Resources, just for you. (Full Version)

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[Sev]_Foamy -> Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 22:59:02)

Okay, basically, i spent my own money to get you these tuts and tags.. So, lets see how we do :)
Each tag will be posted as an image, and the psd and png tut will be put under it as a link.

DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE. i paid money for posting rights here, so dont give them away.
These are for learning use only. dont rip plz, or you will be banned, i will make sure of it.

Autumn Leaves: [image][/image]

Panic: [image][/image]

Glorious: [image][/image]

Swarm: [image][/image]

Vastaire: [image][/image]

Vastaire2: [image][/image]

(editing links in, sorry there not done yet)

Nicky -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:01:25)

Looks like this will end up a being very sweet thread.

edit: Crikey! I've been looking at saving up to buy the .psd or tutorial first Vastaire tag... yay :o

So, here's a pre- thankyou for sharing, Phenom!
I can't wait for the rest <3

E.T -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:06:32)

This is gonna end up being a very useful thread.
I may be able to contribute with some tuts i've bought off of PR and other places.
Can't wait for this thread to get bigger.

thatguy47 -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:24:58)

Nice, I was thinking about a thread like this ya beat me to it. It'll help everyone out

Zero Hex -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:28:19)

I love the Swarm tag.


Thanks, tons. :D

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:34:40)

all tut links are up, now getting the psds

edit: all psds done.

nolraitru -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:48:30)

Here it should stay on the front page longer.

Thanks for sharing, can't wait for the first tag's psd :)

But I"ll stand with just the tut for now, really like some of these tags too :)
Great job Zach.

Cristal -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/24/2007 23:49:00)

You are one amazingly nice person :D

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 0:19:25)

lol, its part of me cristal. I don't see why i shouldnt share them
ichar- its up :)

b_master -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 1:31:58)

i am at a total lost for words. thank you for this great oppurtunity [sev]! zomg in that swarm tag is that the bottom half of Kira Knightly?

_Depression -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 2:29:25)

b_master, these are for Photoshop. You can't put them in GIMP. Sorry mate.

_Eowends_ -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 4:30:11)

oh wow, thank you very much Zach. i'm sure this will help many people :)
also is everybody sharing their tuts? i could maybe purchase a few now and share them here.

Phrase -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 10:03:13)

I'm tellin ya man... this is a tutorial heaven...

b_master -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 10:33:42)

Who says I can't try and convert them to gimp Dep? I've already tried a few photoshop tuts in my tags. They're not that different.
how much did these tuts cost you anyway sev?

Grafh -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 11:06:28)

I believe he was talking about the PSDs. You need photoshop to open them.

You amazing Foamy. Thanks for sharing these. I'll have to go through them.

nolraitru -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 11:13:38)

I would just like to add a little note that I forgot to before.

If you rip anything from these tags, I will find out, I have my ways.
Either through Foamy here, or a few other people I know.
So don't try it.

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 11:18:58)

I have that in the rules mr. afi lover :)
The psds can be opened in gimp, just some layers will be messed up.. or atleast thats what i have been told.

Phrase -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 13:48:18)

foamy: yep, some layers will be messed up. those of which you use any blending effects(inner light outer light, etc.)

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/25/2007 16:22:24)

i dont think they use effects like that, i havent checked them all out tho

[AD].Blade -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/26/2007 19:22:11)

TBH none of these tags realy appeal to me, but sharing vastaire and glourious tags is generous :)

nolraitru -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/27/2007 17:34:25)


Took out the flame posts, so this doesn't get on the wrong track.
Thank you again for sharing Foamy, these will be a great help for many artists to come :)

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/27/2007 18:06:32)

yeah, no problem. i didnt see the flame posts, but just seeing you say that really erks me. Were trying to help this place out, and you guys flame?

Memorex -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/27/2007 20:23:07)

Hey foamy, give me a pm sometime with some tags you would like to get for this thread, i got 2k gr credits just basically sittign there doing nothing

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Resources, just for you. (3/29/2007 17:43:16)

mem- if you'd like to send um over to me, ill buy some stuff. If not, anything that will help raise the awareness on this site. Anything that has a tutorial, anda nice outcome.

had to take 1 down, its been accused of ripping.

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