RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- Offline-- (Full Version)

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Jimmiedean -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- Offline-- (4/18/2005 21:42:33)

Ok since Phzyco didn't answere this in time I hope you can. Oh and moo master, I would make your title "Master MooMoo Milker of the Mountains" LOL it fits you

When will the cow jump over the moon?

Shortly after the dish runs away with the spoon... so keep your eyes peeled for charging flatware!

Do you like peanut butter?

Yes, but only if there is milk handy.

Are there hobbits in AQ?

*squish* Not anymore....

When do I get my lunch?

I'll take a stab and say.... lunchtime?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

If peter piper picked a pile of peppers how many peppers did peter pipper pick?

A cubic meter's worth

Do you know the muffin man?

The muffin man.. the muffin man... who lives on Drury Lane?

Does your mother know your secrets?

Trust me: She wouldn't want to...

Did you know I know you knew your last name?

I knew you know I know you knew that I knew, don't you know.

If a train was leaving to Boston at 65 miles per hour to Wisconsin and a second train was leaving San Fransico at 95 miles per hour to Wyoming would the guy watching you through your window still like peanut butter?


Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- Offline-- (4/18/2005 23:47:44)

can you plz plz make me one of those card thingys? plz ur so cul and good at it!!

I'm sorry, your request is not formatted properly. You need to re-read the instructions at the beginning of the post.
Your missing a background, a face, an armour, a weapon, a shield, and stats.

I feel soiled after that... but all for the sake of amusing Seahawk :P .
When did you first start actually using (not just scribbling in Paint) graphics programs (including Paint ;) )?

Probably back in college... I used to play with Paint to do what might be classed as abstract work (lots of geometric shapes and simple
colors, perfectly suited to Paint). The AQ Cards thread has probably been the most consistent graphic work I've done in awhile, short
of some basic sigs and resizing work. Paint is my tool of choice, although I'm working on learning to use Gimp.

Which sprite of your own do you like the most?

I liked the Sephiroth armour I did, because I likes the way it turned out. One of the first heavy duty rework jobs I did.
But I think my favorite is this one: [img][/img] becasue I started with a blank page instead of editing a sprite.


Carnax will win all, as he is a servant of the ultimate evil... Twilly!
Does that mean that AntiTwilly is the ruler of all good in AQ?

Quite possibly.. it will remain to be seen

Do you happen to like seagulls too?

Seagulls are dirty carrion birds, basically rats with wings. Much like pigeons...

Is snuggling your only weakness? :P

Nope. Evidentally, I also have a weakness to Geckos, Fy-Kitties, and Reenseseses (what is the plural of "Reens" anyway?)

How and when will I meet my doom?

Well, you've seen the Insanely Long Waiting List of Doom... I think you're safe for quite awhile...

Should I ask even more questions?

That depends.. is Afina still 50 posts ahead of me? Seriously, ask away.. as has been seen, I'll answer anything!

Should I keep pestering you?

Silly Gecko... you haven't even started pestering me yet... [;)]

Am I in trouble when it's my turn for this? >_>

If so, I won't be the only one coming after you...

Lenneth -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/18/2005 23:50:49)

Will you marry me?

*swoon* My First Proposal! Yay!

Of course, provided I wouldn't have to share... there seems to be a lot of polygamy going on in these threads...

Yoyogod -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 0:40:54)

That zard contest that you were judging with Blackhawke was supposed to have the prizes distributed two days ago, but I haven't seen anything about who won. Can you tell us which zard won?

Well, I know what my Top 5 were, and I sent them to Blackhawke. I haven't seen him around recently, so I don't know
for sure what he thought.

Just be patient, and I'm sure he'll let us all know soon!

ftfox -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 4:08:54)

Now my slave, anser all my quetions!

Ahhh... They're so cute when they get delusions of grandeur... [;)]

What is your lest fav weapon in AQ?

Hmm... I never liked the Laser Saw, didn't have much luck with that one. I also used to dislike
weapons that got dropped by monsters (like the Legendary Blade) because I only ever seemed to
find them right after finding the Dragon Blade... nowadays, that's not as big an issue.

Do you think it is stange that the one place that you want go to the most is the place that I live?

You live there? Hmmm... is it too to change my answer? Seriously, though, coincidence works in strange ways... [;)]

Hot dogs or moglin dogs (hot dog made of moglins)?

If I have my way, there won't be enough leftover to make a hot dog when I'm through with the Moglins...

Pizza or ice cream?

No, no, no... Pizza AND Ice Cream... just no fish and ice cream!

I will be back when I think of more questions to ask you my slave!

I'm not going anywhere. Well, I am , but... oh, whatever...

vampireofdarkness -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 11:24:49)

waves at Seahawk.


