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(AQW) Cataclysm

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10/3/2010 15:46:19   

Feed-Back thread: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18188040
Prologue. Chapters 1,2 & 3
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapters 6-8


The Lore we know today, a peaceful land, full of love, no evil at all. Wrong, the Lore we know today is built off lies, and corruption. After the Great Chaos War, between Drakath, his Lords of Chaos against Good and Evil, Lore was left in ruins. But now, Lore has been rebuilt, a new government, a new king, everything is different. Even Shadowfall is gone, Gravelyn, the princess of Shadowfall died after the new world was set up. King Alteon, a hero of the Great Chaos war, was slain by the 13th chaos lord, Psych, and left the world of Lore in the hands of a warrior, Thok. Thok was one of the greatest warriors of Lore, and fought in countless battles, he took down most of the Chaos Lords, some he took down single handedly. But Thok was under a heavy influence, a new form of evil. Thok’s secret advisor was never discovered, but Thok was killed by his queen, Arcana. After Arcana found out about the secrets and lies Lore was being built on, she killed her own husband to save Lore. But in the end, no one believed her, so Arcana was sent to life in a war prison. Now the newest king, a descendant of King Alteon himself, Likar. Likar appeared from nowhere, but somehow discovered his way to the castle, and proved that he was connected to Alteon. Likar isn’t the most loved in Lore, but people follow him.
Now, listen here, if you can’t handle the truth, throw the story away, now. This Lore is completely different than the one you knew, it’s completely changed since King Alteon. The stories of Lore are about to be told, there is a new evil rising, pure evil, you have been warned…
Chapter 1

Red skies, black clouds, a bright red liquid splashed on the buildings on pavement. Bodies stacked upon bodies, blood streaming from the pile. Screams of the perished souls racing through my head, I try and try, no luck, can’t forget the feeling of what I’ve done… I killed innocent people, with my own hand. In one hand a sword, red from all the blood, it used to be a pure white, now, soiled with blood, the other hand… A pulsating heart. Then a few yards ahead I see a group of beasts rampaging at an army of humans. The beasts fought the humans off, but one broke free, I knew him, but couldn’t remember the name. As he darted forwards, I threw the heart to my right gripped my sword and charged at him, I couldn’t hold myself back, it was as if I wasn’t controlling my body, but that didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered was the fact I was about to collide head on, in a full out battle, one that would decide the fate of the world. Between two God-like creatures.

I woke in cold sweat, I’ve been having these sorts of dreams a lot lately. Always at the same spot in Lore, the Obelisks.

I looked outside and saw some kids running around, playing with their dog. And saw one of my friends, Thrift, running around chasing some moglins, he’s sort of a moglin fanatic. I closed my curtain, got changed and headed out to the local Inn, Yulgar’s. Inside, there were a lot less people than usual, quests or some sort of work were probably keeping them away from Battleon today. But the four that were there, not including Yulgar who was sleeping on the bar table, were my best friends.

One was a cat-lady warrior. She has beautiful blue fur. She’s very agile when it comes to fights, she gave my a pretty painful scar over my left eye when I said something I shouldn’t have … She belongs to an ancient race, known as Aker's, but were extremely feared by the people back then,and were often called 'Banshee's' because whenever they were around, someone would die, and the entire clan was killed, except her. They say it was destiny, but I believe it was much more than that.

Next to her, was the Prince of Lore, Matrim. Dressed in his usual white suit, Top hat, tattered shadow cape, and his top hat, tilted to one side. Matrim was almost always in Yulgar’s inn, even though he should be at the castle, he likes to spend his time drinking and hitting on Ariena. He was talking to Ariena, with every possible sign of drunkenness. Ariena just sat there rolling her eyes.

And at the other end of the table, the Pirate Brigadier, my best friend in all of Lore, watching Matrim and Ariena in boredom, his grey eyes sparkling from the lights. He was in his usual outfit, his signature pirate armor, gray and black hair, and a cape he’d taken from a ship he’d conquered after the Great Chaos War.

And my other friend, Scooter, who was sitting at the bar table, in a similar armor, like Martyr. He was an odd man… green skin, always war a giant sombrero and a short cape. He was trying to get Yulgar awake, but Yulgar was out cold.

I walked over to the table and took my seat next to Martyr.

“Hey Hik,” Martyr said as I sat down.

“H…hey Hik,” Matrim stuttered.

“Hiya,” Ariena muttered, obviously annoyed at Matrim.

“Hey guys. Matrim, your dad was looking for you, he sent one of his knights of Valor to find you, you’d better get going,” I said.

“Ugh, not again,” Matrim muttered as he got up from his seat, and splash water on his face at the bar-table. “Well, I’ll see you guys around…”

“Finally, he was here since 9 last night, drinking,” Ariena mumbled.

I couldn’t help but laugh, neither could Martyr or Scooter. You see, Matrim and Ariena have this odd relationship, they can’t admit to they’re love for each other, they usually try to hide it, sometimes they insult each other until one leaves. One time Matrim was really drunk, and got Ariena so angry she slashed his face with her extremely sharp nails ( they hurt really bad…). Now Matrim has 3 scars going down the right side of his face.

Chapter 2

“Well,” Scooter said taking Matrim’s seat next to Ariena,” Yulgar is passed out, and I dun’ have anymore Berry juice…” He was really obsessed with Berry juice, if he didn’t have it for a day or so, he’d go insane, he almost took down the Trainers inn before, but Arcana held the building together, and also left Scooter with a nasty burn mark over his belly.

“ You and your obsession,” Martyr said, rolling your eyes. “I wish I never took you on that quest overseas, or else you’d have never fallen in love with Berry juice. (Martyr took Scooter on a conquering quest once, it was a ship that was overrun by some rogue ninja’s. On the ship were tons of cases of magical Berry juice, the magic part was that once you drank them, you couldn’t stop. I have no idea what they were for, but I don’t really want to care. Now Scooter is practically forced to drink the juice, but we tease him for it anyways.)

