Crystal Cave (part of the AQ/DF Crossover quest) (Full Version)

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Icemaster Yeti -> Crystal Cave (part of the AQ/DF Crossover quest) (4/10/2007 6:06:58)

The Crystal Cave

The Crystal Cave is the cross over quest between Dragon Fable and Adventure Quest. The quest in AQ works independent of the quest in DF, and the two can be done in any order.
Dwarfhold Mountains

Among the giant mountains and deadly crags of Dwarfhold, you seem to have found a large cavern system hidden for centuries underground. What awaits in the depths?
  • Continue

  • «You»: Helloooooo! Is anyone in here???
    «You»: ......
    «You»: Seems abandoned. No sign of life that I can see.
    Crysbat: Halt, intruder!! This is my home! Only if you have a Vizalain Seed can you claim this cavern!
    Crysbat: Hmm-- you do NOT have a Seed.
    Crysbat: Prepare to die, INTRUDER!!


    Crysbat: You have beaten me. But the fact remains, this cavern is not yours until you have a Seed.
    You: Where do I get one of these Vizalain Seeds??
    Crysbat: Valencia, the rare item hunter in the town of Battleon, knows of the fabled Crystal Caves. Perhaps a seed is there.
    Crysbat: Find a seed, and then return here. Now pardon me-- I need to get back to sleep.

    You return to Battleon.
    The Crystal Cave

    Location: Valencia -> Ask about the Crystal Cave (Dragonfable Crossover)

    Valencia: As a rare item hunter, I have heard of the legend of the Crystal Cave. Some say there is a cache of mighty weapons there.
  • Go to the Crystal Cave

    Following the directions of Valencia, the rare item hunter, you make your way to the Crystal Cave. The terrritory has barely been explored before, and the caverns themselves forgotten for years. Upon entering, you expect only darkness, but find something more...
  • Continue

    «You»: Here I am... the Crystal Caves. It should be dark in here, but it's almost bright as day!
    «You»: All the light seems to be coming from INSIDE the crystals! There must be magic here... somewhere. Time to find out if there are rare weapons too!

    Scenes from Map
    | 8---9---10---11
    1    /
    | 6-7
    You start at 1. Gypsus is at 11. The most direct route is 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 (Up, down, right, right, right)

    There is one battle (each) at 1 & 8, and two battles (each) at 2, 3, 5 & 9. There are three battles at 4. You fight a Crysbat at 10.

    There are full heals at 4 (after the second battle), 5 (after the first battle), and 11 (upon entering).

    At 5 and 8, you are hit by a chunk of ceiling and take damage.
    «You»: Th--there.... what IS that? Looks like a tree stump! What happened to the TREE??
    ???: What happened? YOUR kind happened!
    «You»: Whoa! Wait a second big guy! I just got here, looking for a rare legendary item.
    «You»: If there's nothing here, then I'd just like to leave.
    Gypsus: You cannot leave. I will not allow it. You and your kind must pay for your crimes!

    1 BATTLEGypsus: I...I give up. If you would destroy me, so be it.
    «You»: No, I'm done fighting you. You seem to be a noble creature. Tell me what is this crime you speak of.
    Gypsus: The Tree... Our dear, dear Corundum. She was so beautiful. I am Gypsus, the last Vizalain in these caverns.
    Gypsus: We Vizalains live to bring light, stored in crystals, into the darkest depths of the world.
    Gypsus: The crime, the TRAGEDY, I speak of, happened years ago...
    Gypsus: Only through a tree can our race propogate through the generations. When I was young, I possessed a different form.
    Gypsus: Being living crystal, we are able to change our forms as we grow.
    Gypsus: And so when one of your kind came here, and our beautiful Tree was harmed, it was the beginning of the end.
    Gypsus: As I grew, I took on the form of YOUR kind-- the form of my enemy...
    Gypsus: All of my brothers left this cavern to search for other Vizalain colonies.
    Gypsus: I, Gypsus, was chosen to remain, forever watching over our beautiful Tree.
    «You»: That's really sad.
    Gypsus: Tell me about it.
    «You»: Is there anything I can do to help?
    Gypsus: Alas, nothing can help me. This is my destiny. But perhaps you can do something I could not.
    Gypsus: Each of my brothers took a seed from our beautiful Tree, which they could use to begin a new colony should they not find another.
    Gypsus: I was unable to take a seed, and so the one you see is doomed to have no destiny of its own.
    «You»: You want me to take the seed? But where do I take it?
    Gypsus: There is a perfect cavern in the Dwarfhold Mountains. Find it, and plant the seed there.
    Gypsus: Do that, and I can remain here for eternity knowing I did all I could.
    «You»: That's really sad, too.
    Gypsus: Tell me about it.
    «You»: Oh, one last thing-- what ever happened to the super rare and powerful items I was supposed to find here??
    Gypsus: I don't remember them. Most likely, they were taken. You would have to come here years ago to find out...

  • Take the Seed

    Gypsus: Thank you. One day soon I am sure you will find the cavern in Dwarfhold. There you will take the Seed, and help my race. Good luck to you!
  • Continue this quest in DragonFable (Opens in new window)
  • Leave the cave (Search Dwarfhold on the Travel Map)
    Back at Dwarfhold Mountains....

    Among the giant mountains and deadly crags of Dwarfhold, you seem to have found a large cavern system hidden for centuries underground. What awaits in the depths?
  • Continue

    «You»: Helloooooo! Is anyone in here???
    «You»: ......
    «You»: Seems abandoned. No sign of life that I can see.
    Crysbat: Halt, intruder!! This is my home! Only if you have a Vizalain Seed can you claim this cavern!
    Crysbat: My!!! You DO have a Vizalain Seed! They are verry, VERY rare these days.
    «You»: What do I do with it?
    Crysbat: These caverns no longer belong to me! You must place the seed on the ground. But wait until I leave--
    «You»: Why wait??
    Crysbat: Because-- I don't know what will happen, exactly. And I'd like to be far away...
    «You»: Uuummmmm....

    «Crysbat Leaves»

    «You»: Oh great. Well, here goes nothing!

    «You place the Crystal Seed on the ground.»

    «You»: ..........

    «The Seed dissolves, and the ground shake.s»

    «You»: That can't be good....

    «Crystals and a Crystal Tree grow from the rocks.»

    «You»: Wow!
    Malachia: I am Malachia, girl child of Corundum. Thank you for bringing me to this sacred place.
    «You»: A talking crystal tree... double wow.
    Malachia: To thank you, please take this crystal shell from the Seed which bore me. It will channel magical light to help you in battle.

  • Crystal Seed

    Malachia: In time, I will start a new colony of Vizalain and bring light to this entire cavern. Thank you once more, and good luck on your journeys!

    Thanks to Dropkick Murphy and Ninja Paladin, plus Icemaster Yeti for compiling the entry. Some links from Stephen Nix. Some monsters from apus.

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