How many language(s) can you speak?

Does Pig Latin count?

I speak English (obviously), and I known a bit of French (I'm several years out of practice at this point). I also took enough
Latin to have a basic understanding of it, but I'm far from conversational in it.

Can you poke me?


Jimmiedean -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 11:45:22)

Can I go to the bathroom?

If you couldn't, the waste buildup would have killed you long ago...

Do Geckos really work for Geicko?

Doubtful. The only Gecko I know of dislikes the mere mention of the poser in the Geico commercials... [;)]

When do you eat dinner?

Between 6pm and 8pm, depending on when I get home from work.

If a midget ate smoked bacon on the 4TH of Julyafter being trampled by an elephant would the kangaroo still be in man in the staright jacket's pet's cousin Earl's best friend?

Only if the raven cries thrice beneath the light of the blue moon

When will the dish run away with the spoon?

When felines take up stringed instruments, and are mocked by petite canines...

Who is you best friend?

No one you guys would know. He doesn't play AQ. I won't say anything more out of respect for his privacy

Do you like my name?

It makes me think of breakfast for some reason... [;)]

Do sharks really have no bones in the bodies?

A shark has no true bones. Instead, the shark's skeleton is made of cartilage. This helps to keep the shark from sinking, since
sharks lack the swim bladder common in "bony" fish (cartilage is lighter then bone). Also, cartilage is more flexible then bone,
which allows the shark be more maneuverable in a small space.

The AQ Forums: Fun AND Educational!

Where do Geckos come from?

Gecko eggs

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 15:52:44)

Are you Fyrel's buddy? I am!

I hope I'm Fyrel's buddy... you'd have to ask her, though...

Do you have the power to make me a Mod?


If so could you?

See above. Only Admins can make new Mods, and then only in time of need.

What title would you give me if you gave me a title?

Hmmm... given your Star Wars fandom... how about "SithLord"

Do you think it's messed up that I like this girl and this jerk likes a girl and the girl likes me and yet the jerk is going to beat me if I keep liking her? I do!

Sounds like one of those teen angst TV shows: "Next week, on Dawson's Creek...." [;)]
I don't think I know anyone who's ever gone through high school who doesn't have a story similar to that...

I will many more questions!

And I'm not out of answers yet, so...

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 16:54:09)

Sorry for double posting but I want to ask more questions!

Well.. I guess I can forgive you... THIS time!

Do you have the power to give out titles?

Yep. But to nip the inevitable followup question in the bud, I don't do it very often, and I don't
take requests...

Have you ever been to Charlestown Races and Slots?


Have you ever been to Williamsburg?


What is your favorite X-Box game?

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II

I heard that you like Timothy Zahn Star Wars books. I own a few myself.
Which ones have you read?

All 5 of them... Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command... and the other two whose names escape me.

Have you ever read any of Steven Barnes's Star Wars books? They are pretty good.

It's possible, I'm not familiar with which books he wrote. But if he wrote in either the "normal" series or in the New Jedi
Order series I have read it.

I also higly enjoyed Michael Stacpkpole's books (The X-Wing series and I, Jedi... plus a couple of the New Jedi Order books)

In KotOR what is your favorite part?

Call me twisted, but I enjoyed turning on all of my companions at the end when I played on the Dark Side ("I won't kill
you... I'll make the Wookie do it!" heh heh heh)

I will definitely have more questions.

Why am I not surprised? [;)]

jendinn -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 17:23:27)

do you feel kinda unwanted because your not getting a lot of questions?

If I say "Yes" will I get more questions? ;-)

interesting how you like KOTOR,did you know thats my favorite game?(the second one is)

Most people I've talked to who have the game feel that way...

you should play KOTORII though what you fear is true if you start playing your addicted.did you know i spent 12 hours straightplaying it?my first day even!

I was warned about that... hence the reason I haven't started playing yet!

back to real questions about life!i see that your 21 or around that age so why hide it?i found out from reading the first page.

Heh... 21, eh? You're wrong. I guess I hide it well, huh?

if you could marry anyone on the forums who would it be?why?

Well, Lenneth DID propose a few questions back.... but I have this rule about marrying people I've never met in person...

have you ever met any of the mods in real life?


you like the seawaks right?right , who do you hate then?

Despite the NFL moving the Seahawks to the NFC, I still DESPISE the Raiders, like all good Seahawks fans should.
I'm not too keen on the Rams either....

Krezuke -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 17:26:59)

can u delete my file since a hacker hacked it and helpzard didnt send a reply in a week?

I don't have deletion powers over accounts... your best bet is to wait for the Helpzard. Poor 'Zard gets a ton
of email, and it accumulates faster then it can be answered...

Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 18:09:01)

OMG a mod who has KOTOR!!