“It’s not my fault some stupid mage enchanted stupid berry juice,” Scooter mumbled, slamming his head on the table. “ If it wasn’t so hot out that day, and if I wasn’t dying of thirst I wouldn’t have drunken any of it.”

“That’s your excuse for everything, It’s to hot, I’m sooo thirsty,” Martyr retorted.

“ Oh, shut up,” Scooter said.

“I’m going to send you on a quest later, there is a ship that was overrun by some more ninjas,” Martyr said. As pirate king, he gives quests to pirates in the Lorean barracks. After the Great Chaos War, pirates and vampires and lycans started organizing they’re clans. Unfortunately, so have the ninja’s, after the war more and more people started to join the ninja ranks, in hope for a new life, and food. The war left Lore in a horrible state, but it was rebuilt eventually, but times are still hard. The ninja’s have been looking for more space, they think they can rule the seas, but Martyr won’t let them.

“Great, now I have to pack more juice, what are the specs for the quest,” Scooter muttered.

“I’ll go over with it later, now isn’t the time, I’ve recently heard from the King, that some of the old warriors of Lore have broken out of they’re prison. The other day I fought off Kitsune at the beaches of Oaklore. He was strong…stronger than before, when I fought him, the atmosphere changed, it felt heavier. He said…he said the lords are rising, and the ancients will rule them, and all of Lore,” Martyr explained.

“ The Ancients,” Scooter asked.

“ Well a long time ago, when even King Alteon was a kid, Lore was ruled by Gods, known as Ancients, because they’ve been around since the world was created. But some of the heroes of Lore were sick of they’re reign of terror, and started a revolution, which eventually led to the Lore before the Chaos war,” Ariena explained.

“Who led the revolution,” Scooter asked.

“Alteon’s father, Lenoes, he was later thought of a demi-god, no real powers except brute strength and wisdom. He only ruled for a few years, he was assassinated by some rogue,” Martyr said.

I was with Martyr and Ariena and Matrim when they fought the 13th chaos lord. And when they fought Drakath, but I was useless, during that time, the shadow weavers placed strict orders on all Weavers, not to use any sorts of magic. I was only able to swing my sword. But Martyr was able to take down both. Ariena and Matrim were wounded during Drakath’s battle, I was taking care of them, when Drakath’s ultimate chaos beast awoke. But I won’t go into too much detail… Only because once Martyr killed Drakath, the beast broke down into sand.
King Alteon died during the final stages of the Chaos war, it was a brutal war, and left the lands of Lore in shreds. Alteon died by the hands of Drakath, the Chaos champion, who caused the war.
Drakath was slain by Martyr, who was caught up in the middle of the war. During the Chaos war, the ninja’s waged war on pirates, the pirate’s lost many casualties, and suffered from random attacks by the ninja’s. Drakath was talking with the leading ninja, to sign a pure treaty, when Martyr’s fleet struck the chaos tower. There was a long battle, and Drakath lost his life, after the extermination of several thousand Loreans, races of all kinds.

Now the Vampires, Lycans, Pirates and other races fight together,to protect the new Lore, from the likes of evil.

“Well,” Martyr said, before he was cut off by a random scream.

“TINSELLLLLLLLLLLLLL! C’mere Tinsel! You’re mine,” Thrift yelled running through the doors of the inn,and in front of him, a small moglin with wings, flying through Yulgar.

“Gah,” Thrift gasped as I close-lined him. “What was that for!”

“Your way to obsessed man, you gotta’ get a hold of yourself, you’ll never catch Tinsel,” I said.

“You’re right, I will never catch Tinsel, because Tinsel is gone! It took me years to find her, and you made me lose place of her!”

“You found her yesterday,” Martyr noted.

“Shut up…”

“Well, I better go get dressed, King Likar wants to see us later,” I said.

“What? I thought you said he wanted to see Matrim,” Ariena asked.

“Well, Matrim needs to rest. But Likar did send one of his knights, to tell me of our hearing tonight,” I explained.

“Ugh, just great,” Martyr sighed. Martyr and King Likar don’t really see eye and eye, basically they can’t agree on anything.

“Well I got to leave now, the hearing is in an four hours, I’ll meet you all at the castle,” I said walking out of the Inn.

Chapter 3

I walked down the empty streets or Battleon, usually the streets are filled, but today I only saw about 3 people walking around.
I opened the door to my house, but it wasn’t locked, which was strange because I always lock it, no matter what. Inside, the house was a wreck, cabinets open, glass broken, my spell books everywhere.

“What the,” I exclaimed.
I rummaged through the books, looking for my book of shadows. It contained all the spells any Shadow Weaver should know. It also contained a few of my own spells I’ve created. Shadow Weavers are a group of warriors who used to belong to Gravelyn’s army, during the Chaos War. But now, the shadow weavers are broken, and scattered across Lore. Some are dead, some were imprisoned, tried for war crimes. But shadow weavers manipulate shadows at will, and are dangerous. The original shadow weavers were Vain and deceitful, they practiced the dark arts and were ruthless spell casters. We never hesitated to destroy anything in their path.

But now, there are only a few Weavers among Lore, who walk free. And we’ve vowed to never use our powers to kill innocent beings. Shadow Weavers have and always will be a hated group Nikoof warriors. Since the dawn of time, the first shadow weaver was born, he was one of the original ancients’ and created all the shadows of Lore, that exist today.
With the book in the wrong hands, the world could be easily put back into ruins. The spells in the book are deadly, both the ones that I’ve created and the existing ones. But there is one spell, created by the shadow God himself, can destroy Lore in less than 5 seconds. It’s like an atomic bomb, that was used on the 13th Lord of Chaos’s land. That was used to end the Chaos Lords. The spell is illegal now, and it’s punishable by death.

