relykswalton -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (7/3/2007 19:37:49)
And1- Select all(Selection<All), then stroke the selection(Edit<Stroke). Make sure you foreground color is the color you want your border. Shiked- Well, you could check Deviant Art. They have hundreds of line art tutorials and steps to colorize your scanned pic. What I would do- Open your scan. 2.Make a new layer. 3. Trace all the main lines on your pic on to the new layer, make all the lines black. By main lines, I mean like outside and interior lines, not all the little details. 4. Fill the areas with the color that is supposed to be in that area. Use the paint bucket tool. Note: I'm assuming you can't use Ps, so download Gimp. It's free, most people pick it up in a few days(Learn how to use it, heheh).5. Copy the scan layer, and bring it above the color layer. Make a new layer, and use the pen tool to draw in fine details. 6. Save as .xcf and your done. Or you could just take the easy way out and ask someone to do it for you in a shop. Hey, I'll do it for you. Just pm me the image file, after you've uploaded it. Chaos- What are you resizing? If it's something like a render, it doesn't really matter if it's vectored or not. Unless your making it so huge you see the pixels. Then it should be. If you want steps to resizing, do this: 1. Open your image 2. Grab the scale tool from the toolbox. 4. Make a selection around whatever your resizing with it, then drag it to the size you want. It sounds confusing, you'll get it when you try it. But still, post what your resizing, it might be better to do it a different way.