I can't be the only one... it's a pretty cool game!

Is Darth Vader very cool to you?

Darth reached the epitome of coolness in Empire, then back-slid in Return of the Jedi. He should have
tossed the Emperor down the shaft, thrown Luke after him, destroyed the Rebel fleet, and then started
a lucrative business selling Ewok pelts... instead he forsakes the awesome and powerful Dark side
to join up with that whiny Skywalker punk...

Which side are you on:Dark or Light?

I'd think it should be obvious from my previous answer... [;)]

I will edit more questions in, when the time is right.

I'll be here...

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 18:46:17)

Steven Barnes wrote some of the New Jedi Order series and many of the Clone Wars novels.

Then I've read some of his books... alot of the New Jedi Order blended together for me

Have you read the Medstar Duology? I got one of the books but haven't read it yet :)

Haven't read it...

How do you make the dancing banana?

I'd prefer to destroy the dancing banana... he tasks me, he tasks me!

I loved doing that to my characters in the game! Carth ran away and I found him and killed him! Bastila said good job and then started kissing my character! She said sorry and I said do it again and then it did it again and then later before they leave each other on the Star Forge she kissed me again! It is cool!

Dang it, I could never find Carth... I looked all over for him. He WILL feel my Wrath!

Did you ever take Algebra?

ALgebra I, II, and III

Do you like Anime?

Yep. I grew up a Star Blazers fan.

Do you like FullMetal Alchemist? That's my favorite!

Yep. It's one of the ones I watch regularly. I'm also a fan of Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and
Inuyasha (don't know if I shoudl admit to the Inuyasha.. I think it might make me a pariah on these boards!)

Who will be on Meet the Mods next week?

You'll have to wait and see...

And yet again I will have more questions!

And I will have more answers...

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (4/19/2005 18:57:22)

[Deleted by Admins]

Yalani -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 19:15:21)

lol i get to talk to SeaHawK awesome =D

Yes, I have been known to inspire awe from time to time... [;)]

i have a 24/7 chatroom would u like to use that for AQ?

We already have a couple channels on #yulgarsinn and #battleon

do u like MMORPG's

Never really played one. I have this thing about being forced to pay a monthly fee. Yet, I've spent more on AQ then
I would have to play, say, Everquest. Go figure, huh?


Only on the PC... I like RP, but lack nearby friends who do

whats ur favorite movie? mines bruce almighty

Hmmm... today, I'll say "The Incredibles"

[sm=banana.gif] i hav this but hes holding a sign that says "n00b" u want it =)

I'm anti-banana

hav u heard of the FSO (First Star Online) game engine?

Don't think so...

if u hav can u help me find where to download it

No idea where it might be

Adventure Quest is so awesome =P

Yes it is. I wish I could take more credit for it... Mad props to the creative staff for an awesome game!

what music u listen to while playin AQ

I tend to have the TV on instead. But I have about a gig of random MP3s on my HD that I shuffle through.

if u could give me a title what would it be

I don't really know enough about you to give you an appropriate title

can i hav the title "Sentinel"

Only if you hunt mutants...

u r cool

I try

im running out of questions

That means I win... Victory is Mine!

c-ya later


Hero of Winds -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 20:17:54)

Hi Seahawk.

Hiya HoW!

Let's see: Who is better? Link or Sora (of Kingdom Hearts)? Be honest now. As you might guess, I like Link.

Sora's an OK kid, but Link's old school. He's got the staying power, and those spiffy gold NES cartridges to boot.
So I gotta go with Link.

Which is more annoying: Being poked, being slapped or being tickled?

I'm not ticklish, and slapping is usually a single occurance. I'd say poking

How much do loathe the use of leet?

Ph34R My l33T 5k1llz!!11!1!!1
*ewww* I feel... unclean... now

Are Moglins better fried, baked, broiled or grilled?

MmMmmm... pan-fried Moglin, served over linguini in a nice white wine sauce...

Which Moglin is more snuggleable: Zorbak, Twilly, Twig, Stinky or Chico?

Zorbak is the only who doesn't trigger my kill reflex, and Zorbak tolerates no snuggling...

If you could give me any good title (other than the one I have now), what would it be?

Not sure exactly... probably something Link/Zelda related though...

What language would you love to learn?

Either Russian or Japanese

What do you think about table-top RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, GURPs, or Call of Cthulu?

My D&D experience comes largely from PC RPGs like Baldur's Gate. I've never played GURPs or
Call of Cthulhu but I have heard of them. But I do enjoy what I have played.

Do you watch non-anime cartoons?

Yep. Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy



Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 20:46:46)

Do you like American Idol?

I only like Simon. He's a jerk. I respect that.

If so who do you want to win?