When the shadow weaver’s used the spell, and saw it’s destructive force, they quickly signed a document stating that no Shadow Weaver shall ever use the spell under ANY
Circumstances. There were thirteen shadow weaver’s who used the spell, they used it together, in unity to make the impact even stronger, even though instructed by King Alteon, they were tried and found guilty for genocide after Lore was rebuilt, and Likar came into power. I was one of the thirteen, but I wasn’t convicted to death or anything, 2 others weren't imprisoned either, the reasons were all different for each of us, but we didn't worry. We were let free to roam Lore, but the others, are either dead, or imprisoned. Except, a few years ago, 3 other weavers broke out of their cells and were never found again, Nikoray, Izorai and Rakai were there names. All three were the top ranked shadow weavers, Rakai was our leader, the Lord of Shadow, during battle he broke down into pulsating darkness and was unstoppable, not even Alteon could defeat him.

After an hour of searching, the book was nowhere to be found. I was responsible for the book, it was my punishment, the punishment to hold death in my very own hands. You’d think it wouldn’t affect you much, but it does.
I checked the time, ten minutes until the hearing. I ran into my bedroom and threw on my Shadow Weaver suit. It was a dark grey, with a sort of bone-plated shoulders.
I ran into my closet, and opened my secret armory room. Made sure everything was here, and grabbed my sword, Frost Reaver.

I took the Frost Reaver from a castle I had to invade during the 12th chaos lord. I’m not sure of the origins of the sword, but it’s a extremely powerful sword, it also boost my magic, because it taps into my magic veins.

I sheathed Frost Reaver and ran out of the house and sped towards the castle. I got there just in time, the knights were about to shut the gate. I ran up the three flights of stairs, and barged into the throne room.

Inside was a U shaped row of small thrones, then a few steps above the thrones was King Likar, on his solid gold throne. I took my place on the throne next to GREY.

“Glad you could make it, Sir Hikari,” King Likar said, in his loud, deep voice.

“Sorry Sire, my home was sort of…Invaded.”

“Invaded you say? I hope to the Gods that your book is still with you,” Likar said hatefully.

“It is not, Sire,” I said.

I looked around at my friends. Martyr frowned at me, Ariena looked away, so did Matrim and Scooter.

“I’ll decide your punishment later, but for now we have other matteres to attend to,” Likar said.

“I hope that we will address the matter of the recent event with Kitsune,” Martyr sighed.

“ That’s first on our agenda, I assume Martyr has informed you of his encounter with Kitsune, so time saved. But the only thing I find disturbing is the remark about the aincents,” Likar explained.

“Pfft, no offense Sire, but you don’t even know the power of the aincents, or any Chaos Lord,” Ariena said.

“You think that Ariena, but you have no idea what I’ve been through, I’ve seen grea,” Likar said, cut off by Martyr.

Actually, Likar was only around his mid 20’s, or so he claims…

“No Sire, you don’t know the kind of power is out there, Kitsune was easily destroyed, but when I fought him the other day, he was different, I killed him once, but I couldn’t kill him this time. His
power is far beyond anyone here,” Martyr explained.

“You can think what you’d like Martyr, but I will not let you think that I haven’t witnessed real power,” Likar retorted.

“ Very well Sire, just go on with what you have to say,” Martyr sighed.

“ Well, my knights have discovered that Escherion’s tower, was glowing the other day, and a crystal encrusted dragon flying around the outskirts of Dwarfhold.”

“Stalagbite…Vath’s chaos beast,” Scooter sighed.

“But, I received a letter yesterday, from someone named… Tempest,” Likar explained. “Saying if we didn’t hand over the Nocturnal Sword of Malice, he would lead an army and steal the sword.”

“Nocturnal Sword of Malice? I thought that was lost after the war,” I asked.

“ It was, but I found it not to long ago, when I was exploring the castle, trying to get rid of my hangover,” Matrim said, rubbing his forehead.

“I honestly think your stronger when your drunk Matrim,” Scooter chuckled.

“I love being drunk, just not what happens after, and I’ve killed more people drunk, than sober,” Matrim chuckled.

“ANYWAYS,” Likar boomed. “ We need to find this Tempest guy, and end him now. I’ve already planned the team: Matrim, Ariena, Martyr and Hikari.”

“Oh no, I’ll just be forced to sit at the inn and drink Berry juice,” Scooter snorted.

“No, you won’t Scooter, remember, I have a mission for you, you and your small crew are going to take back Skull Punch Island, it’s been overrun by those damn ninjas,” GREY said.

“Perfect…Just what a want, I’m sick of those ninja’s I didn’t even know there were that many ninja’s.”

“Well Scooter, you may be in some luck, I heard that the Blood ninjas are fighting with the soul ninjas,” Martyr said.

“Great, that’s just double trouble,” Scooter sighed.

“Whatever Scooter, you leave at dawn, gather your crew and get ready,” Martyr said.

Scooter sighed and got out of his throne and walked out of the room, mumbling something under his breath.

“Well, Martyr, Ariena, Hik, Matrim, gather your supplies and start moving. My spec team have traced the letter to Tempest, who is stationed in the Shakru desert hiding in the changing temple ( its called the changing temple because every now and then it shifts locations),” Likar said. “ And the best of luck to you all.”

“Right, lets go guys, we gotta hit up Yulgar’s Inn first, gotta stock up,” Matrim said cheerfully getting off his platinum throne.

We walked out of the castle, we took one look back, besides Matrim who was marching off to the Inn, singing some alcohol song he made one night. We waited outside the inn for Matrim, but when a half hour passed by, Ariena went in to get him. She came out a few minutes later dragging Matrim by the collar. I thought I heard some sort of yelling in there.

“L…lets go! ONWARDS,” Matrim yelled.

