Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (7/6/2007 23:34:10)
Hey Z :3 You can download brushes from DeviantArt. Here are some nice ones. Click a thumbnail you like, and click the little download button to the left of the preview. Download it as you normally would another file. If it's a .rar file, read from here, if it's an .abr file, read from the next paragraph. Extract the brushes out of the .rar file with a nifty program called winRAR. If you don't have it, chances are there's a trial for it on Right click the rar thing, and Extract -> To Here if you want the files wherever you are in your files. Once you extract the files, you should have an .abr file (if it's in a folder, go into the folder). Copy your .abr file (right click -> copy). Now go to C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop xxx/Presets/Brushes, and paste your file in there (Right click empty space -> Paste). "xxx" being your version number. Now reload Photoshop, and your brushes should be in there. Good luck, Z.. Hope that helped :)