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7/27/2010 13:18:12   
lord dracoma

Prologue: They

It is ninety-forty and the end of days has arrived. They have come and nobody knows why They come or where They come from. They are like gods in strength. Eternal Flesh, Immortal Soul, and Unweathered Mind. The masses watch and worship They, where years ago it was taboo to even think They existed. The faiths of old are dead to the many. To the many, God is dead. To the many, Yahweh is dead. To the many, Allah is dead. To the many, science is dead. To the many, the entire old world is destroyed and uncreated. They are the new gods and kings of this new earth. The last people of the rapture have left us, and the souls left are now condemned, with everything around them falling, dying, and becoming non-existent.

The old land’s beast and baron are now being replaced by the new foreign beast and baron of a new land. Deimos, Phobos, Enyo, and Ares grin as they look upon the world and seeing the dread, fear, bloodshed, and war spilling out of the chalice that is the land onto the floors that is the ocean, sea, lakes, and streams of world

For the many, the end is now, as the old nations fall one by one into the coffins of time and rot, being replaced by They, the new nations contained in monstrous and hideous beings made of matter that is foreign to any beings knowledge and are eternal and unable to rot. They are like gods in power as I said, beings that could break a man’s mind and sanity in twine by their direct eye contact. Nothing can destroy They, for They are gods and men cannot kill gods.

Amongst the people of this last human age, small seeds of defiance have been planted. Some seeds are willing to commit atrocities against themselves, some seeds planning to set sail to lands where there is still hope for peace, and then there are some seeds who rather stand and fight to the death. These seeds of defiance are all that is left against the vast desert of They and their armies, for nearly half of everyone have succumb to the indoctrination of They by now. They just don’t know it.

Mercy and Graces be with them....And my son.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
7/28/2010 20:05:53   
lord dracoma

Chapter 1

Seth throws away the recorder and the last audio-log of his friend into a blazing pyre of Jacob’s corpse and his things. Old Man Jacob committed died the day before; right after he recorded that last message. Although he knew that Jacob was health was bad, Seth didn’t realize how much the old mans health had suffer until now. Most of the things that made sense to Seth, which was very little, was the things about They, the monsters that are coming from what seemed like nowhere a year ago. “Only reason the thing about They made sense was only because these things were attacking from everywhere,” Seth reasoned as he looked at pyre burning. Seth stood there, unmoving, trying to figure out what that last message meant.

“Dangit dad, what you were talking about?” Seth’s forehead wrinkles up as he tries to think. “The seeds? The rapture? The old world dead? What the heck did all this mean? What were you trying to say?” Seth’s mind was so caught up in the vague, ambiguous message his father left, he didn’t hear the Illinois winter snow crunching under the pale feet of Cylia Riley. She stopped a couple of feet away from him then spoke

“Seth,” she said solemnly as she watched the young man before talk to himself. Seth jumped, shocked and caught off-guard then turned around to see realize it was just his old friend Cylia just checking up on him and relaxes.

“Cylia, I’m fine if you’re going to ask how I’m doing.” Seth was the one used to death, each year of his life a family member died until yesterday which his last immediate family member, his father, was now.

“Always the one who can push through anything, eh?” Cylia said as she walked up the somewhat tall thin man who was covered in a black trench coat which was covered in snow. She look into Seth’s emerald green eyes. She knew Seth heart was distressed. “Your dad was a great man before he got delirious.”Cylia looks down at his crooked collar then start straightening it.

“And your telling his son who has always hearing of his amazing financial exploits?
Seth’s Dad was one of the few high level stock traders who sold his stocks right before the Crash so his family was one of the more well off families in the country during the depression. When the was words well off was used during then, it meant more along the lines of having actual food on your table, a clean roof over your head, and having a relatively half-decent life. However the Great Depression is over now with these things attacking everywhere in the world. The military manufacturing has been kicked into overdrive after it seemed the current military hardware wasn’t working at the time which brought military personal to arms manufactures to do deals, military personal like Cylia’s grandfather.

