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(WF) WarpForce Troopers Chronicles

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9/29/2010 1:08:33   

WarpForce Troopers Chronicles

It was Day 782 of what is now called the Devourer Campaign.

Though The'Galin was finally "defeated" in the loosest of sense, the fight was nowhere near over. The forces of Lore had only pushed back the forces that seeked to engulf it. Now was time to bring the fight to The Network.
At the end of the Devourer Campaign, the relatively new United Races of Lore founded by the Humans, Elves, and Drakels simply called U.R.L began outlining 'Project Star Surfer'. An initiative to send the best soldiers the founder races had to offer across the milky void to destroy any remaining Devourer forces, seek out new allies, and to ensure that what happened to Lore does not happen anywhere else.


68 days, 17 hours and 28 seconds until Case-171 incident.....

//////WarpForce Recruitment initiative V.288.7b///////

access: Celestra -Recruiter Director
Pass: ******-****-**-****


CLASS SIZE: 288 ((ALERT...Well below designated numbers))
EQUIPMENT CHECK: 1277 full standard load-out available....Well within class size needs.

command prompt: Search most skilled individuals


name: Eleanor Treegrove (Elf)
Location: Augerthorne
Gunner 88% criteria MATCH

name: Odigo Ygg'Qhalzoth (Drakel)
Location: K'eld Naer
Gunner 17% criteria MATCH...Red flag alert..Insufficient
--Extremely high aptitude

name: Mhairi Warden (Human)
Location: Granemor
Striker 89% criteria MATCH

4 others in this class matching search. Would you like to know more? (Y/N)
command prompt: no


INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED....Top-listed candidates have been marked for recruitment.

Forwarding to U.R.L. reps / WarpForce top-tiers

Leet, Ba'Tokk, I've got dibs on the Drakel. I'll see if he's salvageable. Take a look at the other top 2 candidates. Don't worry about the rest of this class' high-hopes, I've got that covered.




Its 3 months passed the 7th anniversary of the last offensive against The'Galin. 7 years and 3 months since a lucky Lorian made history. 7 years and 3 months since a lucky Lorian's soul was devoured, forsaken by the very Creator of Lore so that all of Lore could be saved.
Back then, recruitment for the WarpForce initiative had been slim pickings. But now, now it had become a gross misallocation of resources.
Deep in thought, Commander Stormfront looks at the monitor as its warm glow bathes his unlight office aboard V'eld Valkan Military Space Station. The newest report on possible WarpForce candidates did not impress him.
It seemed Amada was getting desperate, too eager to fill those boots.

The weary Drakel pushes himself away from his desk furrowing his brow. Rubbing his temples he reaches for his coat and makes his way to the door.
"It'll have to do."

63 days, 3 hours, and 58 seconds until Case-171 incident.....

< Message edited by MonsterMike9000 -- 10/2/2010 9:25:07 >
AQ  Post #: 1
10/1/2010 23:34:18   


Face of a dragon, body of a man, a tail and two horns curved back. A row of three fang-like horns akin to a mohawk evenly spaced between the two and one more at the end of his snout. His ash-gray skin, arms crossed underneath a red scarf tied around his neck. His arms crossed against his white shirt and his dark-coloured vest. Starsteel-toed boots, plates of armor cover his long dark pants.
Odigo Ygg'Qhalzoth, Drakel descendant of those who served The Devourer god shifts uncomfortably atop his cushioned wooden chair within the dimly lit interrogation room. His glowing sky blue eyes looks across the mahogany table littered by various papers with obscure statistics towards a red-headed woman.

"Good evening," the red-headed woman spoke. In her hands, more papers. In her left hand, a clawed gauntlet.
"Hello." Odigo sank back into the cushioned wooden chair shooting an inquisitive look at the red-headed woman with the left hand and the papers over the mahogany table in the dimly lit room. Odd shadows clung to the wall.
"I am Celestra, Recruiter Direc -"
"I know who you are."
"Then you know why you're here?"
"You want a hero."
"Did I volunteer?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"So you think I'm good enough?"
"Not exactly."
"Then what the frag do you want from me?"

