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Calm down.......

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4/21/2011 15:53:34   
Liz Vicious

I'm a level 33 (Yep, good old me) When playing recently and fighting level 32’s desperate to level up on numerous occasions I’ve been called a names when I’ve been winning the match. Now, it’s not my fault if it’s power hour you have bought a booster and your losing is it? At first I thought it was funny but after it persisted it began to annoy me. I was under the impression that this is a game right? Certain people need to grow up and calm down a bit.

Edited out profanity/self-censored profanity. ~Syr

< Message edited by Syr Frostbite -- 4/22/2011 16:59:45 >
Post #: 1
4/21/2011 16:00:02   
Shadow Jester

Yes...On my alt.. I don't NPC at all.. And people call me a cheater/hacker for my record..My OBJ is to get a good record like arcanis...My OBJ is hard for me but i can achive it...AND WITHOUT NPCing.Good thing i know how to make good builds
1vs1 : Wins: 123 Losses : 15
2VS2: 92 wins... 40 losses...
I bring health packs and booster at all time. I always have good weapons and have a good build. The ED community is getting scarier with all the hackers/rude people/scammers lately.
I don't even talk on my alt..Unless i talk to bunjira... I rather ignore the people who annoy me or call me names

You can ignore them ...You can't during battles...Just don't listen to them
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/21/2011 16:05:07   
One Winged Angel1357

Unfortunitly some people are total jerks in this game it cant be helped i mean one of my alts at lv 30 no armor could beat a lv 31 full varium tank and afew lv 32's who used brain dead builds and sure as heck i was called out for it but some people liked a challenge so what im getting at is some people suck at life while others are in this for the fun
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/21/2011 16:06:25   

Its easy for bounty to win matches and gamma robots are back being over powering. I think thats why they call you guys names.
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
4/21/2011 20:16:24   

^Ikr, I hate bounties they always block and deflect -.-
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
4/21/2011 20:20:04   

Cool story but.... what are we supposed to discuss?
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/21/2011 21:03:13   

Liz normally I just never talk in a 1vs1 battle unless I know them. So if they're just a noob ignore them or report them if they start to harass you.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/21/2011 22:30:21   
Master K

Well, in my opinion, sometimes it does feel unfair.

I mean, i'll use a generic example. Someone buys and exp booster (Which is Varium AKA real money) for PH (Which can come along at the worst time for some people) and you buy all these boosters for health/energy. You want to win, so you can get the fullest. You try your hardest. Only to be creamed that whole hour by everyone, who probably arnt even trying. The boosts dont work for losses. That equals==/ragequit

See it from the view of the flamer having the worst time ever, and not the person being flamed at who simply squishes the angry person.

And also, you say bountys have it easy. Oh no, I say mercs. I am a varium bounty who lost to mercs lower than me. I absolutly despise them. They ruin my day.

< Message edited by mrbk -- 4/21/2011 22:33:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/21/2011 22:33:11   
Always a Princess

Unfortunately, there are always going to be people who want to make the game experience difficult for everybody else in the game. Whether they are scammers/hackers, or people who just enjoy swearing at each other.
Post #: 9
4/21/2011 22:42:28   

Looks like I'm not the only person that has a problem with level 32s :P


I am Gold, for I am many.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
4/22/2011 12:54:44   

i just hate those players that call me a haxor and they report me for blocking / doing 2 criticals in a row /deflecting ... today i got reported from 3 persons for just doing criticals pft
Epic  Post #: 11
4/22/2011 23:12:03   

i did 2 blocks a deflection and a crit all in a row 1 time (i think that was it) it was either two or three block and then one or two for the rest
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/22/2011 23:18:22   

I know right I saw people calling all types of things!
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
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