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(DF) Pursuing The Truth ~ An Oddball's Story

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9/14/2011 15:45:38   

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Prologue. Part 1

An old sage stood uptop a tower, his beard long as he was wise, dirty robes swaying in the slight summer breeze. A crowd of people had started to form in front of him. Sages were outcasts in those times, but he needed too get this message across. A few minutes past, and hundreds... No, Thousands of people had turned up to witness this spectacle.

The Sage Started to speak.
"My Fellow people, I emerge from the shadows today to bring you a message of dire importance"

A few murmurs came from the crowd, the Sage silenced them with a wave of his hand

"As I speak, our fair city is under threat.."

He Paused for a second, letting this news sink in. And continued

"Yes. Threat of being consumed by darkness.. Some of you may not believe this, So I ask you one simple question. Why?."

Silence from the crowd

"Why do you not believe someone who has lived for hundreds of years?, Someone who can see into the future, and the past?"

A voice shouted out from the mass of people

"Because YOU are the one who caused our misfortune!"

A young lad stepped forward, must have only been about 12-13, a rough looking lad with a small scar across his face had stepped in front of the crowd, his fist clenched.

"You.. you killed my mother, the only family I had left"

The boys' voice had broken, tears started to trickle down his face

"She.. she was the one who would protect me, and sang me to sleep when it was stormy, and I couldn't shut my eyes"

The sage spoke calmly

"The one who killed your mother, wasn't me.. It was.."

Before he could finish his sentence, a knife had been stuck into his windpipe. Panic erupted from the crowd, people screaming and running in every direction. The young boy just knelt there. His sobbing could be heard over the loud noise

< Message edited by Oddball -- 9/14/2011 15:49:27 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
9/17/2011 20:59:11   

Prologue. Part 2

A few days had passed since the death of the sage, but those days had felt like weeks to the peoples of this nameless city, forgotten by time. A funeral had been held for the old man, many turned up, but only few had any tears to shed for this unfortunate soul.
A large oak tree stood not even 10 feet away from the grave, a shadowy figure lay on the grass beside it, his kunai was stuck in about a quarter of the way up the tree

"Heh, the old man deserved to die"

The figure stopped for a brief moment before continuing

"Still, gotta feel sorry for him I suppose"

The figure sat up, revealing a black haired rogue, looked like he was about 15, nearly 16, he wore dark green leather that covered most of his body, on his feet, rest two boots tipped with iron and at his waist, loosely hung a short sword

"Eh, enough of this sad crap, i'm going home."

As the teen stood up, a small boy stood in front of him, a scar was hidden under a mess of hair. The boy spoke

"Did... did you know him?"

"Personally?" The teen replied

The boy just nodded

"Not really, must've talked to him a couple of times on the street though, he seemed like a nice bloke. Shame he had to die really"

The boy just stood there, silent

"Hey. You okay?"

The teen reached out slowly to the boy, who then backed up a few steps and hid in himself

"Look, you seem like somebody who has barely just survived in life, and after your bold statement a few days ago, you haven't got anybody to take care of you. And as an adventurer I can't just let something like that go"

Silence still, the teen knelt down on one of his knees

"Lets start with telling each other our names, okay?"

The boy paused for a second and then proceeded to nod

"Good, I'm known by a few names, but the most common is Shadows, so call me that"

Shadows gave the boy a reassuring smile


The boy took a deep breath

"I'm Odd"

"Well Odd, If you want me too, I'll look after you from now on"

Odd smiled

"Yes.. I would like that"

< Message edited by Oddball -- 12/6/2012 10:38:30 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
9/17/2011 22:00:35   

Prologue. Part 3

Shadows and Odd are stood in a large grassy field. It was sunny and all the birds were chirping away in their trees, only to be disturbed again and again by the clash of wood to wood

"C'mon Odd, put your back into it!"

Shadows was yelling at Odd, who was repeatedly hitting a tree with a stick

"I'm not learning anything by just hitting this tree Shadows"

Odd stopped, and looked at Shadows

"Can't we take a break for now?"

Shadows Sighed

"Sure, just make sure you work extra hard next time"

"I will!"

Odd replied cheerfully, he was happy, for the first time in his life. He had found someone who he knew would stick by him, there was a large silence as Odd finished off a bottle of water and sighed. Shadows began to talk

"Hey Odd?"


"What do you think of me?"

The question took Odd by surprise, who started to sweat a little bit, Shadows started laughing

"It was only a joke, don't take it so seriously bud"

Shadows continued laughing as Odd just smiled, he had learned that Shadows was a large joker and was always trying to make people laugh, but on top of this, Odd also learned Shadow was passionate about what he did, everything he tried he always put 110% into effort, Odd went to take a bite out of a fresh apple

"Right you, back to practice"

Shadow stole the apple and took a bite out of it

"Hey, I was going to eat that"

Odd whined at Shadows

"Aww quit your whining and get back to hitting that tree!"

"But what does it do for me?"

"All adventurers start off small, heck, I started off helping my Dad in the smithy he used to own.."

He stopped


Odd questioned him

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, just not feeling too good, that's all"

Shadows walked off, leaving Odd behind to think about what just happened, He only thought for a moment and then decided to catch up with his new friend.

