Battle Muse (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Battle Muse (6/21/2007 18:42:44)

Battle Muse

Location: Z-Token Item Shop
Level	10
Price	360
S <48h	324
  >48h	90
Element: Neutral
MP Cost: 20
Activation: 1 Turn
Cost: Cost the listed MP.
  • Increases STR, DEX, INT and Melee Defence by the listed amount.
  • Plays battle music.
    STR	+5
    DEX	+5
    INT	+5
    Melee	+5
    Activate this special item to launch unique music to battle by! It also increases your STR, DEX, INT, and Melee defense.

    The music continues until you click on the item again or log out.

    «Image Needed»

    Thanks to Anish. Music continuity and element from .*..*..*..


    June 21, 2007: The misc was released.
    June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	2500
    S <48h	2250
      >48h	1250
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	600
    S <48h	540
      >48h	300

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