“As least you’re weren’t an army brat,” Cylia noted before turning around. “Ready?” she asked.

“Yeah.” Seth voice was now showing his distress..

“Lets go then.” Cylia turned around and headed off to her car.

“Be there in just a second,” Seth retorted before throwing a bucket of cold water that was beside the pyre onto the fire. Seth then does a prayer and headed off to Cylia’s car. The energy in the car during the drive was dead.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
8/5/2010 23:05:52   
lord dracoma

Chapter Two:
"So this was his place," Seth commented as Cylia drove up to the small mansion that was the family estate. As Cylia’s car neared pearl white gates opened up in a near automatic likeness which opened the gravel roadway that lead to a red brick mansion that had vines racing up its side. As the car passed the pearl white gates that found the source of that gate opening, Michael Johnson, the late Jacob best friend and servant. Michael was a man of African descent so he was often the target of stereotypes and racial slurs but often made people think twice when they saw his nice, intelligent, well-mannered demeanor.
"Hello mister Finch and madame Cylia," Michael greeted to Seth and Cylia as they exited the car. Michael’s Louisianan jazz player like tone was still apparent even at his old age of fifty.

"Michael how have you been doing?" Seth replied before shaking hands with his friend. Michael was like Seth’s older brother when Seth was growing up since Seth didn’t have any brothers or sisters and he was the closest thing to one. Michael taugh Seth how to write, spell, act well-mannered, and more when his father and mother were away to trips into Chicago, which was often. To put it simply he was the mentor like brother to Seth. He and Seth kept in contact up until Seth’s father got sick and he had to stay twenty-four seven to take care of him.

Michael, instead of the usual suspected handshake, wraps his arms around Seth and give him a hug that made up all the time missed when they were separated. Seth simply just patted his back. After a couple of seconds of hugging Michael realized what he was doing and let go of Seth.

"Sorry, sir," apologized Michael with sheepish tone of voice. Couple of more seconds of the dead silence of awkwardness, not including a loud cough or two, Michael finally noticed Cylia who was watching all of this unfold with a look that inferred the word "awkward" was going through her mind. Michael, wasting in no time of putting on his act of properness and the like.

He walks up to her and holds his hand out. "Michael Johnson, the former servant of the late Jacob Finch." His smile showed teeth that were white as the pearls of sea.

"Cylia Armstrong, daughter of General Armstrong of the First Infantry Division." She lifted up her arm and shook the hand of Michael Johnson.

"Ah you’re the daugher of the man who is watching that horrendous place that is Chicago." Michael was originally from Chicago so he knew first-hand how bad it was. Seth cringed at the thought of Chicago. He despised that place as well. Cylia, a person who could tell what a person was thinking by just looking at them, retorted.

"Look even though it is not heaven there is some good people there. You just have to look."

"Although you have to look very hard and very long to find one." Seth despised Chicago, a bunch.

Cylia just merely sighed at her friend’s displeasure of Chicago then changed the subject skillfully with the phrase, "Can we go inside, please?"

"Oh yes miss Cylia and mister Seth. Right this way." Michael starts his way to the house.

When the three entered the old house it’s true inner beauty and class with red wood walls and matching flooring with walls lined with paintings along with oak bookshelves, carved and decorate in a medieval Gothic style, that had nearly broken by the sheer numbers of books on them. All of these works of art were made by bohemian artisans; with works of fiction and non-fiction ranging in subjects from a medieval demon hunter to the modern day occult, guilds, cultists, and everything taboo and paintings from a variety of people like Renaissance madmen all the way to revolutionary, although still mad, artisans.

Seth realized, that his friend, the bar none paragon of goodness and sweetness to many and an over-sheltered catholic as far as he knew, didn’t know his night job so to say. Seth was reckless member of the Society of Deism and a outspoken author of the occult and unknown religions who wrote under the pen name of Aldarich Otto.