< Message edited by Oddball -- 10/28/2011 13:29:25 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
9/18/2011 8:47:53   

Prologue. Part 4

So it seems two of our heroes for our tale have been uncovered. A boy named Odd, and a teen named Shadow. How very interesting

Two, maybe three hours had passed, and our two heroes were sat in the Inn. The atmosphere was light and laughter could be heard throughout. Odd and Shadows were sat in the corner of the building exchanging words now and again. The room suddenly went quiet, and then the wall furthest away from them had caved in. Shadows could see hundreds of skeletal like figures stood in the darkness

"Oh CRAP, Odd. We've gotta get outta here!"

Shadows looked towards his friend, who stood there frozen in place


Shadows grabbed Odd's arm and ran towards the nearest wall. The shock from this had woken Odd up

"Shadows, Where are we going?"

Shadows stopped, and let go

"We're going through the wall"

"The... wall?"

Shadows grabbed Odd again and ran towards the wall, Odd started to panic. Thinking that his new, and only, friend would kill them both

"Shadow Form!"

Shadows and Odd suddenly went black, their eyes yellow. Odd closed his eyes as they came closer to the wall, and when he opened them. They were outside.


Odd was stunned. He had never seen, or heard about anything like that before. He turned to face his friend, who was lying on the ground out of breath


Odd shouted

"You okay?"

Shadows shushed him

"If you shout.... they'll hear you"

Shadow started coughing, small spurts of blood came with every cough, Odd knelt next to his friend.

"Odd, don't worry about me.. I'll be.." He coughed again

"I'll be fine"

"Shadows... what happened to you?"

"Truth is.. that's the first time I've ever used that with more then just myself... normally I just get a small headache and a slight cough.. but I've learned that the more people I use that with.. the worse the effects"

Shadows slowly started to sit up, he spotted a couple of undead soldiers moving towards their position. He reached for his shortsword and gave it to Odd

"You know how to use this?"

Odd did nothing, and then spoke

"When I was younger, my father used to train me with a wooden sword. I practiced every day hoping I would get stronger. But one night my mother died and my father disappeared"

He turned to face the undead

"So my answer to your question. Is yes I DO know how to use this"

< Message edited by Oddball -- 1/13/2013 17:51:53 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
9/18/2011 11:38:24   

Prologue. Final Part

It looks like our prologue has nearly finished, and with it will come many questions.. after this installment of Higurashi our story

We pick up our story where we left off, Odd facing the undead, he seemed to be breathing quite heavily. The skeletons charged towards Odd, their axes sharp, looking like they could cut through flesh easily. Odd had to be quick on his feet otherwise his life would end.

One skeleton swung down his axe trying to finish it quickly, Odd dodged with a side roll and sweep kicked the skeleton, Causing it to lose balance and crash against the floor.

"Come on!"

Odd shouted at the other skeleton and ran towards it. Holding the shortsword backwards, the skeleton faked a swing, Odd rolled and then understood what the skeleton had done, It swung it's axe down at Odd who just barely blocked it, The weapons clashed and Odd pushed off, stood up and took the skeletons head off with a clean swing


Odd suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his head, Odd dropped to his knees and placed his head in his hands. He could hear screams as the city burned near them. By this time Shadow had managed to gain some of his energy back and helped Odd up

"Come on buddy, we gotta get out of here!"

The pain was intense, but Odd didn't care.. He just wanted himself, and his friend to be safe.

The two ran for a while, stopping only for necessary breaks, Odd was still holding the shortsword and Shadow had stolen a bow and some arrows from a dead archer. An undead jumped out of a tree behind them, hoping to catch one of them by surprise. Shadow heard the noise of the skeleton jumping, turned around, and shot an arrow straight into its chest, impaling it back into the tree it had jumped from

"For a first shot, that was pretty awesome!"

Shadows turned and looked at Odd

"Don't Ya agree?"

Odd just nodded and walked off, Shadows frowned a little

"Poor kid, must be tough leaving the city where you grew up"

By this time, Odd had left Shadows vision

"Well, better go catch up to him"

Shadow went to take a step, but a black fireball hit the space in front of him, causing him to fly back and collide with a nearby rock

"What the?.."

Shadows got back up and scanned his surroundings, he couldn't see anything

"It's too damn dark here"

Shadows muttered a spell and an aura of light surrounded him, making him able to see just a little bit, First thing he noticed was someone in a black cloak standing on one of the branches of a nearby tree

"So.. You've found me?"

The cloaked figure jumped down and landed near Shadows

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?"


Shadows stopped and looked at them

"Somehow, I had a feeling you would be behind this.."

The cloaked figure lowered its hood, revealing a young woman with crimson red hair

"So nice to finally see you again, how long has it been since you stabbed us in the back?"

Shadows slowly tightened his grip on his bow and clenched his teeth together

"Don't bring that up again!"

Shadows quickly shot an arrow at the woman, too his surprise, it curved 'round her and flew off in the distance. The woman laughed

"So easy to temper nowadays, what happened to the old Shadow?. The Shadow who used to be so calm in battle, The boss says he misses having you around"

"I said don't bring that up again!"

Shadow charged at her, pulling out his twin kunai he lunged at her

"Hmph, Very well then"

A small fire appeared on the tip of her right index finger, she then shot a fireball at blinding speed straight towards Shadows, who had no time too react and was hit square in the chest, Shadows slammed into a nearby tree and stayed slouched on the floor

"Heh, you've grown weak Shadows"


Shadow replied, stumbling to his feet

"No.. I'm just out of practice Rayne!"