< Message edited by Hikarishiro -- 11/4/2010 19:10:13 >
Post #: 1
10/4/2010 16:24:49   

Chapter 4

We walked for hours, walking through Darkovia, and Mythsong. Both were still somewhat demolished from the war. It was sad to see Mythsong is such bad shape, I used to love traveling there when I was younger, Darkovia hurt even more. Darkovia was the worshipping groungs for the Shadow God, Nakoru. We stopped by the temple of Nakoru, it was sacred for all Shadow worshippers to visit his statue, pay respects and ask for him to guide us through our journey.

As we left the outskirts of Darkovia, I had a few things on my mind, they‘ve been on my mind since I came home and found that my book was stolen. What kind of hands got a hold of it? And how could they have found it, the book wasn’t in the bookshelf like my others, it was in a safe, I overlooked that when I first found my house broken into. And why didn’t King Likar care? He was the one who gave me the punishment.

“Were closing in on the Shakru desert, I know where the temple is located,” Martyr said with a hint of doubt in is voice.

“Alright, I just want to get this over with, quick and easy, Tempest will die tonight. No one tries to invade my castle,” Matrim chuckled.

“ Indeed, I’d like to get this over with ,” Martyr said.

“Oh, what’s the matter,” I laughed putting my arm around Martyr. “ It’s not like we can’t take him on.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” Martyr sighed.

“Pft, there’s nothing to be worried about,” I said cheerfully.

“Your to laid back, are you forgetting about the book you lost,” Martyr noted.

“Psh…Whatever, I’m not worried about the book,” I lied.

“You should bud, it’s not…” Martyr said cut off by me

“ I know,” I said, taking my arm off of Martyr and walking forward.

I felt bad after that, he didn’t do anything wrong, but I knew that the book spells trouble…

An hour or so passed and we saw a towering dark figure a little bit above, a temple. The Shakru Temple.

“There it is! There it is,” Matrim yelled.

“It’s…small,” Ariena said, who didn’t say much during the journey. I don’t think she likes the sand very much.

“STOOOOOORM,” Matrim yelled and ran forward, with his Noble Blade unsheathed. We all followed him, surprisingly enough.

We stopped at the door, which was just a plank of wood.

“ This is the Shakru temple? It looked so much bigger back there,” Martyr frowned.

“Eh, it’ll make it easier to find Tempest,” I noted.

The temple looked like a rag-tag fort made by some kids, with A LOT of time. We broke open the door and walked in only to find one room, one GIANT, golden room, nothing else, just a square shaped golden room.

“Hello heroes, I’ve been waiting,” said a man in a blood red robe.

“ Are you Tempest,” Matrim asked.

“I am,” Tempest exclaimed. “ And your Matrim, son of King Likar,” Tempest said, poiting at Matrim. Then he poitned at us and said, “ Ariena, Martyr and Hikari.”

“Yeah that’s us, my father said, you want the Nocturnal Blade Malice,” Matrim said.

“I do, and before you ask why, I’ll save you the trouble. The blade will help resurrect the Ancients’.

“ That’s great, well I don’t like people who threaten to invade my castle, so I’m going to have to kill you now,” Matrim said, lunging at Tempest.

Tempest dodged easily. Matrims blade started to glow, and the atmosphere started to feel heavy, like a huge weight was set on my shoulders. I realized, it was the power of Matrim’s sword, it changes the atmosphere.

Tempest pulled out a thin gold sword, and parried some of Matrims attacks, then started the offensive attacks. He moved extremely slow, Matrim easily dodged his attacks, and attacked twice before Tempest could strike again.

“You know, your pretty slow with that light blade,” Matrim taunted.

“ Well, it’s the way I strike, you’ll fall to my blade,” Tempest retorted.

Then the atmosphere changed again, it felt extremely light, but Matrim’s blade didn’t do it. Tempest did it, his eyes started to glow blue. And he started to strike with extreme force, and agility. Before Matrim could make a jab, Tempest struck. I wanted to join, but I couldn’t move, I felt like stone. I looked over at Martyr and Ariena. Martyr frowned at me, I don’t know why. Ariena was watching, with fear. Fear for Matrim, for we all knew Matrim hadn’t drunk anything since we left Battleon.

But then I heard a scream, I knew the scream…It was Thrift, and what perfect timing!

“TIIIINSELL,” Thrift roared chasing a small flying moglin through the room.

Tempest did something stupid. He looked away and started staring at Thrift running back and forth, chasing Tinsel. I took a bottle of beer from Matrim’s bag, and threw it at Matrim, who caught it and uncapped it and chugged it.

The bottle was empty in less than a minute, and Matrim had a huge grin on his face. And ran at Tempest with extreme speed, and pointed his blade at Tempest’s face. Tempest turned at the wrong time, and turned his face right into the tip of Matrim’s Noble Blade. Matrim dropped Tempest and sheathed his blade.

“What the hell,” I asked. “ The air felt…heavier.”

“Yeah, that’s how I felt when I was fighting Kitsune,” Martyr said.

“We need to get back to the castle, now,” Ariena said, walking forward.

No one argued, we just followed her, no point, she always wins arguments, and I don’t know about the others, but I DID not want to stay here any longer. Something about the room, gave me the creeps.

Chapter 5

After an hour or so, we finally exited the desert, the sands didn’t seem to shift, which was odd. There was a myth, that if the sands stopped shifting, the world would stop rotating, and the magic of Lore will die. I’m pretty into myths to… So I got a little scared.

We reached Mythsong, and I stopped to look at one part of the town. The crystals, the crystals were legendary, they were a source of magic, not a huge one, but mages could tap into it’s powers and easily take down anyone. Funny thing is, Drakath knew that, yet he tried to destroy it. His army attacked Mythsong for 2 months, non stop, chaos meteors, bombs… Anything you could think of, Drakath tried it. Even bullets, he equipped his entire cavalry with loaded guns, bullets were, and always will be forbidden. No matter what Drakath threw at Mythsong, the crystals held strong, and proved to be the downfall of the 6th chaos lord.

