Or iChur. You can't deny it.

I'd be an awesome AK though, don't you think? I'd request bans for every member that dissed foxes, that's fo' sho' >.>
XD You're weird, lol

Right-o then, I hope you have fun answering the fifty pages of questions you get asked. G'bye!
G'day :D

Mobuis -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:53:45)

"<iChar> Go ask me questions D:<"
Happy? ^.^
Yes :D

If you cross bread a moose and a monkey, would you expect to get a moonkey or a mook?
Both :O

Favorite colour?

Favorite food?

Favorite IRC channel not made by you?
Ummm.... Dynami :d

Favorite Non-rock band?
Beastie Boys (rap)

If I crash a plane between Canada and the USA, where do you bury the survivors?
On Mars.

Feel like making me a gift?
Yes and No.

* If you answered no;
Why not?
I felt like answering this questions too :d

* If you answered yes;
Are you friggen' kidding? O_O
Nope, I'll get to it some time this weekend.

Elaith -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 22:56:43)

1. What would you do if I sang you a song?
Sang with you if I knew the words :D

2. Would you stand up and walk out on me?
No wai D:

3. What is the sexiest of all music instruments?
Guitar, because I play it :D

4. How did Cor-Demiaz die?
It couldn't stand my sexy.

5. Zorbak and Kabroz go into a room. Who comes out first and why?
Kabroz, he's the older brother, duh.

6. What is your least favorite thing about IRC in general?
When I can't get a script to work D:<

7. How do you describe the Caelestian God of Evil?
He is beyond words, he's so cool.

8. What's your least favorite song to listen to on a Tuesday?
Hunting for Vampires by Bloc Party, that's everyday though :P

9. What questions should I ask for 10-30, and what are their answers?
Psh, I'm not doing the work for you D:<

jtgg -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 23:05:17)

do you have a wife

how about kids
No to both.

Pharoah Arch -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 23:08:56)

Have you seen my art before?
Yes I have.

If so, wat do you think of em?
Much better then me XD
I can't draw worth a crap. Nice job :)

Loki -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/21/2007 23:14:12)

We should hook up.

Don't lie, you know you want to.
Shush D:

That's all I have. Yes, I'm boring. Deal with it.
Okay, I already knew that. Harish is way more exciting :(

Oh and one more thing.


Oh, I went there. Yeah, go me. Go me. Go meeeeee.

Pie Munchies -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/22/2007 0:24:47)

As promised, I'm back.

1.) What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Sleep time.

2.) Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?
Not really, they don't have it perfect, therefore, it's only practice :)

3.) If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

4.) If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be?
*remians silent*

5.) What do you think of when you look at the stars?

6.) What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Ew, no.

7.) Do you like the taste of blood?
I only like the taste of my own blood :d

8.) Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
No, I'm a dude.

9.) What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Photoshop CS2

10.) Do you have any piercings or tatoos?
Not anymore.

Did you notic this was a myspace survey? >_>
HYT! D:<

I might be back. >_>

3leftfeet -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/22/2007 1:20:45)


I will now shower you with rediculous questions!

Does the iChar synergize with the iRack?
Not yet, maybe with my next update to my drivers.

May I please eat your eyebrows?
I need those for emotion showing D:


What do you enjoy most about being an AK?
This :d

Do smilies bother you?
None really.

Favorite musician/band?
Bloc Party atm.

Peanut butter or jelly?
Both. PB&J FTW!

Pepsi or coke?
Already answered >_>

Sunny side up or sunny side down?

Am I making you hungry?

Do you want me to stop now?
If you want to.

PieLover -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/22/2007 1:38:36)

I Still think that Your Avvy is Freakish
But ...
30 Questions Give or take Avery!

1. Is Pie All Everyone Says It Is?
No, cake FTW!

2. How Much Wood Could A WoodChuck Chuck if A You Know The Rest.
None, WoodChucks don't chuck wood. kthx.

3. If A Tree Falls In A Forest, And Lands On a Mime, Does anybody Care?
I'm sorry? I wasn't paying attention...

4. How Much Does Grafh Pay You To Be His Gardener?
With my powas >:D

5.Are You Bored?

Skip A few...

29. What Does You Think of my Smextacular edits?

30.And Finally...Apples or Supercalafrajalistikexpialadobananas?

I'm A Banana.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK) (3/22/2007 2:08:21)

i have one and one question only

I already know everything about you.

Why do you, iChar, think that you deserve this position of ArchKnight and what will you do to prove your worth?
I think I deserve it because I'm a rule abiding forumite. And I'm here to make the GoCA (mainly the DAaS) a better place for new members, since most of the regulars are rather mean to the newbies (not to be confused with noobies or n00bies). I can't stand that at all, and I feel that it needs to be stopped soon.

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