Her elbows against the mahogany table in the dimly lit room, littered by various papers with various statistics, red hair and clawed gauntlet Celestra leans forward.
"You going to be trouble? Because if you are, I can send you straight back to that smoldering, crater-in-the-ground Bio-dome you call home."
She leers at him and he stares at her and he blinks. An infinite wall of silence between the two, Odigo sits up, his arms crossed, white shirt, dark-coloured vest.
In thought his eyes drifts. Celestra's arms crossed and leaning forward. He looks up.
"Alright, what do you want me to do?"

61 days, 17 hours, 8 minutes and 17 seconds until Case-171 incident....

< Message edited by MonsterMike9000 -- 10/2/2010 9:22:16 >
AQ  Post #: 2
10/2/2010 8:05:58   


The moment she took her first steps inside, she knew her life was forever changed.
From then on, her days would be of great pains and great sadness. From then on, her days would be of great joys and wonder.
And she would know, that this was the day that it all began.

A vast hall layed before her. High arches and Cyclopean walls housed hundreds of warriors from all around Lore, all brought here for the same purpose that she was.
The crowd shifted and mingled in a sea of human, drakel and her fellow Elani, the elves of Lore. Their noise filled the large empty room until it was bloated.
Elaborate designs were carved into the massive round ceiling above as it's windows brought in a cool breeze carrying the slight scent of spring-time.

Looking up had made this frail-looking Elf look even paler. She looked down and closed her hooded green eyes. Shaking her narrow head as her long golden hair flew back and forth.
As time went by, she waded through the ocean of peoples and therein did form islands. One could see the blossoming
friendships within these new circles and of untold adventures that would be had, laughs to be shared, tears to be shed and the blood they would shed for one another. And just like that, Eleanor found herself alone.
Then at the corner of her eye, she saw a glimmer, a streak of light.

A few steps away, in an opening from the mingling islands was a peculiar human in red Knight armor swinging about a steel sword. Her round, deep blue eyes fixed upon a non-existent enemy.
A white complexion, thin pink lips and an aristocratic nose. Short dark hair, with braided strands gracefully dancing with each thrust and slash. Determined and stern. Soft and gentle.
Eleanor's eyes met with hers and time became undone.
Soft feathers of a dove in mid-flight, armor shimmering like morning dew. Sword to behead the nightmare beast with woman's scorn. The eternal hero after slaying the dragon.
She comes.

"Hello Ser Knight," She said awkwardly raising a hand to greet her. "It's nice to meet you, uh, I, uh and, um.." She stutters. The regal knight stands before her.
"Oh my goodness an Elf! Nobody back in Granemor will believe I met an Elf!" The Knight with a warm smile from ear to ear shakes Eleanor's hand vigorously. "How nice to meet you, my name is Mhairi, and, ur, what did you say your name was again?"
"Uh..I'm sorry your Majesty, I-I uh, meant no disrespect. I have never been around humans very much and I would like to change that. I hear humans have a fascinating culture and-"
"Slow down!" Mhairi interrupted, "did you just call me - 'your Majesty?'" Wide-eyed and enthusiastic. A hint of disbelief in her voice.
Eleanor looked around the room uncomfortably. "I'm sorry. With your armor - are you not royalty?" Her elven ears dipped down and she bit her thumb.
Mhairi left out a small chuckle, "You are adorable!" Mhairi stepped back and gears begin to churn within her mind. "Well, actually I hail from a rich Noble Merchant Family back in Granemor. I guess that's close enough right?"
Eleanor averts her eyes, a hand on her shoulder. She wanted to shrink away. She wished she never opened her mouth. Nobody told her talking to humans would be this odd. Even when Augerthorne was being rebuilt by benefactors from the U.R.L. never did she learn anything passed dusty tomes about the humans.
How she wanted to shrink away.
Eleanor looks up and Mhairi, still her eyes bright with excitement and a sense of daring. Gently Mhairi placed an arm on her shoulder.
She asks her softly, "Your name?"
"Eleanor." A wry smile
"Let's be friends."

Face of a dragon, body of a man, a tail and two horns curved back. A row of three fang-like horns akin to a mohawk evenly spaced between the two and one more at the end of his snout. His ash-gray skin, arms crossed underneath a red scarf tied around his neck. His arms crossed against his white shirt and his dark-coloured vest. Starsteel-toed boots, plates of armor cover his long dark pants.
Odigo looks at the knight and looks at the elf and they look back and he blinks.