Martyr shook my shoulder, I turned around, and passed out. Everywhere I looked, blood…Dead bodies…Weapons stacked, weapons being destroyed. I look ahead, and see a huge wave of dark fire. It was expanding, and coming straight for me, I tried to run, but my feet felt like lead.

The wave was a few feat from me, I could only cover my face. I tired to move my arms, wouldn’t work. The wave hit me, I felt like I was burning, but from the inside, I broke free, and started moving, into the center of the wave. I clenched my fists and for some reason, I felt…powerful. I felt stronger than ever. I looked around, there were people in the wave… People I knew, innocent people that I see everyday. They looked at me with fear, and I walked towards them, and… Pulled out my Frost Reaver, and killed them all… Every single one of them. I killed innocent people… for no reason. But I didn’t feel bad… I felt… strong and invincible. I looked around again. I saw my friends, Martyr, Ariena, Matrim and Scooter. They didn’t look like they feared me, but they looked sad. All except for Martyr , he couldn’t look at me, he just looked down.

Then I did something I would’ve never thought I’d ever do. I raised my sword, and charged at them. Then I could see there faces, they weren’t sad, they were disgusted. But I still charged, I was about to strike down Scooter, but Matrim stopped me. He held his Noble blade in one hand, blocking my strike. In his other hand, a silver dagger, just barely touched my chest. He moved his hand forward, into my heart.

I woke up, screaming looked around. I saw my friends looking at me, with fear in their eyes.

“What the hell happened to you,” Matrim chuckled.

“Your expression changed pretty fast you drunk,” I said, I couldn’t think of what to say.

“Why were you screaming,” Ariena asked.

“I uhh, heard someone scream, so I screamed,” I lied.

Martyr frowned, he always knew when I was lying.

“Well, let’s get going, we need to report to Likar,” Martyr said, helping me up.

We walked for hours, or it seemed like it. I couldn’t believe what I saw in that dream.We finally reached the castle, and walked slowly to the throne room.When we walked into the throne room, we saw our thrones were gone, and King Likar sitting on his crystal throne.

“So you’ve finally returned, if I couldn’t sense your souls, I’d figure you were dead,” Likar said coldly.

“The battle was easy, but the trip back, was rough,” Martyr snorted.

“ Of course, of course, well what matters is that Tempest is gone, I hope, I have no business with you all, for now,” Likar sighed. “ But I do have a bone to pick with master Hikari, so if you all will leave us alone.”

My friends walked out, not even looking back, except for Martyr, who was still staring coldly at the King. He stepped back and turned to me and whispered, “ Soon he will be gone, and the world will be free of all worries.” And then he walked away.

I didn’t understand what he meant, but when I looked up at Likar, I felt so cold, I could’ve sworn my suit was freezing over.

“You know why I called you out, Hikari. Im rather upset that you’ve failed me, about the book. You know the pow…”

“ Yes King, I know exactly what power the book holds, I was one of the few that unleashed the spell,” I said with hate, cutting off Likar.

“ You will speak to me with respect, and only respect,” Likar said hatefully. “ The point is, you’ve failed, and now the fact that the book is in someone else’s hands, could mean the very destruction
of the very own kingdom I’ve worked so hard to rebuild.”

“You speak with lies! You’ve done nothing for the kingdom, except build this castle, and set up a army to protect you, and only you,” I yelled.

“ SILENCE! You have no idea what I’ve sacrificed for Lore, and you will not doubt me,” Likar boomed.

“You’ve done nothing, we all know it, you know it! The hierarchy set up the government, created a army to protect Lore, not you. Also we have, and still are protecting Lore, and you just sit here, on your crystal throne,” I roared. “ We’ve done so many other things, while you’ve done NOTHING!”

I wanted to pull out my sword, but I knew I’d be struck down immediately, the Valor knights already had their trembling hands on their swords.

“You…You are foolish. But that matters not. You WILL find the book, but not yet, yet Hikari, there are other dangers that lie ahead for you. It’s not your time to die,” Likar said full of disgust.

“Whatever you say, Sire,” I sighed. I thought it would be better to just go along with what he was saying.

“Your lucky Shadow Weaver… Your lucky the prophet and the Gods are interested in you. Or I’d have had you killed a long time ago.”
The guards pushed me out of the castle after that… But I was still thinking of what he said. “Your lucky Shadow Weaver… Your lucky the prophet and the Gods are interested in you.”
I walked around Battleon for a little bit. Thinking about the book, the dream, King Likar’s statement… I don’t understand anything. I really don’t understand why Likar hadn’t killed me when I lost the book. Or why he hadn’t done a single thing to me. With the book lost, Lore could cease to exist.

I walked into the Inn for a drink, but Yulgar wasn’t there, I looked around, the place was empty…Still empty… Except for my friends of course, and what surprised me was Scooter was back, with a huge gash over his nose. Usually when he is sent on conquests or invasion missions he takes his time, and takes about a week or two. But… how long have I been gone?
I took my usual place next to Martyr, and asked “Scooter…How long have we been gone.” My friend’s faces looked grim.

“You’ve been gone for over a month,” Scooter sighed.

“What? How is that possible,” I asked.

“The Shakru Temple. Did you not see the glyphs inscribed in the walls, they were time glyphs. Meant to make time seem fast, but the outside the world moves just as normal. It only seemed like we fought tempest for an hour or two. But really,the battle went on for 3 weeks, and when we walked through the desert,” Ariena explained.

“And the glyphs weren’t just any regular ones, they were fused with alchemy, which expanded the glyph’s range, so I spread through the whole desert,” Scooter said. “I did some investigating when you guys were gone for so long.”

“Anyways, what did Likar want,” Martyr asked.