Shadows used most of his energy, and teleported to Odd's location

"Hmm. Let the games begin"

Rayne huh? seems more people are being introduced in our story, This concludes the prologue, which was basically the introduction of the two main heroes, Cya'll in Chapter 1 :D

< Message edited by Oddball -- 10/28/2011 13:32:00 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
9/25/2011 14:53:06   

Chapter One. The Real Story Begins!

So. We catch up to our heroes a week after the Rayne incident. During the time, Shadows has spent his afternoons training Odd, and his mornings leaning against a tree in deep thought

Odd's arm swung loosely at his side, pain still throbbing from the amount of training he had done. The short sword Shadows had gave to him hung on a belt that was tightly wrapped around his waist

Odd was gasping for breath, Shadows teaching was effective. But relentless, Odd looked at his friend

"Am I allowed a rest?"

Shadow looked at Odd, he had been training hard for a long period of time now, "Do it, the kid deserves a break" Shadows thought to himself

"Sure, but you don't have to be so formal y'know?"

Shadows grinned, Odd looked awkwardly at him

"Sorry, but it's just how I was brought up"

Shadows looked up at the sky, he thought about the world beyond the places he knew. None of them being any different to the other in terms of how the language was spoken.

"Shadows, You okay?"

Shadows shook his head and exited his trance-like state

"Huh.. Oh, I'm fine 'bro"

Shadows ruffled Odd's hair, he had took a liking to calling Odd "'Bro", this somewhat annoyed Odd, but he liked the idea of having somebody older, and more experienced treating him like a younger brother. Odd smiled

"Now that's a rare sight"

Shadows laughed as the pair walked towards town. Though they had not known each other for very long, an inseparable bond now existed between the two.

Meanwhile, somewhere in a dark castle..

Rayne moved swiftly through the castle halls, ignoring the people bowing slightly to her, She was a highly respected member throughout and continuously used this to her advantage. Opening a pair of over sized mahogany doors, her progress forward was halted by two guards

"Lady Rayne, we're sorry for the inconvenience. Bu."

Before the guard could finish, Rayne had punched a hole through his chest, and ripped his soul out, the other guard stood there stunned


Rayne glared at the guard

"If you wish to avoid the same fate as your friend down there, I advise you let me through"

The guard still stood in her way

"I'm sorry M'lady. But I have strict orders from the higher ups that you're not allowed passed this point!"

The guard raised his weapon

"HAH, You dare raise your weapon at me?"

Rayne unsheathed her battleaxe, The guard charged her with his spear, Rayne hopped one step to the right and side flipped over the spear and kicked the guard. The guard was moved a couple of inches back before he recovered and lunged for Rayne's neck. Rayne back flipped and kicked the spear out of the guards hand, took a leap forward, and jammed her axe into his skull

"Heh, easy pickings"

Rayne strode into the hall. Not knowing the horror that lurked inside, Waiting for a chance too strike.

She stopped, her mouth wide open. A limbless body lay before her. Blood trailed out of what used too be an arm. A note was pinned to its stomach


< Message edited by Oddball -- 10/28/2011 13:35:55 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/2/2011 9:45:15   

Chapter 2. Trial By Blood.

A confrontation, the death of a Sage and the death of a supposed "king" Our tragic story is slowly unfolding, but what connects all of this? There is still many twists and turns left to come in our tale. Won't you join me for another part?

It was a cold night, Shadows and Odd were camping out under the stars. While Odd was lying down asleep, Shadows was finding more wood to keep the fire going, they needed heat or risk death.

Shadow sat by the fire, confused at the current weather

"It's the middle of summer, so why is it so damn cold!?"

Shadows sighed and curled up next to the fire, something then struck him. He remembered parts of an old tale his parents used to tell him sometimes before he slept. All that he could remember was something about danger "When the Cicadas cry." He stood up focusing on the small flame-lit area around him, and not to his surprise, the Cicadas were crying

"Anybody out there?"

Shadows waited for a response, there was none. He asked again

"Is there anybody out there!?"

This time a bit louder. A few seconds passed and during that time there was silence


Shadows heard a familiar voice behind him, he turned around to see a bloodstained Rayne

"You.. What happened to you?"

"Hehehe.. is the person who tried to kill me concerned now?"

Rayne laughed at Shadows, who went a little red and faced away from her

"It's.. It's not like I like you or anything.."

Shadows stopped for a second, turned around and placed his hand on Rayne's shoulder

"But you WERE my partner in crime. So it makes sense that I'd still worry about you"

Unknown to either of them, Odd had woken up and was a witness to what was happening, an overwhelming mix of emotions rushed through him, he was sure this was the same person who sent the undead, so why was his friend, and his closest ally talking to her?, let alone caring about her

"Listen carefully to me, the boss is.."

"The boss is what Rayne?"

A single tear dropped from Rayne's eye

Shadows stood there awkwardly, he wasn't very experienced when it came to talking to women

"Listen Rayne.. we don't have time for tears. Odd could wake up at any moment so take a deep breath, and tell me what happened"

Rayne nodded and done what Shadows had asked her to, feeling a little better she continued

"He's dead Shadows."

It took a while for this to set in, but when it did it hit Shadows like a ton of bricks

"Dead!?.. Whadd'ya mean he's dead!"

"Shhh!, You'll wake up that child"

Shadows glared at Rayne

"That 'Child' has a name, and he happens to be my friend!"

