Lathomir -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Mr.Irish (4/15/2007 18:33:00)
Dude! Irish! I cannot believe this! Wewt! Wowwow, first time I *Somewhat* knew someone before his/her knighting.... Okey, mind-blowing question session. A) How do you feel that you now have.....*Gasps* Mod-Powers! *Gasp* Now that I'm done dancing it's been down to business and business is business so the powers needa be used right... (See #2) B) Are you going to use your powers for good or evil? ... and for good! C) Will you be one of those evil mods or one of them nice ones? Don't be fooled by the Avvy, I'm good at heart [:D] D) *Whisper whisper, nudge nudge* Tell them AES to make me an AK too...Hehe, joking. I'm sorry, I'm down here I couldn't hear you! E) ....I can't think of any more ATM. Don't worry, I'll torture you later. Joy abound! [:D] F) Do you have a bounding admiration for Senomi15? (I do) Of course I do, he spends a good deal of time on here and has made some good contributions!! *Snuggletackles Mr. Irish* Congratz on your ArchKnighthood! Thank you much! (And thanks for having everything type-ready with the color and whatnot [:D]) P.S. Why is the number seven so important? *Hint, hint...Something to do with Archangels, sins, and wonders....And a whole lot more* =DDD Like the multi-chinned alien? I horribly missed something hahaha If I type in this color people will think you have already answered! Wewt. Not completely, you didn't pick the right shade of green [:)] P.P.S. Why do people say 'AKship' when AK stands for Archknight and it's really 'Knighthood', not 'Knightship'? Your guess is as good as mine, correction, the great Alac has informed me it is because that is the AK ship, like sail boat ship... with AKs [8|] ......In that case, wouldn't it be 'Congratulations and Welcome aboard the ArchKnight Ship!', not 'c0ngr4tz oN urzzz akship, duur...' ? Aren't you getting a headache from all this? Brain damage? Brain Death? Unhealthiness? Pale palor? Irritable? Lack of sleep? Want to punch things? Does the AK Ship have AK-49s?