“He started to talk about the book, then traveled to how much he did for Lore. And when I blew up at him he just said, “Your lucky Shadow Weaver… Your lucky the prophet and the Gods are interested in you.” I walked out after that, or actually…forced out,” I explained.

“Hmph, he just doesn’t like to be proved wrong,” Matrim snorted.

“Well, that is true, but he is right. The Gods do have something in store for you Hik. Something that could be turned into good or bad. From where I stand I can only say, think carefully about your decisions, think twice, then act,” Martyr said.

I frowned, I didn’t know what was happening anymore, Gods have something in store for me, could that be connected to my dreams? I don’t understand anything anymore.

“Cheer up Hik, the world isn’t coming to an end, yet,” Matrim said, taking a giant gulp from his mug.I just loved how he squeezed the “yet” part in.

“Well, this is a perfect time to tell you all, but when I was conquering Skull Punch Island again, I found this in a chest,” Scooter said, sliding a piece of paper out from his jacket.

“ What is it,” Ariena asked.

“It’s… the…This can’t be good…” Martyr mumbled.

“What is it,” Ariena asked, with force this time.

“It’s a map, to the temple where The Axe is being protected,” Martyr mumbled.

“The Axe,” Matrim asked.

“The Godly Golden Dragon Axe, used by the Ancient, Cataclysm. He used it to build the lands of Lore. And he also used it to destroy most of it, when he was awakened during the Ancient and God war. A war of pure destruction, when the Gods felt the Ancients were growing to powerful, and had to take them down a notch, but instead they locked them away in places around Lore,” I explained.

“Correct, the Axe is probably one of the most powerful weapons to ever exist. Im surprised they’ve figured out a route, especially so soon. It’s amazing… that everything is happening so soon, it wasn’t supposed to happen now,” Martyr mumbled.

“Well I can’t believe how many secrets your keeping from us,” Scooter said rolling his eyes.

“It’s better that way,” Martyr said.

“Whatever you say Martyr, but I think it’s better to fill us in, since it will involve us,” Scooter said.

“Who said your joining,” Martyr asked.

“Why wouldn’t I go, the mountain is on Yokai, I know the quickest way to get there,” Scooter challenged.

“Well Scooter, who showed you that route,” Martyr asked with a small grin on his face.


“ And who is the Pirate Brigadier, Lord of the seas,” Martyr asked.

“…Shut up, fine I won’t go, I’ll just stay here withering away, magic slowly depleting,” Scooter sighed.

“Scooter… the only reason your not going is because your magic IS depleting,” Martyr said.

“What,” Scooter yelled with fear.

“You’ve been losing your magic since you were cursed, I think the more you drink the juice, the more magic leaves your body,” Martyr explained.

“How the hell could magic leave my body,” Scooter asked.

“You’ve been using a lot of magic on your trips, haven’t you,” Martyr frowned.

“Well yeah, I want to finish them quick, to get back to you all,” Scooter explained.

“That’s a nice thought and all, but you know your magic is limited, you weren’t born with an unlimited source like us,” Matrim said.

“I know that, I just thought…I had so much more time,” Scooter sighed, laying his head on the table.

“You still have some time, but you need to use it wisely,” Martyr said.

“If you knew… why are you sending me on all these quests then,” Scooter asked.

“I’m not sure what to do, I thought that sending you on all these quests would help you or something,” Martyr said.

“And it’s not, so why are you sending me off on another quest,” Scooter asked with rage.


“You know I can’t keep using magic? Yet you send me on quests that require magic? Are you trying to kill me,” Scooter asked getting off his chair.”

“Whoa, Scooter calm down,” I said, but it was too late, Scooter was already out the door.

We sat in silence for awhile, Martyr held his head down, tears dripping onto the table. I don’t think he spoke at all that night, no one else did either.

< Message edited by Hikarishiro -- 10/4/2010 16:29:40 >
Post #: 2
10/4/2010 16:27:02   

Chapter 6

The next day, a rumor about Scooter started. People were saying he left the borders of Battleon, now a lot of people do, but with passes. Earlier in the morning some civilians found a dead guard at the guard tower. The only evidence was a dark blade, with a bright green S engraved into the blade. Scooter’s weapon of choice was a dagger, and he was known for that exact dagger.
I went to Yulgar’s later that day, in hope that my friends were there. And they were.
I took my spot next to Martyr, no one said anything. I looked around uncomfortably when Matrim said, “ I don’t think Scooter would kill that guard.”

“No Matrim,” Martyr said. “He did, there was blood on Scooter’s dagger.”

“That doesn’t mean it was Scooter,” Matrim frowned.

“Matrim, Scooters magic residue was left on the handle…”


“I wonder… Where he is, I miss his complaining, somewhat,” Ariena sighed.

“I doubt he’s very far, he can’t go to long without the Berry juice,” Martyr said.

“Martyr,” Matrim frowned. “Scooter is a Berry juice addict, and his home is filled with crates of juice, he probably has some sort of spell to teleport them.

“I don’t care about that, he doesn’t know how much magic he has left,” Martyr said.

“That’s true, he could be wasting his magic, thinking he has enough left. But when he runs out, he’s gone.”

“He’s fine now, I can sense his shadows, he’s running through a forest,” I said, tracing his shadows. All shadow weavers have a power that enables then to trace people by shadows. Which is the
reason why I go on a lot of tracking missions, which aren’t in high demand lately.

“That’s good to know, but I only care about how long he has,” Martyr sighed.

“I know you do, but we can’t figure that out, were not even sure if he’s using magic,” I said, trying to comfort Martyr, which wasn’t working.

“Well, I think we should see…”

The door to the inn was blown into pieces. And 3 platinum knights walked in. We all stood up, hands on our hilts.

“Peace warriors,” the tallest knight said. These knights were the Knights of Valor, King Likar’s personal guards. He spent so much gold to supply these knights with equipment, and living conditions, when he should’ve use that money to rebuild Lore.