Rayne sighed and shrugged

"Fine. Whatever."

"So.. how did it happen?"

"Nobody knows, there were two guards outside the throne room"

Shadows interrupted

"As there usually is."

"Don't be such a smart ass. This is serious"

Shadow looked down at his feet


Rayne coughed

"Anyway, the guards wouldn't let me in.. so I had to 'Dispose' of them"

"Meaning you killed them?"

"That's the blunt way of putting it, yes."

The two continued their conversation until light broke out over the horizon, Odd had drifted off back to sleep and missed what was said, Rayne stood up, walked a couple of steps and span 'round to face Shadows

"I best be getting back to the castle.. It's probably in chaos without me there"

Shadows nodded, Rayne slowly swung her hand through the air, creating a portal

"Oh.. and one more thing"

Rayne turned around and half smiled at Shadows

"It was nice talking with you again"

Shadows laughed a little and returned the smile

"Yeah, It really was"

Rayne walked through the portal and it disappeared, Shadows sighed and led back down

"I still can't believe it.. My father, Dead"

< Message edited by Oddball -- 10/28/2011 13:36:59 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
11/19/2011 22:19:40   

Chapter 3. Forgiven.

-Nervous laughter- It's been quite a while hasn't it? I hope you've all been doing well.. sorry about the lack of content.. RL stuff has been piling on.
Anyway, we should probably get back to the story. So take a seat will you?

It was morning, Shadows had stayed up after his conversation and was now falling asleep, but Odd would be awake soon and they had training to do. Shadow walked over to a sleeping Odd and shook him a little

"Odd, Odd wake up."

Shadow shook Odd again, Odd stirred a little and fell asleep again.

"So, you're gonna play it like this today are you?"

Shadow walked over to a tree stump and sat on it, sighing as he did.

"That kid has serious problems with getting up when I want him to"

A small amount of time passed. Shadows continued sitting down looking over at Odd, who hadn't moved from his curled up position. Shadows walked over to him, knelt down and shook him again.

"Jeez, when are you gonna get up sleepy head?"

Odd slowly opened one of his eyes and looked at Shadow

"Ugh.. what time is it?"

"Time you woke the hell up, now get your lazy ass awake and ready for training."

Odd slowly sat up, yawned and rubbed his eyes, he decided not to ask Shadow about what happened last night with him and Rayne. He knew it was bad news but he had to trust Shadow

Odd slowly began to stand up and stumbled a little. He planted his foot firmly on the ground and decided not to try walking until everything stopped moving. Shadows walked over to him and gave him a little playful shove, making Odd fall over again.

"What was that for?"

"You were too slow, now come on!"

Odd sighed and got back up, his vision had returned and he could actually walk two steps before falling over. He walked over to a nearby tree-stump and picked up his sword. The thing had served him well for the past few weeks and it had gotten pretty blunt. He looked at it for a while before aimlessly swinging it through the air back and forth.

"Hey, Shadows?"

"Hmm? Whassup bro?"

"The sword you gave me, it needs sharpening"

Shadows looked at him

"You being serious!?"

"Would I ever lie to you?"

"Hmm, fair point"

"So.. where too now?"

Shadows stopped for a moment, and grinned

"Falconreach of course!"

Odd stared at his friend in disbelief. Falconreach, the big city. Where all the great heroes properly start their adventures. Odd stood there motionless for a small while. Then, like some sort of zombie, he slowly started walking towards Shadows. Shadows walked over to Odd and picked him up and continued walking down the forest path. The sunshine was just able to pass through the grand trees of the area, making the path barely visable even at noon, when the sun is at the highest point in the sky. Odd was strangely pale for someone who had been told they were going to Falconreach.

Shadows stopped and rested Odd against a tree, pulling out a small flask of water

"Want some?"

Oddball looked up at Shadows and covered one of his eyes, there was a blind spot in the tree leaves and the sun was shining right on him, clouding his vision slightly.

"Woops, hang on"

Shadow grabbed Odd by the foot and dragged him over to a close-by willow tree, nearby was a small lake with a few of the local villagers fishing for something to eat later on in the evening. Odd chuckled slightly as he held out his hand

"Since you offered"

"Aye. I did"

Shadows passed Odd the small flask, which Odd took a few large gulps from and then screwed the cap back on

"Ah. Refreshing"

Odd stood back up and stretched his arms out, yawning as he did

"Well, we've got a couple more days until we actually reach Falconreach. Wanna look around the town?"

Odd looked at Shadows and smiled

"Well, it wouldn't hurt not too"

"That's the spirit!"

Both Shadows and Odd walked beside eachother through an archway into a small village. Unknown to them, something sinister was at play.

Part 2

As the pair exited the archway, the rest if the village came into view, it looked like a simple trading hub or somewhere where warriors would go to rest for a couple of days before setting off for adventure. They wandered around for a small while before finding an Inn.

Odd and Shadows walked into the Inn side by side, as they entered, Odd felt a warm, welcoming presence coming from the regulars, he let out a small chuckle and turned to Shadows.

"Nice place here"

"'Tis.. Now you go and sit down, and I'll sort out our room"


Odd walked off and sat down at a table in the corner of the Inn, he let out a small sigh and looked around, something about this place felt familiar.. like he had been there before.
Meanwhile, Shadows was on his way to the front desk when someone caught his eye. A girl around his age had appeared from seemingly nowhere, she wore a white-mage's dress with red ribbons attached the shoulders and her hair was medium in length, naturally brown, and was dyed purple at the tips. Shadows stared at this girl for a few seconds, before a voice beside him snapped him out of his trance

"Pretty, ain't she?"