At a short distance away, a human by the name of Leslie, or "Beef" as he is known amongst his friends, looked longingly at an armor-clad goddess. And a deep hate welled up in him as the Drakel met her eyes.

< Message edited by MonsterMike9000 -- 10/9/2010 8:44:07 >
AQ  Post #: 3
10/8/2010 4:32:47   


Odd shadows clung to the wall.

A Drakel hatchling contently sits by himself within a poorly lit playroom. His ball bounces and sends echoes in unseen hallways. The light of murdered stars shone through a single pane window as their rotting corpses danced merrily about the void like stringed up meat-puppets.

"Hello," the Drakel hatchling smiled warmly, "Could you tell me a story?"

"You need something Odie?" Mhairi asked, looking over her lunch tray holding a spoonful of cafeteria-something.

For the past two or so minutes, Odigo Ygg'Qhalzoth, Drakel descendant of the Devourer Cultists that had once gripped V'eld Naer in fear had done nothing but give off an odd, unfocused stare while his food warmed the bottom of his dragon-like snout.
He averts his sky-blue dragon eyes towards his meal and away from Mhairi, and the world began to rush in.
That clanging sound spoons made when they hit the bottom of a dish, the smell of grease, the angry hiss of whatevers being dipped in. The cacophony of a thousand voices laughing and conversing and mingling into a hazy white noise.

Odigo digs into his cafeteria-something. He takes a spoonful and eats it.

The peculiar porcelain doll gazed back from the abyss, an aggregation of purple snakes, pink elephants and other things behind it.

Inquisitively, the Drakel hatchling approached the peculiar porcelain doll.
"Um," The Drakel Hatchling pondered, a finger against his cheek, "Any story I guess."

The sound of a ripcord being pulled and gears within the porcelain doll began to churn but no sound left it's mouth. It began to bleed.

"No, no, no!" The Drakel hatchling pleaded, clutching his ears and shaking his head, "I don't like that one, I don't like that one at all!"

"Shove a bum."

A well-built young man with blonde, buzz-cut hair, a chubby round face slams his lunch tray on the table and shoves Odigo to the side, taking his spot in front of Mhairi.

"So," Leslie said to Mhairi, "these new uniforms are spiffy huh?" He tugs on the collar of his WarpTrooper I shirt.

Eleanor quietly snorts out a chuckle. It was obvious to her as to what Beef was doing and it was obvious to him that he was failing. Unfortunately, this earned her the attention of Beef who turns and glares across the table. His rosy cheeks getting redder. Eleanor could see the steam pouring out of his ears.

Eleanor puts her clasped hands in front of her, "What are you looking at, you bumbling Ulgathi?" she asks, a wry smile on her face.

The Drakel hatchling began to sob, "What do you mean, 'what do you mean?'" The Drakel Hatchling said rubbing tears from his eyes, "Thats an awful thing to say! Why would I do that? I would never do something like that! You're mean! Mean, mean mean!"

The sound of gears churning emanated from the peculiar porcelain doll. A red tint from the strung-up corpses of stars shone through from the single pane window. An odd wind rushed in through the seems.

"P-p-Propheshy?" the Drakel hatchling stuttered, "whats propheshy?"

The peculiar porcelain doll looks on silently, an aggregation of odd shapes and things among purple snakes and pink elephants behind it.

The Drakel hatching clambers away digging through his toy box, "The elder ones sent you didn't they?" he asks, holding up a flaying knife. He pauses, looking attentively at the peculiar porcelain doll.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? I don't like it when people say that," he interrupted, putting the flaying knife back as he started rummaging again, "I don't want to take people's skins! I don't want to carve flutes from their bones! Those are mean, awful things and I dont like it when the grown-ups m --" the peculiar porcelain doll's gears churned louder but no sound left it's mouth.

Like two rams butting heads, Beef and Eleanor confronted one another. Beef's boot stepping on his lunch tray and Eleanor with her arms to her waist climbing up to meet him.
Beef gritted his teeth, "Listen here 'Knife-Ears'," nostrils flaring, malice in his words practically pouring out like froth from a rabid dog, "My father, my father's father, heck, my entire famliy fought in the Carnax war while you and your ancestors hid in--"
"What do you know about my ancestors?!" Elanor interrupted, conviction in her voice.