“What do you want,” Matrim growled.

“Not much to do with you Sire,” one of the knights chuckled. “ But it involves all of you, it seems the weaver’s book has been found.”

“My book! Where is it,” I asked with excitement.

“Calm yourself boy, we don’t have it, but we know where it is,” one of the knights sighed.

“You will find it on your next quest, but that’s not your main goal, your objective is to capture the Godly Dragon Axe and return it to the King.”
“How does the Likar know of the axe,” Martyr asked with hate.

“Likar knows all boy,” the short one said.

The funny thing was, they called us boy, even though were older than all three of them…

“Silence fool, your in no position to speak to us this way,” Matrim growled.

“Hrm, anyways…You need to travel to the mountains where Shadowfall was located. The axe is placed in the highest point of the mountain. You’ll find the book along the way, it should be with one
of your many problems that you’ll encounter.”
“What do you mean, by many,” Ariena asked.

“You’ll see soon enough my dear,” the tallest one chuckled.

“Don’t talk to her like that,” Matrim said, pulling his sword out and pointing it at the knights neck. The others were quick, and pointed their spears at Matrims heart.

“Calm down scum,” the knight said, pushing Matrim’s blade aside.

“You’re the scum, you’re the worst guards in all of lore,” Martyr sighed.

“This doesn’t involve you,” the knight said. “Stupid pirates.”

“Do you have a death wish,” Martyr asked.

“Ha-ha, your funny, if you killed me, you’d be struck dead immediately,” the knight chuckled.

“As will you three,” Matrim said sheathing his blade, and pushing the spears away from him.

“Humph, anyways, you leave at the crack of dawn,” the knight said walking away.

“I hate those guards, I wish Likar just kept the elite Quantum Mages as his guards, not just an army,” Matrim sighed.

“Likar would be less likely to die that way,” Martyr said. “ So im fine with the Valor’s protecting him.”

“I would love for Likar to be out of power just as much as you, but that would mean I would have to take charge, less alcohol,” Matrim sighed.

“I’d rather have you in charge, hopefully you’d marry Ariena and Lore might actually change,” Martyr said.

“Like hell I’d marry him,” Ariena said.

“Likewise,” Matrim said.

“Whatever, all I know is no one could be a worse king than Likar,” Martyr sighed.

“Well, we should get ready for the quest, I need that book back, it could save all of Lore,” I said.

“We don’t even know if someone has it, maybe they dropped it,” Ariena said.

“No one would steal the book, and then drop it, they obviously knew what they were looking for when they raided my house,” I said.

“He’s right, if it was an ordinary burglar, they wouldn’t have taken a second look at an old dusty book,” Matrim said.

“TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL,” Thrift roared running through the inn. But I couldn’t even find Tinsel.

“Ha…Have…You seen…Tinsel?”

“No…not since the desert incident,” Ariena said.

“She ran into one of those glowing glyphs and went poof,” Thrift said.

“Atleast you didn’t run into the glyph after her,” I sighed.

“I tried to,” Thrift explained. “But I ran into it, and it was just a wall. I hurt my head and got knocked unconscious.”

“You would,” Martyr said.

“Well Thrift, hope you find her soon, I guess. But were need to leave for our quest,” Ariena said.

“Oh, your looking for the axe right? I found a route that leads to it, I found it years ago. But im afraid the trail was destroyed and covered after the war,” Thrift said.

“OK, one, how did you know what we were after? Two, what was the point in telling us about the trail if it’s long gone,” Martyr asked.

“Well, I asked the God of Light to guide you on your quests when Likar told me you were leaving for one, and when I did the God showed me what you were after,” Thrift explained.

“Thank you, for the prayer, Thrift,” I said. But as Martyr asked, why did you tell us about the trail you found?"

"Well... I could point you in the right direction of the axe," Thrift said.

"Why don't you just bring us there," Ariena hissed.

"As an agent of destiny, i can't interfere with your missions," Thrift explained. Thrift belonged to a clan formed from the beginning of time, around the time that the Gods proclaimed themselves as Gods. Each God had a clan of their own, but most either died out or were killed. Only three other clans are alive to this day, two are hidden away in their own part of Lore, but the Clan of Light is always around Lore. The clan members supposedly can see the future, and bend destinies and other junk like that, I don't really believe in it, but I just keep that part to myself.

"I see, so point us in the direction then," Martyr hissed.

"Sheesh, you know you should be nicer to me, I could change your life faster than you can say Tinsel," Thrift chuckled.

"Not likely, your bound by certain laws your God created, nice try though," Martyr retorted.

"Meh, tis' true we have laws that prevent me from doing certain things, but when i alter one thing in your destiny, many more paths open and you might just fall into a bad one," Thrift said wryly.

Martyr just stared hatefully at Thrift not saying a word.

"OK.... Thrift lets get the show on the road shall we," Matrim said.

"The path starts at Skullholme and winds around the various lands until you reach the tip of Nokai, then you'll see something that will tell you where to go next. But im afraid thats as much I can tell you," Thrift sighed.

"Thank you Thrift, I hope me cross paths again," Ariena said.

"You will," Thrift chuckled walking away into the Gaurdian Tower.

Chapter 7

It was a cold morning when we were leaving, I made my peace with the shadow God yesterday. After you pray at his shrine, you tend to feel stronger, so had had a ton of energy rushes, but after a short time i'd crash, and it was hard to move. Not a good sign before we even leave Battleon.

I met up with Ariena, Matrim and Martyr at the exit gate in the south of Battleon. We showed our passes to the guards and set off for Skullholme. We had to go through Chiral Valley, because the area north of it was closed off for some reason, we didn't want to bother asking for details. Chrial Valley used to be a beautiful place, but after Escherion, it was never the same. It sort of saddened me that I couldn't go to the Cornelis Ruins anymore, it was an amazing time exploring and trying to figure out the stairs.