Shadows' head snapped to his right, sat there was a teen about a year older than Shadows, he noticed several knives hanging at his belt, he smiled a little and turned his head back around to the girl

"Yeah.. definitely"

The boy chuckled a little

"You got a name?"

"Yeah. It's Shadows"

"Shadows? That's an Odd name"

"No, that's my friend sat over there"

Shadows pointed over to where Odd was sitting, Odd waved at him and smiled.

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Nevermind.. and what's your name?"

The boy puffed out his chest and hit it with his fist

"The name's Raylas, knife master"

"Knife master?, what kind of title is that?"

Raylas frowned a little and looked Shadows straight in the eye

"It's MY title."

Shadows backed off a little and put his hands up in defense

"Woah, woah. Sorry man, didn't mean to offend you or anything"

Raylas' face turned back into a smile

"No harm done, it's something that's been handed down in my family for generations, it's something we take seriously here"

"I see.. well nice to meet you"

Shadows extended out his hand in a sign of friendship, Raylas looked at him for a second, and then proceeded to take his hand, and shook it.

"Nice to meet you too"

Shadows turned his attention to the young woman at the bar, he waited a while and waited for her to come over. When she did, she spoke in a soft tone that was pleasing to the ears

"Hello, what would you like?"

Shadows waited a couple of seconds before answering, he wasn't used to talking to girls he's never met before

"Uhh... just a couple of soft drinks please"

"Coming right up"

As she turned around, Shadows let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. He started murmuring to himself

"Come on now, you can do this."

"You're not from around here, are you?"

The girl was stood right in front of him, Shadows backed up a little and composed himself

"N- No."

She giggled and held out her hand

"I'm Veranex, but please just call me Vera"

Shadows shook her hand and replied

"I'm Shadows, the boy sat over in that corner is Odd"

"Is he your brother?"

"No, just.."

Shadows stopped for a second

Vera looked a little worried

"Just what?"

"Just a friend."

Shadows thanked her for the drinks and walked over to where Odd was sitting, he sat down next to him and took a sip of his drink. Suddenly Odd spoke out

"Shadows... you were talking to Rayne last night, weren't you?"

< Message edited by Oddball -- 1/15/2013 10:07:15 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
1/6/2013 11:16:13   


Note for this, I'll be writing the extra chapter like a script, instead of my usual style

Oddball, Shadows, Raylas and Veranex are sat just outside Falconreach, admiring the snow

Shadows: MERRY CHRISTM-Wait why are we doing this now?

Odd: Because the writer was too lazy to do it at the time |Looks at camera| Ain't that right?

Me: But it was Christmas! And... and

Shadows: EXCUSES!

Vera: |Sigh| Can't we get along, just for today?

Odd: Just as long as the writer starts chapter 4 soon

Me: I'll get it done after this, now leave me alone!

Shadows: |Nods| That's better

Odd: So, what are we supposed to be doing here anyway?

Raylas: Well, since it's an extra and in no way related to the plot at ALL. I guess we can do whatever we damn feel like

Odd: Seriously?

Vera: Yup

Shadows: |Headstands| I had no idea I could do this

Raylas: Extra chapter, bro.

Me: I can literally hear the 4th wall being smashed to pieces...

Odd: Stop complaining, you're the one writing this

Me: Shaddup


Shadows: Why you gotta bring memes into this?

Raylas: Trolololol

Me: I hate all of you

Shadows: Umad?

Odd: Hemad

Raylas: HE MAN


Me: That's it, I'm stopping this here.

Well. That turned out even worse then I had anticipated. ._.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
1/13/2013 18:34:43   

Chapter 4. Live and Learn.

We cut back to the scene with Odd and Shadows in the Inn.

Odd was staring directly at Shadows, he had a look of despair painted onto his face. Shadows just sat there and tried to talk, he couldn't find the courage to tell his friend. Odd spoke out again

"Answer the question..."


Shadows started to panic, how could he explain himself? Odd suddenly slammed his fists against the table, attracting the attention of everyone in the room


Tears were now streaming down his face. Odd felt an immense mixture of emotions welling up inside of him and had to get them out somehow

"Odd... I..."

"Is everything alright?"

Shadows looked in the direction of the voice and saw Vera stood there, a concerned look on her face. Odd glared at her as to say "Go away." Vera gulped and continued

"If you're going to have another outburst like that... I'll have to ask you to leave"

Oddball stood up and without saying a word, walked out of the Inn. Leaving Vera, Ray and the rest of the patrons wondering what had just happened

A few hours pass...

"And that's what happened"

Shadows was sat on the bed in one of the Inn rooms, Vera and Ray were standing on opposite sides of the room. Ray looked at Vera and then back to Shadows. Vera was the one who broke the silence

"Sounds rough..."

Shadows just nodded and returned to staring at the floor. The three entered a silence again and remained as such for, what felt like, a lifetime. A knock at the door, followed by an all-too familiar voice snapped Shadows out of his trance

"Is everything okay in there?"

Shadows rushed to the door and opened it... shocked to who he saw stood in front of him

"Ohoho, fancy meeting you here"

Shadows gritted his teeth and clenched his fist


Rayne stood before Shadows, smiling innocently

"We seem to be running into each other a lot these days, don't we?"