"Oh mister Seth your father left you some items. They are upstairs so if you would follow me." The African-American climbs up stairs ad soon enters the second floor of the brick house.

"You want some coffee because there is more than likely not, a hot pot on the stove right now," Seth asked as he grabbed Cylia’s shoulders.

"Sure." After Cylia’s short answer she walks over to the kitchen which also matched the red wood interior of the house. Seth sighs and starts walking up the stairs to catch up to Michael.

"So what is it?" Seth queried as he passed a loaded twelve gauge shotgun placed on the a plaque on the wall in the hallway of the upper floor.

"Well sir I don’t know what the heck it is." Michael then opened the door to show the inheritance.

Seth stepped back as he looked upon something that he remembered all to well. The all black book with gold colored leather fiber binding. The a singular dark purple hexagram covered the front of the book. It all came back to him. The chant. The asylum. The whispers. Oh the whispers the drove him mad for two years straight. It was all coming back. All because of an old book that sat on a stand. The Demon-Terrath.

Down stairs Cylia, her curiosity about her friends "collection" piqued, look starts looking through the book "The Proving of Intelligent Designer is False, and the truth that is the Enlightenment," by Eric Mason.
"Seems as those my friend is an atheist.’

Cylia suddenly noticed five people jumping over the main gate of the estate. They were heavily armed and wore hooded robes with crimson as a base and a gold trim. Cylia instantly knew who they were. "Why would the Cultist of Shou’Dan come here?" she pondered as she placed the book on a table and removed her jacket. "Whatever they are here for, they should be prepared to die and see their pagan god," she finally noted to herself.

She then closed her eyes and reopened them, now glowing with an icy light blue tint then she tenses up her arms and an ice so cold the it burns the skin envelopes around the hands. She lifts them up. Her eyes and hands gave off a aura that moved like the smoke from a fire. Their auras fused and dance within one another. She could see a cultist running up to the house in-between her hands and she smiled with glee. The fun of battle was here and she was in her element.

Seth also notices the same highly armed cultist, however unknowing who they were. He then snaps his sights back to the book. It whispers out to him, and not in an alluring sense. It...no. Not it. They, they whisper out to him, driving him mad and breakable. He snatches up the book. They stopped whispering. He sighed then looked to Michael.

"Get the shotgun there," he points to the shotgun on the plaque on the wall, "and the rifle down stairs in the dining hall. Don’t forget the ammo. And give me the shotgun." Michael shakes his head up and down then runs to the shotgun and tosses it to Seth. Seth grabs it, the feeling of the barrel, grip, trigger, and everything else about the gun familiar, like a favorite toy. "Well seems like the paranoid old man did taught me one thing that was useful." Seth then thought about his father teaching him all those survival and how to do lessons, like making a fire and using a shotgun. He laughed a little. Sadistically would describe the tone.

< Message edited by lord dracoma -- 8/5/2010 23:11:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
8/25/2010 7:55:02   
lord dracoma

Chapter Three

Michael hurries down the stairs and runs into Cylia, who was readying herself for battle.

"Guess you know?" Michael knew she her secret she kept from Seth.

"Yes I do." In her hands large solid ice crystal start to form between her hands.

"Try to hold while I get a rifle."Michael then left to get the rifle and ammo.

Seth starts his way down stairs to confront however the heck these people were. He didn’t know who they were or why they were here but the mass group, guns, and hooded robes told him one thing: violent cultist or well...violent cultist was all he could fathom at the time.
He stops at the bottom of the stairs then sees Cylia. His mouth lies agape and the Demon-Terrath drops to the ground.

"What the heck?" Seth was stunned, no that wouldn’t describe what he felt, petrified would be more fitting.

