RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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aNyThInG -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/22/2007 21:36:59)


The following guest are RARE now.
Whitey from the Greenguard Forest quest is rare?! Or do you mean Morgan? I tagged the four from the Carnax wars. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Malkroy the Paladin -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/22/2007 23:46:30)


Lizard Wizard sells for 2,000 gold.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/23/2007 22:27:17)


6. For Cobalt Dragon, I believe its attack rate is 67 %.

Please and thanks.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

CRomance -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/25/2007 15:48:50)


I was wondering if any of the pedia AK can check with the staff about the innate bth of Zorbak pet. Actually, can you guys check the innate bth of all the pets especially those z-token ones and high level ones? Because right now all the Pet comparison just assumes all pet have 0 innate bth since the pedia doesn't specify the exact bth. If the innate bth can be added I think it would help make pet comparisons more accurate.
I don't see why innate B2H's for pets are needed for comparisons. If you just know the B2H for each attack, then that should be good enough. What's the difference between "+20% on ATTACK 1" and "+10% B2H, with an additional +10% on ATTACK 1"? However, it does look important to add, so I'll see what the staff could do. If you don't see anything, just assume it's a "No". ~In Media Res

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/26/2007 19:59:07)


In the war between one another Ive seen that the two guests have changed

Captain Rhuburg has two hits with his troblles....which have been updated and

Elizabeth can only do two hits of wind damage
Reyn got me the stats. Thanks for the heads-up. ~In Media Res

Aragh -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/27/2007 10:39:45)


Light Gatta's entry says that it has 100% attack rate at CHA of 50. I have exectly 50 CHA and my light gatta just did NOT attack! That means that data in encyclopedia are wrong
Hm, it might have been changed. What's its Training Difficulty? ~In Media Res

rharren -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/27/2007 17:32:35)


Elizabeth does energy damage on pirates, not wind. She triggers on pirates not ninjas.
Captain Rhubarb does light damage on ninjas; I suspect that they element seek against their triggers.
Fixed it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/27/2007 19:57:52)


7. For Sea Squirt, for the first entry, add this: Sea Squirt. For the second entry, add this: Tough Sea Squirt.

8. The Index says that Sea Squirt is rare, but the entry says it's not rare. There is a mistake there.

Please and thanks.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

PowerJack -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/28/2007 8:41:09)





Light Gatta's entry says that it has 100% attack rate at CHA of 50. I have exectly 50 CHA and my light gatta just did NOT attack! That means that data in encyclopedia are wrong
Hm, it might have been changed. What's its Training Difficulty? ~In Media Res

light gatta's trainning difficulty = 25
Okay, the KoO say that we have the rates wrong. They've been fixed. ~In Media Res

SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/28/2007 15:04:27)


8. You still didn't fix it. On the Sea Squirt entries, you should do this on the first entry:


Sea Squirt
Location: Aria's Pet Shop
Price: 800 Gold
Sellbak: 160 Gold
Level 25


And the second entry:


Tough Sea Squirt
Location: Guardian Shop
Price: 3200 Gold
Sellbak: 640 Gold
Level 60


To differenciate the different versions of Sea Squirt.

Please and thanks.
Oops, sorry, I was busy.... Fixed, thanks! ~In Media Res

Keno Chao -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/29/2007 7:56:37)


I checked the Elizabeth guest from Epic Quest and she still does element seeking with 1 hit. The two Elizabeths are different quests but it says that it has past stats.
Oh...I just figured that since Cap'n was updated and the old version removed, then the same would be for 'Liz. Fixed, thanks. ~In Media Res

Also the Wolf Beastmaster guest's double attack does 1 hit of ranged then 1 hit of magic.
First off, no double posting. Just put an edit below, like this. Anyways, fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Ricobabie -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/1/2007 11:25:36)


About Little Trobble, it would be good to have the first post saying the location of it.