"Miss Rayne... you know Shadows?"

Shadows looked back at Vera with a blank expression, his mouth suddenly turning dry. Without warning, Rayne placed her hand on Shadows' shoulder and smiled at Vera

"Of course, we go way back"

Shadows shrugged Rayne's hand off of his shoulder

"Don't touch me."

Rayne frowned and placed her hand back at her side and started looking around the room

"Say.... I don't see that boy anywhere"

Shadows looked at the floor and clenched his fist harder.

"You two fight or something?"

Shadows looked up and noticed something, he didn't know if he was imagining it or not, but it appeared that Rayne had a slightly concerned look on her face. Shadows decided to play with her a little.

"What's it to you?"

Rayne flushed a little and looked away from Shadows

"Don't get me wrong, I.. I'm not concerned at all"

Shadows giggled to himself a little upon seeing his old partner acting like this

"I have to admit, you can be cute sometimes"

Rayne instantly went bright red and her eyes snapped back to Shadows, who was standing there grinning. Rayne was silent for a brief moment before regaining her composure


Vera, who had been watching the two exchange words the whole time, jumped at the sound of her name being barked

"Y. Yes ma'am?"

"I want to accompany Shadows wherever he may go"

Vera looked surprised at Rayne

"But... What about-"

"I can handle it."

The two were staring directly at each other. Ray was balancing a knife on his finger, as he had lost interest in the conversation long ago.
Vera nodded

"I understand."

Rayne span on her heels and walked out of the door, closing it as she did. Shadows let out a sigh of relief and turned to Ray

"That I didn't expect."


"Stupid, STUPID me"

Odd was pacing back and forth in the forest on the outskirts of town, to people passing by, he must have seemed like a crazy person

"What did I do that for? I'm sure Shadows had his reasons for talking to her... I'm such an idiot."

Odd dropped to his knees, wiping his eyes with his hands.

"And now... I've lost my only friend"

Odd curled into a ball and lay there, quietly sobbing to himself. A voice brought Odd's attention elsewhere

"You're not alone"

Odd sat up almost instantaneously and scanned the area, there was no sign of anyone else. Again the voice called out to him

"Let me in..."

"Who are you!?"

"I am all that you need"

Odd started running towards the town. He had to find Shadows and feel safe again

"There's no use running"

Odd stopped in his tracks and realized the town wasn't getting any closer, in fact, it was moving further and further away.

"NO. Let me back"

Odd started to breathe heavily, his fragile mind couldn't process what was happening to him. Again, he heard the voice. It was louder than last time; but slower

"L E T M E I N "

Odd saw something in the corner of his eye and before he could react, the substance entered Odd's body. Memories of a past life started flooding into Odd's mind; Death, destruction, betrayal, all swirling in him like one massive vortex. With a long, halted breath, Odd collapsed.

Meanwhile, back in the town...

Shadows was frantically looking around for Odd, Vera was not too far behind him. Ray had said he would stay at the Inn and help Rayne with her "Problem" Shadows stopped and thought to himself "I wonder what they're up to." Vera stood beside him and tugged on his sleeve, Shadows buried the thought and looked at Vera.

"C'mon, Shadows. Let's go going... I can sense something bad is happening"

Shadows nodded and continued searching, he HAD to find Odd if it was the last thing he would do. As the two were running, Vera spoke out.

"Hey... what would you do if Odd was hurt?"

Shadows stopped and looked at the floor, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth

"I'd kill whoever did it and all those involved, too."

Vera blinked a couple of times, Shadows didn't seem like the type of person to go handing out death threats like this... But she knew she had just met the guy and that everyone has their secrets.

"You're... serious about this, aren't you?"

Shadows looked at her and smiled a little


He looked away again, Vera swore she could have seen tears dropping out of his eyes.

"I really am"

Meanwhile. The Inn.

Rayne and Ray were sitting down at one of the tables, both not saying a word and just taking sips of their drink now and then. Rayne thought about breaking the silence with a question, but Ray beat her to the punch.

"So, how do you know him?"

Rayne looked up at Ray and then back at the table.

"We've known each other for a long time and used to be fairly close. But one day..."

Rayne stopped there, Ray looked confused and spoke.

"What happened?"

Rayne looked up at Ray and smiled

"Nevermind that. The reason I wanted to talk to you is because I need your help."

Ray still had that confused look on his face

"What would you need my help for? I remember a while ago you were saying you had this all under control"

"Yes, well..."

"Well what?"

Rayne stood up, bowed, and thanked Ray for listening to her before walking to her room.

Ray leaned back and put his hands behind his head

"Now, what was that all about?"

We cut back to Odd laying down in the forest, two figures are now standing over him

"We have to do something!"

"But what can WE do!?"

"Let's take him back to the base, maybe we can do something for him there."

Several hours later

Odd awoke in a small, bright room. He shielded his eyes from the light until he got used to having them open again. He stood up and checked his surroundings.

"Empty... completely empty."

Odd wondered where he was, his trail of thought being cut short when the door opened. Two people were stood in the doorway. One male, one female.

"Ah, it's good to see you're up and about"

"Who... are you two?"

"You'll find out about us later... right now we're more concerned about you. Can you tell us what happened?"

Odd looked at the two of them, they seemed friendly enough... but Odd knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.


