Believe me, Sate, you probably should be scared. If previous ECs are any indication, being able to manipulate one's element at the atomic or molecular level is going to be the least of your worries. Also, I just have to say that I can't wait to see what happens. I have a few tricks that I'm going to save for the finals, if I ever make it there. If I'm forced to show my entire hand during the drop-offs, then I'm screwed in the finals anyways, so I may as well hold some things in reserve. That doesn't make sense to me, why wouldn't you give it your all from the get-go? Either you have what it takes or you don't and if you pull out all the stops and other people are holding back, you should win! (And serves them right for not putting forth full effort) And if you hold back, you probably wont win, and you won't be able to showcase whatever neat idea you had! Not you, specifically, but people in general, I mean.