RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (Full Version)

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dominic_r_monroe -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/13/2007 14:01:37)


Q is there a portable version of adobe photoshop/imageready
A yes there is portable apps

Q can i upload brushes to photoshop poratle
A yes goto the folder you will find it from there



Dominic: Thanks for the references. However, could you please give me a link to something referring to Photoshop Portable or something of the sort? And explain the brushes answer a bit more, I don't really follow. Thanks :) get the suite its on the suite

Photoshop\Presets\Brushes is all i can get now

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/13/2007 14:26:52)

I'm not a photoshop user myself, but i need to ask a small favor from one.

I hear there's a shiny brush in photoshop. Can anyone please upload a pic of the thing that the shiny brush does please?

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/14/2007 20:29:01)

Thanks Dominic. :)

Shiny brush... Do you mean in the presets, Lightning?
Is it one of these?

Dream -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/14/2007 21:58:18)

alright so i just checked this thread and i saw the answers, ive even posted on the adobe forums, and all i keep hearing is "are you sure its .png" how can i be sure its .png all i do is just type "example.png" for my filename, plus even if that doesnt work then how come when i used a download pack of renders as you can see in the screenshot, it still doesnt work?

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/15/2007 5:58:13)

If you go into your File Explorer (My Pictures, etc.), and click it (not double click), if you use WindowsXP, the sidebar will change. It says "Filetype:", so if it says .png there, it really is a .png.

I think.
If you don't use XP, I'm not really sure :/

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/15/2007 16:09:46)

That's it Nicky, thanks a ton ;)

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/15/2007 20:56:56)

You're welcome Lighting, glad to help :)

alexharmon95 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/16/2007 12:42:59)

does anybody know why i can't upload my sigs from photoshop? i never really figured it out. it my be the version of it, it's photoshop CS

ianto -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/16/2007 14:39:31)

First, what are you uploading them to? Second, what file type did you save it as?

I would assume you saved it as a .PSD, which cannot be uploaded to things such as Imageshack or Photobucket.
If that's the problem, the save it as a .jpg or .png.

alexharmon95 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/16/2007 15:49:02)

anybody know the max size for banners?

Lightnin10 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/16/2007 16:27:19)

"The max size for banners for both the clan areas and Digital Arts area is 750x500 and 100kb or less in size"

alexharmon95 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/16/2007 21:01:32)

ty lightnin

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/17/2007 0:53:23)

Thanks for answering that, ianto <3.

And alex, Lightnin is right. That sentence was quoted from the general rules thread located here. Check it out if you have any other questions not relating to Photoshop before asking, if you wouldn't mind.

Ace Frost -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/22/2007 10:35:08)

I'm feeling very n00b right now XD
How do you create a simple line with the pen tool?
I can't find how to.
Every time I stroke a path I get a really thick strange line.
Not a smooth and nice line of 3 pixels everywhere.

I need to look around on Photoshop some more before I go asking things XP

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/23/2007 3:23:01)

It's fine :P

Ask anytime :)

~Chaos~ -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/27/2007 13:11:07)

A question...

I've just downloaded Photoshop CS. I've always thought that you can resize without losing quality with PCS. There's an option, look at the 'Help' Bar, but then my image loses quality? Is there any way to resize without losing quality? Oh and I heard that you should use Vectors? I searched this up, but I don't get how you make a Pixel Image into a Vector Image!

Please help...!

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/28/2007 8:52:34)

Yes, vectors are the way. I'll look into it, as I usually draw my vectors then move it in.
Unless... You could copy the pixel image into a vector program like Adobe Illustrator then copy it back into Photoshop. I haven't tried it, but if it converts it into a vector image when it gets pasted in, it should work.

I'll give it a try if I have time.
Posting your question on the front page ^^

~Chaos~ -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/28/2007 14:53:56)

Thanks for that... But what if you don't have Adobe Illustrator?

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/28/2007 21:30:16)

I think flash might work. But I think there should be a way to put a vector mask or something on the layer..

Nope.. that didn't seem to work. Hopefully someone else knows the answer.
Sorry I couldn't help.

dominic_r_monroe -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/29/2007 8:12:35)

Ilusstrator has a replacement


it works

~Chaos~ -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (6/29/2007 10:51:34)

Ok I'll try that! I'll edit my post if it worked!

Okay... I'm confused... Can someone explain me with steps? Like step 1, 2, 3, etc...? It still doesn't work like it should!

Oh yeah... And I'm using photoshop CS (Version 8.0!), not CS2/CS3

AND 1 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (7/3/2007 0:34:31)

How do I actually make a border in Photoshop? I tried filling a selection, but it just turns out grey or black, not the foreground color.

shiked -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (7/3/2007 18:42:10)

I just scanned a picture i drew onto my pc
and i was woundering how can i colour it in using my computer
but not paint i tried it duznt work

relykswalton -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (7/3/2007 19:37:49)

Select all(Selection<All), then stroke the selection(Edit<Stroke). Make sure you foreground color is the color you want your border.
Well, you could check Deviant Art. They have hundreds of line art tutorials and steps to colorize your scanned pic.
What I would do- Open your scan. 2.Make a new layer. 3. Trace all the main lines on your pic on to the new layer, make all the lines black. By main lines, I mean like outside and interior lines, not all the little details. 4. Fill the areas with the color that is supposed to be in that area. Use the paint bucket tool. Note: I'm assuming you can't use Ps, so download Gimp. It's free, most people pick it up in a few days(Learn how to use it, heheh).5. Copy the scan layer, and bring it above the color layer. Make a new layer, and use the pen tool to draw in fine details. 6. Save as .xcf and your done.

Or you could just take the easy way out and ask someone to do it for you in a shop. Hey, I'll do it for you. Just pm me the image file, after you've uploaded it.

What are you resizing? If it's something like a render, it doesn't really matter if it's vectored or not. Unless your making it so huge you see the pixels. Then it should be. If you want steps to resizing, do this: 1. Open your image 2. Grab the scale tool from the toolbox. 4. Make a selection around whatever your resizing with it, then drag it to the size you want. It sounds confusing, you'll get it when you try it.
But still, post what your resizing, it might be better to do it a different way.

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (7/4/2007 4:11:53)

Go Relyks.
Just realised I hadn't checked this in awhile :(

Thanks again Relyks :)
And Chaos is talking about how to resize without losing quality, if I'm correct. ie. Make the image a vector without Illustrator...

Also about AND 1's question, I believe the colour is selectable when you do the Edit -> Stroke. You can change it. Just that it changes our foreground colour too afterwards.

Edit: Rawr, typo ;_;

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