RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (Full Version)

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Azerkail -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/8/2007 12:15:08)

The Ruins of Kordana contain several references.

1. Kordana sounds an awful lot like Cortana of the Halo series. She's even a hologram woman in the quest who controls the crashed ship!

2. The traps are similar to the traps seen in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade It was the one with the Nazis force Indy to go through the traps of the temple, and there's the trap that requires you to kneel, one that required you to spell out a passage on tile, and one that was an illusion.

3. The pages Rhubarb mentions are 23 and 42. Both are infamous, 23 being the paradoxial number that is supposed to appear in everything, and 42 being the answer to the question on Life, the Universe and Everything from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 23 and 42 are also part of the Numbers from Lost.

EDIT: Thanks to LurcyLurch for the correction on Indiana Jones movie!

tauguy -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/8/2007 12:20:11)

Yes, interesting connection. The only important one is no.3 paradox and life...

Genoclysm -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/8/2007 19:34:40)

Don't forget that the helm in the shop from the quest was owned or whatever by "Master and Chief", suggesting the Masterchief from Halo.

Azerkail -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/9/2007 13:50:18)

Indeed. And the remnants of a ship/mech out in the middle of a forest that's from another era? Seems reminiscent of Star Wars to me... the X-Wing perhaps?

Atlam -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/9/2007 13:56:46)


ORIGINAL: Genoclysm

Don't forget that the helm in the shop from the quest was owned or whatever by "Master and Chief", suggesting the Masterchief from Halo.

It also blantantly mentions Halo in the description.

katieh5584 -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/10/2007 15:52:54)

Lore is very similar to the plotline of the Anne McCaffrey Dragonrider of Pern Novels. First there was the technology of Earth, then the humans moved to Pern and left their technology behind and created dragons. Thousands of years later the technology is being rediscovered. This is what is happening on Lore.

Genoclysm -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/14/2007 17:18:41)

Of course everyone caught the Spiderman symbiote reference, but that isn't the only one with the Protectors!

From the Fantastic Four:
The Silver Surfer's power was from the board flowing silver metal over his skin, much like the Proteans flowing over our characters.

From Legend of Legaia:
The Proteans are like the seru who fuse with and corrupt people, and
the Protectors are like the Ra-Seru who assist people and try to help stop the Seru.

From Dragon Warrior series:
I'm sure i'm not the only one who noticed the Proteans look like Metal Slimes. Here's to hoping we'll fight a war with a variety of Protean hosts, and the boss is a giant one with a crown!

Some others noticed that the Protector set also just happens to be based on an older AK armor by nearly the same name. The Protector was said to be made of living metal, and has a little resemblance to the new one, though the eyes are red, the body is much more plain, and the spikes on the head are smaller.

~Divinity~ -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/14/2007 17:40:51)

It's also like the Stargate SG-1 Gould taking the body of human forcibly, and The Tok'Ra who bond with humans in a sort of partnership working together to stop there evil counterparts.

Omega Ace -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/14/2007 20:26:49)

Hey, did any of you guys notice that Nalonoth's mech looks almost exactly like The End from Eureka 7? The only flaw I see is in the claw placement. Also, Artix's mecha looks like an LFO of the same show.

P.S. I had posted this in another thread but Genoclysm was kind enough to point me to this thread.

P.P.S. I have just now noticed that the Jewel of the Four Winds is like the Jewel of the Four Souls from Inuyasha.

Lord Vearl -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/14/2007 21:03:22)

Merlin and Xaryomadios.

One of those pics is kind of big, so let them click the links to see them.

Lurchylurch -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/14/2007 21:27:29)

The Protector armor and its attacks remind me of Paragon from the Marvel Nemesis video game (which sucked btw)

Rhowena -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/16/2007 2:14:31)


ORIGINAL: katieh5584

Lore is very similar to the plotline of the Anne McCaffrey Dragonrider of Pern Novels. First there was the technology of Earth, then the humans moved to Pern and left their technology behind and created dragons. Thousands of years later the technology is being rediscovered. This is what is happening on Lore.

They also both have the periodic comings of things that cause great destruction.

katieh5584 -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/17/2007 14:52:14)

@Rhowena: That's very true.

Azerkail -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/27/2007 0:36:42)

The use of the name Atlas?

1. Atlas, the man who helps the player in the game BioShock. While this reference is probably irrelevant because there would be no way that the game's authors would've seen this one earlier, I'd like to note it.

2. Atlas, the god from Greek mythology who holds up the entire world. Very fitting perhaps for our Maxwell.

3. Atlas, as in a possible reference to Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. In it, the intellectual elite and the impoverished regular citizens clash. A very atheistic, anti altruistic and otherwise pessimistic view on the future.

Hyuka Neiji -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (9/28/2007 20:50:04)

Kordana and the mech probably came from mechquest

Sir Link -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 9:40:57)

The aq team have made a lad of marvel refences could every one try to make a list heres mine

Protector symobite (spiderman/silver surfer)
Devourer/The'galin (Galen/fantastic 4)
wolverine(speaks for it self)
Sinester 7 (sinester 6/spiderman)
Cyclops(shoots beams from eyes duh)
Green goblin (was a monster at mogloween)
Asguardian (thor and his say collueges)note i didnt say asguard again not asguard asguardian!!!

and yoo say probaly they (as in marvel) copied stuff yes i know but these refrences are most widely known from them

A load more are there cant remember much but add too the list!!
i think one of them is a real marvel fan like me [:D][:D][:)][:D][;)][:D][:)][:D][:D]

s4tchel -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 9:47:29)

what about
wolverine (wolverine - xmen)

Sir Link -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 9:49:54)

wow forgot that

Ozymandias -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 9:50:53)

cthun? cthulion is a joke of CTHULHU

and please. the proteans are from the greek myth of protus, shape shifter

Sir Link -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 9:53:29)

Ahh but they say symobite a very marvel word or wateva and symobites are shapeshifters too i just think he aq team used both

Gus. -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 9:58:05)

Use the =AE= There is Nothing New Under the Sun =AE= Thread for parodies.

I'm also pretty sure The 'Galin is a original idea...

lightbringer lord -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 10:40:10)


Zephyrus, or just Zephyr, in the original Greek Zephuros (Ζέφυρος), in Latin Favonius, is the Greek god of the west wind. The gentlest of the winds, Zephyrus is known as the fructifying wind, the messenger of spring. It was thought that Zephyrus lived in a cave in Thrace.

There isn't any relation but meh.

chadrizard -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 10:50:36)

Wolverine IS A REAL ANIMAL (they just made the color scheme for the X-men wolverine)

Twiztid -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 12:21:37)


ORIGINAL: Ozymandias

cthun? cthulion is a joke of CTHULHU

and please. the proteans are from the greek myth of protus, shape shifter

Nope, the Proteans are a spoof of the Spider Man series symbiotes, the Proteans turn into an armor, the symbiotes turn into a suit [or worse, they warp your body (look at Venom, Hybrid, and their 'sister and brothers')] and corrupt your mind.

@ Sir Link: Don't relate the word symbiote to Marvel just because they play a big role in the Spider Man series.

mturf -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (10/6/2007 15:05:56)

i'm not sure on cthu, there's a few things that could be. as for the rest i think u'll find wolverine is the only one. marvel did not create the idea of symbiotes or symbiote costumes, and there's many more of them than venom/carnage/etc. thegalin may seem like big mr planet eater, but again marvel weren't original with that either. i do love marvel, and have had long discussions of comparisons with it an AQ, but in the end you find they're not direct. but hell, what am i babblin about, use the link gustavo gave you and enjoy

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