"Short answer to your question: I am a mage killer." Cylia voice was strained as she concentrated at the crystal. In a split second her hands snapped forward and the crystal crashed through the window. The yelling of dead man ringed out into the air.

"Take cover!" Cylia orders as she ducked behind the front wall, beside the window. Bullets started to rip through the house in a torrent of bullets, sounds of ricochets, both accompanied by explosion of glass.
Seth ducks down as the gunfire starts. He lifted his head up ever so much see how many there were. A dozen or so he counted before a bullet whizzed over his head. He ducks. He returns fire with his shotgun with two shots and ducks back down.

"Where the heck is Michael with that rifle?" yelled Cylia before throwing another ice crystal at the still dozen or so men remaining. Another blood curdling yell resonates in the isolated mansion in Illinois countryside. A rifle shot rings out behind where Seth and Cylia took position. It was Michael.

"About time you came," says Seth as he rose up to fire again. However he yelled as a sudden quick pain shot up his arm. Seth fell back and dropped his gun as grabed his bleeding hand.

"You alright?" Cylia knew that Seth would be alright, he was trained like a soldier by his father who was a soldier, but still worried about him.

"Yeah," replied Seth as he pushed himself up. Seth’s mind, from out of nowhere was set ablaze by the whispers once more. The whispers tear and wear at his mind, gnawing and crawling through his mind, slowly sapping his mind of his sanity. Nearly all the whispers were incoherent with sounds inhuman and alien to Seth but one muffle whisper his mind unknowingly focused on. It was one of a cold young woman and as he concentrated more and more on the voice the louder and more coherent it became.

"Use the Demon-Terrath if you want to live," the cold voice whispered in a monotone voice. Seth looked at the Demon-Terrath and crawled to it.
Cylia looked at the spectacle before here and tried to figure out what he was doing . She shrugged off what was happening and decided to concentrate on right now and grabs the shotgun Seth dropped and uses it to fire back.

"Michael give me some ammo!" yelled Cylia as she turned toward Michael who was firing behind the kitchen counter. Eight shells in quick succession flew over the counter and besides Cylia. Cylia quickly load the shotgun and fire two rounds, followed by a bolt of ice. Two bodies fell to the ground.

Seth reaches and pulls the Demon-Terrath towards himself. His tears of pain drop onto the Demon-Terrath. The voices still ravaged his mind.

"Now turn to page two hundred fifty-four," the cold voice whispered. Seth starts turning the pages like the near insane man he is and find the page. It shows a man holding out a bloodied hand with crimson colored lighting ripping from his hands and tearing away at the enemy. At the top Seth’s eyes read the words "Cruor Levitas" on the top of the page.

"Use it by exalting those words and ready yourself." The cold voice seemed to serious and compassionate in it’s tone.

Seth feel like he could trust the voice. Then again he was nearly mad because of the voices. Or maybe because he was seeing his best friend he liked shooting ice crystals and killing people. Or maybe it was both?

Whatever the reason Seth picked himself and in a stumbled gait, walked towards the door. As he neared the door the gunfire, the yelling, and screaming faded out as he concentrated on what he was about to do. When he touched the door knob, all the noises of battle was nullified to near silence to his ears. He took one last sigh as he touched the copper doorhandle. Cylia screamed at Seth but to no avail, and Michael tried to tackle him down but is the stopped by the gunfire. Seth let out his sigh and threw open the door. He raises his bloodied hand and exalts at the top of his voice, "Cruor Levitas".

As the words left his mouth crimson lightning rushed from his bloodied hand, outward. The lightning flown in a wide arc across the front yard of the mansion, sundering anything that it came in contact with. Trees, rocks, and gnomes could not withstand the raw power of the Cruor Levitas, even humans. The cultist were cut down like dogs and before they even hit the ground, their hearts had stop beating, and there lung stop breathing. And Seth’s mind also fell into darkness for the magic had taken all his might to use. His last thing he felt before blacking out was the cold wooden floor of the mansion.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
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