"Because it's important that we know what happened to you to make you pass out like that"

The female knelt down in front of Odd and placed her hands on his shoulders


Odd sighed, he had been taught that "Please" was a kind word and that he should do what that person asked, if they seemed nice enough.

"I was..."


"I was attacked... this black... thing forced itself into my body. No... my very soul."

The male nodded slowly

"And then?"

"And then.... That's it. I passed out"

"What a strange story..."

"You don't believe me?"

"Of course we do."

The female member stood up and rejoined her colleague in the doorway, she turned back to face Odd and smiled warmly

"My name is Aurauris. Call me Aura"

The male smiled with one side of his mouth

"Call me Titan."

Odd nodded and looked at the floor

"Thank you both... for rescuing me"

"It was our pleasure. You need to get some rest now, we'll be back soon"

And with that, they closed the door. Odd was alone again in a place he wasn't familiar with.

We cut back to Ray sat in the Inn on his own

The Inn was quiet, too quiet for Ray's taste. The bar patrons were all silent and Rayne was nowhere to be found. The teen sighed to himself and took a swig of his drink, sighing again has he did. Ray started talking to himself

"It's never this quiet in here... something's up."

"So you noticed, mister?"

Two young boys appeared on the other side of the Inn, one slightly older than the other.

"Aaand who are you two supposed to be?"

The pair giggled in unison with eachother

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Ray stared at the two and frowned

"Listen, I haven't got time to play this stupid game with you. Who are you!?"

The two started giggling again and the older boy slowly extended his arm in front of him. He started chanting something weird. Ray raised his arm and closed his eyes, knives appeared out of what appeared to be nowhere and slotted themselves into the gaps between Ray's fingers, he then clenched his fist and the knives stayed in position. He proceeded to do this with the other arm, and he crossed his arms in an "X" position in against his chest. The younger of the two looked in awe at him

"Wooow... mister, how did you do that?"

Ray opened his eyes, they had changed from their original brown, to a now bright silver-y colour. The older boy had stopped chanting and spoke softly

"Rise, my pet..."

Underneath the boy's hand, a dark portal had appeared. A body with a ninja-like outfit slowly rose out of the portal. The boy started laughing maniacally while the younger one looked almost scared. Ray looked on at what was happening and grinned.

"Finally, some action."

The ninja-like figure was now fully free of the portal, his shackles were finally broken. It slowly turned around and knelt before the two boys.

"What will you have me do, my masters?"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, they created a portal behind them and slowly walked through. Before the portal had closed, however, the older boy had spoke out

"Two things before we leave you. Number one, Kill him."

He then looked at Ray

"Number two, remember our names, hero. We are the ones who will send you to hell... we are Break Eventide and Dragonknight."

Ray watched as the portal slowly closed and the ninja drew his Katana.

"Before I cut you into pieces. Tell me your name, boy."

"My name is Raylas."

"Very well... Raylas. My name is not important, you'll be dead before you get the chance to move."

Raylas grinned at these words

"We'll see about that"

Barely after Ray had finished his sentence, the ninja was right in front of him. He swung his Katana down, only to be blocked by a bowie knife Ray had pulled off of his belt. Ray pushed the ninja back and proceeded to throw the knives in his left hand at him. The ninja disappeared and re-appeared behind Ray

"Got you."

Before Ray could move, the Katana had been impaled through his back. The ninja started to laugh

"What are you laughing for, you've let your guard down"

With knives that had suddenly appeared back in Ray's left hand, he slashed behind him, cutting the ninja's mask open... along with a small part of his face. He pulled the Katana out of Ray's back and appeared on the other side of the room.

"You... you should be dead"

Ray just grinned at the ninja and let his arms swing loosely at his side

"You wanna know something?"

The ninja stared at him for a while before replying, his voice sounding almost scared of the teen stood there.

"... What?"

"You were doomed from the start."

The ninja suddenly felt a change in the atmosphere... almost like all of the mana had suddenly been drained away. He looked around the room, then back at Ray. Hundreds of small objects had began to form a wall in front of him

"What... What's going on!?"

The objects got bigger and bigger, until they finally had a proper shape. The ninja looked in terror as a wall of knives were aimed directly at him

"There's a reason they call me the knife master."

The knives were thrown at the ninja, he couldn't react at all. The torrent of knives impaled every inch of his body, he dropped to the floor and was sucked back through a portal that had appeared.

Ray placed his hand over the wound and sighed

"Where's Vera when you need her"

< Message edited by Oddball -- 2/12/2013 23:33:52 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/6/2013 1:34:47   

Chapter Extra. This is a running theme, probably.

The usual 4 are sitting down in a dark room


Shadows: Dude, we're playing Poker.

Odd: Oh...

Vera: |Facedesk|

Ray: Odd, do you even know how to play Poker?

Odd: Of course I do!

Me: That's a lie if I ever heard one

Shadows: USO DA

Me: Anime references, in my writing!? NEVER.

Vera: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there, Mr Writer?

Me: Aye.

???: Who would have guessed?

Me: Who could that be?

Shadows: You're the one writing this, you should know

Me: Aaand there goes the wall again.

Titan: Your fault.

Odd: Ohai Titan

Vera: The hell are you doing here?

Titan: I can't tell you that

Shadows: Why not?

Titan: SPOILERS |Runs off|

Ray: Okaaaaay...

Me: Yeah, I don't know either.