We got to the edge of Skullholme, Shadowfall. A dark shade exploded and covered my sight, and my whole body started to burn.

I was at a field, the same field as usual.Bodies were everywhere, dark flames bursting all around me. Screams of the tortured was all I could hear. Tall Obelisks stood at the middle of the field, covered in blood. And in the middle of those obelisks was a tall man, in a dark armor, a black and red version of the paladin's armor. On his head a helm that has no true name, ancient tales are told about it, no one ever agrees on the name, but the helm is made up of shadows, and souls of the damned. Behind the man, was a tall shadow, pulsating with darkness, it had a red glow to it. It's eyes pierced through me, and I felt frozen looking at him.Then I realized, the shadow is the God I worshiped, Nakoru. He had a human-ish form, but he chose to take the form of a shadow when following one of his followers. All of a sudden the obelisks started to glow a bright red, as did Nakoru. Balls of energy bursted from the tips of the pillars, and started orbiting the man, Nakoru was gone. The man between the obelisks started to lift off the ground and the orbs started to fly into him, and he started to glow as well. Nothing happened for a few minutes, he just stayed suspended in the air. But outside the obelisks was another story.

Beasts of all sizes and shapes were ripping through soldiers and citizens, bodies were flying everywhere. The grass was stained with blood, and people trying to run were slipping on it. It was clear the monsters were winning, but there were a few warriors that were taking down monsters one by one. I recognized them, Ariena, Matrim and Martyr. My best friends. I wanted to help them, but i was still frozen in place. I watched in horror as the monsters started to close in on my friends. Then eventually they overcame the 3 and cut them down one by one....

"Hik! Hik get up," Matrim yelled.

"Huh, oh....sorry," I sighed.

"What kind of dream were you having," Martyr frowned. "You were screaming a lot."

"Just a usual nightmare," I said getting up off the ground.

No one said a word and we started to walk off again. But then something erupted from the center of shadowfall, and a giant dark orb appeared. I've seen the orb before, back when the weavers were still a collective clan. The orb stayed suspended in the air for a few minutes, when it finally faded, it revealed three men, both dressed the same as I, but with their faces revealed. Shadow Weavers.

I ran to them, I didn't really want to, but my body chose for me. They didn't do anything when they saw me rushing towards them. There faces became clear as I got closer. And i immediatly recognized the one in the middle, because of the sharp red lines coming from his eyes. Rakai, the Lord of Shadows. The other two were Izorai and Nikoray, the three weavers that escaped from their imprisonment.

"You...But..." I panted.

"Hmm, aren't you good with words," Izorai muttered.

"Shut up Izorai, do you not remember who this boy is," Nikoray yelled.

"Of course I do, he's the weakling that got away with the same crime we did," Izorai grunted.

"Now now, lets not blame him, he wasn't that old when it happened," Rakai said calmly.

"What're you doing here," I asked.

"We came here to see you," Rakai said. "We need you for a quest."

"The Weavers don't go on quests together anymore," i noted.

"Why not," Rakai asked.

"Likar banned it while you were gone. Also im on a quest right now," I answered,

"Hmm. When we accepted you as a Weaver, what was the first thing you swore to," Rakai asked.

"Always...Do what the Lord of Shadows says.," I muttered.

"Exactly, and Likar may be a dark caster, but in no way is he the Lord of Shadows," Rakai said.

"...Yes m'lord," I sighed. This whole time I did forget about my friends.

"Go tell your friends, your leaving them" Rakai ordered.

"Fine," I sighed and did as he told. When I back to my friends, they looked at me wierd.

" Uhm, you guys have to do the quest..without me," I muttered.

"Thats Rakai isn't it," Matrim asked.

"Aye" i sighed.

"I should bring him into custody, but I'm not close to his power, so i'd just be killed," Matrim yawned.

"What do you need to do with them," Ariena growled.

"No idea, but i'm bound by laws to do what they say," I said.

"Well, just get going, and we'll see you when your done, maybe," martyr said walking off, and the others followed.

I walked back to my leader, thinking about what just happened. My old leader appeared from thin air, I was taken off of an important quest, and my friends are mad at me. Awesome.

When I got back to Rakai, I asked, "Whats so important that I have to leave my other quest behind?"

"Well, the book for one," Rakai replied.

"You know about the book?! But how," I asked.

"Fool, he knows everything, plus, as you should remember, he put part of his soul in the book,"Izorai growled.

"Calm down Izorai," Rakai demanded. "But, its true, i do know everything, as well as who stole the book."

"Who," I yelled.

"A drow prince, rather...an Ex prince," Rakai answered.

"...Ex prince," I asked.

"He almost brought war upon the Drows, he stole an artifact, that should've left untouched, it could've brought all of Lore's soldiers down upon Dwarfhold," Rakai answered. "So the drow king sent him into exile. He was a master thief, and still is."

"Psh, he had the book in a bookcase, even Thrift could've found it," Izorai muttered.

"The hiding spot doesn't matter," Rakai sneared. "What matters is that he has the book, and im certain he's going to sell the book. I know a few creeps that would love to get their hands on the book."

"Like who," I asked.

"Dage the Evil, Miltonius, other scum like that," Rakai answered.

"Miltonius?! I thought he was dead," I said.

"He is alive and well," Nikoray huffed.

"But I tried searching for his shadow, because Likar asked me to once, I couldn't find anything," I said.

"Do you remember his squads," Nikoray asked.

"Yes, Warlord, Dimensional Champion, Arcane, Hex, Blood and...Shadow," I answered.

"Yes, when he created the shadow squad, his shadow disappeared forever, he's smarter than I thought," Rakai said.

< Message edited by Hikarishiro -- 10/31/2010 18:43:58 >
Post #: 3
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