Mhairi put a hand on Eleanor's shoulder, reigning her down.
"Beef," Mhairi said, "One day you will know what you've done here today. And when that day comes, we would have already forgiven you. But until that time comes," she pauses, choosing her next words carefully and with weight, "please leave me and my friends alone."

His face turned a flush red, Beef never had someone stand up to him before. It was an odd sensation, very alien, very acute. He could not tell which was worse, that this was happening, or the fact that it was Mhairi who put him down.
Infuriated and embarrassed, he turns his attention to the Drakel sitting quietly beside him, politely finishing his meal as the world spun around him.

"You can't make me! I won't do it!" The Drakel hatchling stubbornly said.

The peculiar porcelain doll's skin started to flake and sweat. An odd rotting smell filled the air while calliope-esque music began to echo in empty faraway hallways. The music began to skip like a needle on a vinyl record. Again and again the song would skip and start again. Then it would start again.

"How do you know that?" The Drakel hatchling asked, "Did the Drakel with three faces tell you?" he paused, "Ya well, they say a lot of things."

The sound of a ripcord being pulled and gears within the peculiar porcelain doll churned.

"I don't like this game, let me out!" The Drakel hatchling started running around the room, banging against the walls, "let me out! Let me out, let me out!" There was no door. The walls bled like wax and soon thick ooze started drooping down at the window. Each glob casting barred shadows.

The Drakel hatchling resignedly sat back down again and started bounced his toy ball.

"I guess I'll play a little longer." The Drakel Hatchling said. "you can leave now if you wanted I suppose. Everybody leaves eventually. Just like all the others. I wish I could leave."

The world grew quiet.

"Could you tell me," The Drakel hatchling paused, "Why I'm so special? I mean, I don't feel any different. Was it because of the drawings I made? Are you sure you have the right person? It's not like you know for sure what I drew was going to happen right?"

But the peculiar porcelain doll did know. It knew more about The Drakel hatchling than he could imagine. The peculiar porcelain doll knew the abominations that took place before his birth. It knew about his dead mothers, who's stomachs were split open. It knew about his dead father, who's blood was run dry for ink needed to scribble various hermetic-like symbols and shapes on the floor. It knew about the birth-curses placed upon the Drakel Hatchling's egg and the prophecy placed upon him. It was sure.

"Oh well," The Drakel hatchling looked up towards the peculiar porcelain doll, "not that it matters now right?" He gave a weak smile. "But before you go, could you tell me something?" he asked.

Mhairi and Eleanor hold Beef back as he kicks and screams, clutching at air, his fingers grasping at Odigo.

"Leave him alone Beef! What did Odie ever do to you?" Mhairi asks. She thrown Beef to the ground, her presence towering over him.

Beef wipes his cheek, "Its not what he did," he said, "Its what they did. Look at his eyes. Only descendants of the Devourer Cultists have those eyes." He smirks, knowingly planting the first seeds of doubt. He began to rise. "That's right," Beef savours this moment of triumph, no matter how superficial it was, "you're friend here, he's one of the guys who we've been fighting with." He said pointing towards Odigo.

Outside the cafeteria, the sound of boots rapidly approaching and whistles going off signaled the end of this little scene that they had made. The WarpForce Quartermasters began storming in as the crowd that had formed parted like an ocean.

Odigo gazed into the glossy eyes of the peculiar porcelain doll and it in turn gazed back into him.

"Tell me," Odigo asked, "Who are you?"

The Quartermasters worked fast. The crowd began to dissipate and Beef was in their custody. They propped him up and bound him in glowing rings of light, but before they could drag him away, he wanted to get in one last thing with Odigo.

"Tell me Odigo," Beef said, his tongue in his cheek, "Ever miss V'eld Naer? huh? Ever miss that smoking crater you call home sometime?"

The Peculiar porcelain doll blinked, "Silly hatchling, I am the harvester of dead souls. I am the eater of children." It answered, "We all are down here."

Odigo opened his mouth but he could not scream.

Odd shadows clung to the wall.

< Message edited by MonsterMike9000 -- 10/14/2010 21:09:58 >
AQ  Post #: 4
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