Shadows: I wonder if the writer will add any other random characters?

Aurauris: Who kno-Waaait a minute...

Odd: Aura! You're here too?

Aura: Seems so c:

Vera: How do you even PRONOUNCE that?

Aura: With difficulty, my fair lady... with difficulty

???: I heard that they were over here!

???: You sure?

|DragonKnight and Break enter the room|

DragonKnight: Here you all are

Break: Found you!

Me: I should stop this before anyone else gets here...

TheDanishGuy: Too late, Limey.

Me: |Sighs|


< Message edited by Oddball -- 2/6/2013 1:59:01 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/5/2013 17:41:42   

Chapter 5. A, somewhat, enjoyable evening.

Later that evening, Shadows and Vera were told that they would have to share a room. With neither of them having any objections, we now cut to the two of them laying down in the same bed together

"This is kinda..."



The two were facing away from eachother and staring at the walls. They stayed silent for a couple of minutes before Vera started up again

"Hey... Why do you think we were put in the same room?"

"I don't know"

"Well... who's in charge of where we sleep?"

Vera thought for a second before mumbling the answer

"Lady Rayne"

Shadows sighed

"That woman has problems."

"It's not all that bad, though."

"Whadd'ya mean?"

Shadows couldn't see Vera's face, but he imagined she would be blushing right about now

"I mean... I, uh... Nevermind, just go to bed!"

Shadows turned to face Vera, who was still staring at the wall

"Now I wanna know"

Vera looked over her shoulder to see Shadows grinning at her, she sighed and rolled over onto her back, pulling up the covers slightly to hide her embarrassed expression

"I mean... staying here..."

Vera was now completely red and struggling to get the words she wanted to say out of her mouth

"W... with you"

Vera then pulled the covers over her head and turned away. Shadows stayed quiet for a brief moment before chuckling to himself. Vera spoke from underneath the cover

"What are you laughing about?"

"You're pretty cute sometimes, you know that?"

"Don't say that here! What are you thinking?"

"Hey, you're the one who asked."

"Yeah, but..."

Shadows chuckled again and turned onto his back, he reached out with one hand and clenched his fist

"Tomorrow, bro... I'll find you"

"You mean 'We'll' find him?"

Shadows glanced over at Vera, who was now looking straight at him. The look of determination was painted on her face.

"What are y-"

"Don't try and talk me out of it... I've made up my mind. I'm staying with you from now on."

"But what about-"

"Lady Rayne? I'll speak to her in the morning."

"You sure about this?"

Vera nodded and smiled at the young man

"Of course."

A silence fell between the two, as they just lay there on their backs, staring at the ceiling. The chirping of crickets and the soft blow of the wind were heard with relative ease. Vera could hear her heartbeat, it was faster than usual. She couldn't figure out why.


A voice broke Vera out of her trance, she looked at person to her left


"It's kinda cold.. isn't it?"

Vera nodded

"So... would you mind if we... uh, huddled together? Strictly for warmth, nothing else."

Vera went completely red for the second time this evening. Trying her best not to look at him, she spoke in an almost whisper-y tone

"S... sure"

Vera scooted over to Shadows' side of the bed and rested her head on his chest, her heart was beating faster now. She felt Shadows put one of his arms around her waist.

"You comfortable?"

Vera nodded slightly

"That's good..."

"You seem so... Relaxed."

Shadows laughed at that

"Really? This is the first time I've been this close to a woman."

Vera could hear Shadows' heartbeat, it was much slower than hers. Perhaps she was over-thinking this? Maybe it was just for warmth... maybe not all men a- her thoughts were cut off by a voice

"Hey, you okay there? You're breathing really heavily."

"Ah... I'm sorry"

Shadows laughed and patted Vera's head

"You don't have to apologize for anything. You can get off if you wan-"


Vera was now looking up at Shadows, he seemed confused at her sudden outburst. She looked back down and curled up a little

"I want to stay here with you."

She looked back up and could swear that he was blushing a little, she giggled mentally and let off a smile

"Hey, Vera?"


"Have you ever thought about settling down with someone?"

"Wha.. Where'd that come from?

Shadows chuckled somewhat

"I don't know myself"

Apparently, that laughter was contagious, as Vera started to laugh as well

"You're so weird, you know?"

"I'll take that as a compliment coming from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Shadows chuckled and flicked Veras nose

"Never you mind"


Vera rubbed her nose and looked up

"Hey... about your earlier question... I have, once or twice. But those guys just moved on after they were finished with me."

"You mean they?..."

"No, nothing like that!"

Shadows let of a sigh of relief

"Good, I was worried for a second there."

"Hey.... Have you?"


"Ever thought about settling down with someone?"

"Yeah... Once."

"Would you mind tell-"

"I'd rather not."


Vera looked down again, she felt like she had struck a nerve. A hand fell on top of her head gently, causing the girl to look back up.

"Don't look so down. All that matters is the present, right?"

"Ye... Yeah."

"So... Let's keep heading towards our goals with our heads held high."

Shadows looked the girl straight in the eye and smiled at her

"I'll be counting on your support from now on, okay?"

Vera nodded and placed her head back on Shadows' chest, within minutes she was fast asleep.

"I won't let you, or anyone else die. I'll protect everyone I care about. I can't relive that night, not again..." Shadows thought to himself.

< Message edited by Oddball -- 7/12/2013 9:10:44 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
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