Damageplan -> RE: =AK= Meet The ArchSlinger, RATIONALPARANOIA! (MtAK) (4/25/2007 22:38:27)
Greetings RP, how are you on this fine april evening? I'm good, I'm good. Given the opportunity to have a conversation with one person, living or not, with whom would you converse?Why? I couldn't possibly answer that, as there are quite a lot of people I'd like to converse with. If you could travel time to change one event in history, what would it be? Well, I wouldn't change anything in history, as there are two possibilities regarding that: 1. I would, for some reason, be stopped from changing the event. (After all, I'd be trying to change something in the past, which has already happened, and an event that has already been recorded, making it impossible to change it, unless you believe the second theory.) 2. Me changing this event would create an alternate reality, and my small interaction might possibly cause the death of every single form of life in that reality, including me. What kind of influence has music had on your life? It has been quite influental to me, cheering me up when I'm sad, inspiring some writing, etc. Could you imagine a day without music? I can not, as I listen to music at least once every day, and usually much more time. What is the one thing that annoys you more than any other? I don't know... There's a lot of things that annoy. Drama or comedy? It really depends on how good the drama or comedy is. What would be the one trait, above all others you would look for in a politician? Honesty. As the old saying goes, 'tis better to follow a honest fool than it is to follow a lying sage. If you were to run for president, what would your campaign slogan be? Don't know. Do you enjoy any sports?If so, what teams do you root for? I enjoy too many sports to list them, and too many teams as well. After some of the questions asked of you, do you believe that the only stupid question is one left unasked? Yes, but I believed that before. If you were to find out you had only one week left to live, what one thing that you have not done yet would you do? I'd sell all my possesions, donate all my money to the poor, and spend the last week of my life simply helping out others in real life. Why haven't you done that yet? Well, I do help others, but I don't sell all my possesions and money because, well, I need money. What one word would you use to describe me, using only the questions I have asked you to form that opinion? Inquisitive. :P That is all, thank you for your time, and have a fine evening, or morning,.............. or afternoon day. You too.