Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" I'd prefer Kristeen or Destiny, but it could be a group effort if you'd like) Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Emblem Render: None Background:None Text: The Each One Teach One Foundation Font (Please pick something from Dafont.com or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"): http://www.dafont.com/romance-fatal-serif.font (If you as an artist feel that another would be better, I happily invite you to change it. I do ask that it please be easily read though. :D) Notes (If you have any special requests): I'd really like for the text to be in the middle with designed that stretch from under it upward like wings. Its kindah hard to describe, so I'll provide a couple of pictures: http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/9397415/2/stock-illustration-9397415-spread-wing-emblem-and-decor.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_p1dKGzFMYvM/TVEwgRcQSOI/AAAAAAAAAKI/g9zN5cF855s/s1600/wing.emblem.jpg I would love a logo like these if the shield were removed and replaced with the text. I'm going to be putting this design on custom shirts or my organization. :D (I ask that whomever does it leaves their information so I can pay credits when using it.) PM when done?: Yes please. :D
< Message edited by Wxo -- 10/26/2012 0:37:19 >