RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (Full Version)

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AND 1 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/12/2007 14:34:25)

Nicky's a girl...xD



Sorry to see you leave STO Bramble. :(

Better apply for someone else, don't wanna be left hangin dry. :O

A Student: Me. :D
Name: King Kong
Teacher: DJ Unowned
Subject: Photoshop
Hoping to Learn: Anything I can.

Btw, you still have Lightnin as full.

Change the teacher to Lightnin please.

deep396 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/14/2007 13:08:07)

Teacher:no matter
Hoping to Learn:sigs and avvys

Lightnin10 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/14/2007 13:21:16)

and 1 ur accepted

AND 1 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/14/2007 18:18:02)

Yay. =D

When we gonna start?

Zecke -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/15/2007 5:26:51)


NEW: you MUST register at the forums to be accepted, annd post your concerns and etc there, so that not only your teacher, but anyone can help you with them.[/center]

you se the word i have Bolded, that is spelled wrong, might want to change that on the first post

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/16/2007 10:31:02)

Added AND1 as lightin's student

PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

deep369 was rejected for not specifing a teacher

zecke: nothx

gaaras sand coffin -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/16/2007 13:18:55)

Sorry Jared, but I am going to DJ unowned class

A Student:
Name: Salecko or GSC
Teacher: DJ Unowned
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to Learn: GIMP

lguan -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/20/2007 1:27:06)

Hey, Ferfo.

I can take one more student, making my limit three. Father of Gods hasn't really been in contact with me for quite some time. Would it be alright to remove him (so I'd have two free spaces open)? I believe Wen Su has also quit gfx too ...

AND 1 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/20/2007 1:28:26)

I'd just like to inform you Ferfo, [AD].Blade has quit gfx.

AND 1 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/20/2007 1:30:11)

A Student:
Name: AND 1/King Kong/Kong
Teacher: lguan
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to Learn: Anything lguan offers to teach I guess.

gaaras sand coffin -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/21/2007 13:53:09)


ORIGINAL: gaaras sand coffin

Sorry Jared, but I am going to DJ unowned class

A Student:
Name: Salecko or GSC
Teacher: DJ Unowned
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to Learn: GIMP

well he isnt answering please change to iguan

The Lamp Shade -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/22/2007 3:28:51)

Well could a teacher pm me some things to make good pictures/the basics/kinda advanced stuff on GIMP?? please

DJ Unowned -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/22/2007 20:39:04)

Yeah, I was on vacation, then I had to pack mah stuffz for moving time.

Can you take me out of this, too much stuff goin on.

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/23/2007 2:59:22)

Added Garra's Sand Coffin as Iguan's student

PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

increased Iguan's student limit

and1, 2 teachers at the same time?

the lamp shade: z0mg liek, tis h3re liek can liek halpz0()r, cuz you liek,have to liek reed tah fromntpaeg ferts liek!1!1!111!!1!one!!1!

kthxbai DJ Unowned from the STO

The Lamp Shade -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/23/2007 3:08:43)

Name:The Lamp Shade
Hoping to Learn:Gimp
I think I did that right.
I really want to make good sigs!

AND 1 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/23/2007 11:30:57)



Added Garra's Sand Coffin as Iguan's student

PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

increased Iguan's student limit

and1, 2 teachers at the same time?

the lamp shade: z0mg liek, tis h3re liek can liek halpz0()r, cuz you liek,have to liek reed tah fromntpaeg ferts liek!1!1!111!!1!one!!1!

kthxbai DJ Unowned from the STO

1 GIMP, 1 Photoshop.

DJ Unowned -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/23/2007 15:12:50)

Bai from mee

Silent Swordsman -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/28/2007 12:34:07)

Name: SilentSwordsman
Teacher: Iguan
Subject: Gimp
Hoping to Learn:
how to blend colors efectetly,
and how to make abstratc, and efective ,ehh, effects

lguan -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/29/2007 2:51:48)

Ugh, I'm confused :P ... Who are my new students ... ? I can see that GSC has been added, but I'm not sure what the deal is with The Lamp Shade, silentswordsman, and AND 1.

AND 1 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/29/2007 17:42:24)

Scratch me. I got Photoshop back.

TyberAlyx -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (7/30/2007 2:11:43)

A Student:
Name: TyberAlyx (aka. Dane)
Teacher: Anyone!
Subject: Photoshop CS2
Hoping to Learn:
To familliarize myself with it and hope to learn it fast.

Other: I am very familliar to Gimp2.2 so I could be easlily teached at terms.

dominic_r_monroe -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (8/2/2007 14:13:15)

Take Me of lightnin10 plox

I can't work with him for .. reasons

Dragonlord_zero -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (8/8/2007 22:54:33)

Name: Dragonlord_zero
Teacher: lguan
Subject: gimp
Hoping to Learn: better depht , lighting, color bendin, maybe a few masks and displacements :D

ps: im not a newb but i still got a long way to go so...

lguan -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (8/9/2007 2:01:21)



Ugh, I'm confused :P ... Who are my new students ... ? I can see that GSC has been added, but I'm not sure what the deal is with The Lamp Shade, silentswordsman, and AND 1.

I'm still confused D:. So, GSC and Wen Su are my current students. And AND 1 no longer uses Gimp. and what's the deal with Dragonlord_zero? And the other two?

Ugh ... :P

LightningIsMyName -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (8/10/2007 7:41:52)

Hello Fefo,
I'm posting here since your PM box is full and this regards the STO so it's still relevant

I have PMed you several days ago with the application form as a teacher in the Student teacher organazation, however i have got no reply and i wasn't added to the STO main thread.

If possible i would like to know why. If this is an application process that takes time and not everybody can be a teacher (you need to decide this with some other members), please do tell me so, so i won't bug you with my PMs and wait patiently.


If you haven't got my first PM please ignore all the above and tell me you haven't got it so i will resend it.

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