Location: Warlic's Beginner Shop.
Added. I also cleaned up the entry a bit. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Keno Chao -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 7:44:44)

Also about Bungles the Penguin. It can't have a fixed attack rate because since I became a beastmage it hasn't not attacked once! I don't know the charisma for 100% attack rate but it does attack 100% of the time at 125 charisma

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 12:17:27)


Pic of the Ninjat<---click

Pic of the Octopirate<---click
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Manofthetrees -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 12:20:26)



Level: 10/35/65/85/95
Price: 300/1,000/3,000/10,000/40,000
Sellback: ?/?/?/?/?
Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 5/15/40/60/80
BTH: 2/2/8/12/25

Attack rate at 5/15/40/60/80 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 65%/60%/47%/37%/27%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 75/85/110/130/150.

Attack 1:
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage per hit: 3-8/5-13/6-22/8-28/12-40
Rate: 50% (when it attacks)

Attack 2:
Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage per hit: 3-8/5-13/6-22/8-28/12-40
Rate: 50% (when it attacks)

updated with full stats -Rayf
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Aragh -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 12:29:48)

i think lv 85 ninjat and octopirate have an attack rate about 60% at 50 CHA

Uberdog -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 12:52:14)

special of octopirate is two ranged hits of ice element

Ocoma -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 13:23:36)


Level 65 Ninjat and Octopirate are guardian only.
(At least, they were shortly after the release. No official word in it, other than the shop telling that it is.)
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

darksampson -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 13:24:07)


Both 85 version of Ninjat and Octopirate cost 10K

Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 13:58:03)



Location: Pirates vs Ninja War Chest
Level: 10/35/65/85/95
Price: 300/1000/3000/10000/40000
Sellback: ??/??/??/??/8000
Description: Yo ho ho and a bottle of chum!
Element: Water
Training Difficulty: 5/15/40/60/80
BTH: 2/2/8/12/25

Attack rate at 5/15/40/60/80 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 65%/60%/47%/37%/27%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 75/85/110/130/150.

Attack 1:
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage per hit: 3-8/5-13/6-22/8-28/12-40
Rate: 50% (when it attacks)

Attack 2:
Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Water
Damage per hit: 3-8/5-13/6-22/8-28/12-40
Rate: 50% (when it attacks)


Location: Pirates vs Ninja War Chest
Level: 10/35/65/85/95
Price: 300/1000/3000/10000/40000
Sellback: ??/??/??/??/8000
Description: Half ninja, half cat. And all attitude.
Element: Darkness
Training Difficulty: 5/15/40/60/80
BTH: 2/2/8/12/25

Attack rate at 5/15/40/60/80 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 65%/60%/47%/37%/27%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 75/85/110/130/150.

Attack 1:
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage per hit: 3-8/5-13/6-22/8-28/12-40
Rate: 50% (when it attacks)

Attack 2:
Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness
Damage per hit: 3-8/5-13/6-22/8-28/12-40
Rate: 50% (when it attacks)

Okay, here are the correct stats for both now. -Rayf
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

hamworld05 -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/2/2007 17:11:40)


Ninjats rightfully belong in the wind section for pets

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/3/2007 18:49:01)


Really big clean-up needed. e_e -->𚉓

Done ~Suikoman444

Kilx -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/7/2007 16:09:15)


In the elemental encyclopedia part, it says that there is a level 75 Red Muhrble under fire, but in the intial entry, it says level 70.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Since I'm pretty sure double posting isn't allowed here, I'm just going to make this correction in this post.

On the description for the fire pet Imp, it says "Sluffy is glad his tail is ....". It has changed to just "His tail is".
Yeah, you did the right thing. Double post = bad. Anyways, fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Exeliron -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/7/2007 18:11:48)


Bobble Devourer lvl 1
Bobble Devourer lvl 10
Bobble Devourer lvl 20
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Xlro -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/10/2007 12:15:04)


The first beastmaster guest singular attack formula is faulty due to the misplacement of the "[". It can be corrected and simplified to:

Rate: [150 - (CHA/2)]/100

If Rate > 1, Rate = 1
If Rate <0, Rate = 0
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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