Ummm... I mainly watch the last 10 minutes on Tuesday while waiting for "House"... the dude who
sang "Vehicle" was pretty cool. I'll pick him, since the guy who was from my area was already voted out.

I want to meet you in person!

That's a scary thought...

Do you believe in werewolves in real life?

I don't necessarily disbelieve in the possibility... but the people who claim to be werewolves (and vampires for that
matter) tend to scare me on a certain level...

If so do you believe me when I say I am one?

*looks at his previous answer whistles innocently*

Crap I can't think of anymore questions at the moment but do not perish I will have more!

SOmehow, I'm not surprised.... [;)]

mythmaster303 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/19/2005 21:54:54)

Hello Seahawk


What planet do you currently reside on?

Earth... or as I like to call it, Planet Bob.

Hows my hair?

Ummm... hairy?

Would you be offended if I were to offer you birdseed?

I'd only eat the sunflower seeds...

.....I have to go watch whos line now......BYE!

Catch ya later!

Illusion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/20/2005 1:30:32)

Heya Seahawk!

Hello, Lord of Myth!

I never know what to ask on these things, but they can be a bit of fun anyway.

I'm having fun answering, and hopefully others are having fun reading...

Play any sport?

No time for true organized sport, but I play basketball and backyard football with friends for fun. I was also
in Marching Band in college, which fell under the jurisdiction of the Athletics Department... does that count?

Favourite food?

Calamari, although I prefer the kind that doesn't look like a mass of tentacles. It tastes the same, but the
mental image is not pleasant...

How many pointless questions, including mine ^_^ have you ever answered?

Heh... I work tech support and field service for a living... I stopped counting pointless questions LONG ago!

Vode -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/20/2005 3:58:10)

What is the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything?

3 + C. I bet you thought I was gonna say 42.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Sorry, Wood Chuck Local #253 is on strike right now, there will be no chucking of wood. We're looking
at bringing in weasels to cross the picket lines and continue production...

EDIT: Oh, and seeing as you like Boba Fett (me too), have you read K. W. Jeter's The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy? It's quite good
I liked the Zahn books too myself, I have most of the books prior to the "New Jedi Order" ones. I haven't read the New Jedi Order one's, but have read, and liked, the rest.

I read the Bounty Hunter trilogy, it was a decent read. I find myself enjoying those Star Wars books that take minor
characters from the movie (Boba Fett, Wedge Antilles) and flesh them out a bit.

EDIT: Just a small edit on my part, so that that makes a bit more sense... I'll add another question in case you see it (it's a bit of a no-brainer though)

Why turn to the darkside?

Sublex -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/20/2005 4:55:43)



Are you weird?

Nope. I'm normal. Everyone else is weird... [;)]

DO you like to say "benk"?

I prefer to say "blather"

I do.

Good for you!

I could do this forever.

Nope, only for another 4 days...

Best not to.


You might gimme a warning.

Only if you were flaming or spamming...

or worse.

Only if you ignored the previous warning...


Only if you STILL didn't get the message...


Bucket. Or are we not playing word association?

bye :).


general greivous -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/20/2005 11:19:52)


ORIGINAL: Deathmage

General Grievous, I recall him from the animated Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network.

so could you do the favor to repair the typo i made in my name? plz?

If I could I would, but I don't have the ability to change account names. Sorry.

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- offline-- (4/20/2005 15:45:53)

What color is your hair?

Sort of a brownish-blondish color

What color are your eyes?


How many fingers am I holding up?


What is one town in Africa?


Have you ever been to West Virginia or Virginia?

West Virginia. Don't remember the name of the town, but it had a Wal-Mart at one end, a chicken packing plant
at the other, and nothing in between. I was there on a "Computers in the Schools" project, and of the 200 or
so kids we issued laptops to, 50 of them had the same last name...

If so what part?

See the previous answer... all I remember is that it wasn't far from Gore.

ajj bones -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- Online -- (4/20/2005 19:41:04)

do u think u could give me a title to upload my own avatars if i posted backgrounds from photoshop on the pictures forum?

Posting creative works in the Gallery of Creative Adventurers is a good way to start working towards a Creative
title, but it doesn't happen over night. You have to demonstrate a consistent amount of work, and stick with it.
A one time posting won't be enough to earn yourself a title.

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, SeaHawK -- Online -- (4/20/2005 22:21:35)

Editor's Note: All Fyrels should skip to Post 51 at this point...

So, which do you like better, kitties or geckos? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Geckos, of course. They are Uber-Cool!

What do I taste like?

Like sunshine and rainbows and other happy fun things!

Do fish really taste fishy?

Depends on the fish. Trout is very fishy, whereas shark is not.

Can I have a Hawky-back ride?

Sure. Climb on!

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