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=AQ= Golems at Granemor War Stories and Poems

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5/23/2013 14:19:24   

Custodian (DF)

Here is where you may post your war stories. Have fun writing and please remember to follow the rules in both AE forums and the L&L rules.

And for this thread :

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you wish to comment on the stories, please go to =AQ= Golems at Granemor War Stories and Poems Commentary

< Message edited by Elryn -- 5/23/2013 14:21:03 >
AQ  Post #: 1
5/30/2013 16:59:11   
Disc Lorde

The Maeshalanadae Chronicles: Golem! Golem!
Next: Good Knight and Good Luck

Granemor. This city just couldn't seem to catch a break.

First it was the attack by The Devourer's forces, which succeeded in destroying the city. Following the defeat of said forces, it was rebuilt into the fortress in now was. Since then it had twice come under attack from mutants from No Man's Land, led the first time by Visia and the Mutant King, and the second by the warlord Kragoth. There was also an attack by a horde of mutant dragons, which was quickly forgotten. All times the wall and the city's knights had held the city safe, while the heroes of Lore had vanquished the invading armies.

Now this city had the misfortune of being the military target of a villain called Zadd the Golem Builder. The heroes of Lore were as ready to defend Granemor as ever, but it's own knights were stretched thin. Well, hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. After all, the wall had protected Granemor for several battles, and it should protect it for another while the heroes took out the trash.

The battle had been going on for a while when the wizard Disc Lorde arrived. He teleported to a location a ways outside granemor and then walked the rest of the way. (Teleporting directly into battle was inadvisable, and the process had a tendency to leave one disoriented for a bit.) Wasting no more time, he attacked a golem made of gemstones, then several more in rapid succession. He hastily scooped the fragments into his bag and moved on. This war was a fairly decent way to make gold. Not the best, but it allowed him to combine business with pleasure, which was nice. Then he encountered a stone golem, which was not exceptionally only durable but also a masterpiece of golem-building, resistant to all elemental damage. Disc Lorde wished he had the ability to manipulate raw mana, like the Archmages of old. But that knowledge was held only by Beleqwaya, and he would not know it until Beleqwaya took on new students. Well, at least he had some research notes, weak shadows of the Archmages' might though they may be. The monster eventually fell.

Many more foes fell before his might before he encountered another stone golem. Ugh, I don't have time for this, he thought. Distracting the golem with a quick illusion, he took off. However, the golem spotted him and took pursuit. Seeing his old comrade Cerrana looking for a new fight, he ran past her. "I'll let you take this one Cerrana", he called. She was better equipped to handle this monster than he was. Glancing back, he saw amusement on her face as she raised her sword.

Later on he was taken a rest and healing break when Cerrana sat down beside him. "Hello Cerrana", said Disc Lorde, "Thanks for helping me out earlier." "Not a problem", replied Cerrana. "Besides, someone needs to be there with brawn when the spells fail", she said, smirking. Disc Lorde decided not to respond to that, and instead changed the subject. "Where are your sisters?" he asked, "I haven't seen them this war." "Astreaea and Nox are watching Gambler. Someone has to make sure she doesn't try to get into a staring match with a Robocockatrice or burn down the house or anything like that, and we can't leave her tied up in the basement all the time." "I see", replied Disc Lorde. In some ways, he reflected, being an only child was nice. Rested and healed, the two heroes charged back into the fray.

The next few days of the war proceeded in much the same manner. Before long about half the golem army was defeated. Disc Lorde reflected that there wasn't an army in existence that could withstand the heroes of Lore, provided they had enough time, and they had plenty of time, this time. The wall was doing it's job wonderfully...


...So much for that.

Golems poured in through the new hole in the wall. The disorganized horde of heroes, and the more organized but less numerous 'Emoran Knights, moved to stem the tide flowing into the city, but Disc Lorde feared that it would not be enough. "Well, this just got interesting." Disc Lorde glanced to his right to see Cerrana smiling in amusement at the new development. "Yeah", said Disc Lorde grimly. "That's one word for it."


After several more days of fighting, the vast majority of the golem army was defeated. However, a considerable force remained, and they had almost reached the queen. "Release the calvalry!", General Herous called. "Huh", said Disc Lorde, "Calling in the calvalry, literally." The calvalry stormed out of the tower, crushing many of the golems. General Herous then struck, destroying a whole squad with one sweep of his blade. "Well", said Disc Lorde, "He's not general for nothing." "Take care of his golems.", Herous called, "I'll take care of Zadd myself!" It was then that Disc Lorde noticed the squad of strange-looking golems, resembling the Azamay golems that had gone rampaging a few years back. Disc Lorde took a quick look at the squad of golems and the squad of heroes. There seemed to be about one for each hero. He grinned at Cerrana. She grinned back.

The augmented Azamay golem proved to be a tough fight. It was tough and powerful and had some good tricks. Nonetheless, Disc Lorde managed to beat it down. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped attacking. Disc Lorde had a bad feeling about this. He started whacking furiously with his staff. Finally, when it was almost broken, it glowed ominously. Disc Lorde braced for impact.


Disc Lorde was thrown backward by the blast. He landed a few dozen feet away. As he lay there, he heard explosions go off all around him. He sat up. He hurt all over, but he'd had worse. He picked himself up and dusted himself off, then looked around for the other heroes. They were in varying states from the blasts, from barely scratched to (temporarily) dead. Cerrana was in the former category.

"Well, you survived," Cerrana exclaimed in mild surprise. "No need to be surprised," Disc Lorde replied. "I may not have trained to weather a blizzard, like you have, but I'm pretty tough." They glanced around. The other heroes were getting up, some of them now owing Death another favor. One of them shouted "That was a blast!" Disc Lorde and Cerrana groaned at the lame pun. "Well, I need to be getting back to my estate," Disc Lorde said. "And I to my sisters," Cerrana replied. "Until the next war?", Disc Lorde asked. "Until the next one.", Cerrana replied.

Author's note: Thanks to The Gambler for letting me use her characters in this story.

< Message edited by Disc Lorde -- 9/27/2013 1:02:48 >
AQ  Post #: 2
5/30/2013 17:51:26   

*At Granemor, in the middle of the night. The assault on Granemor has been going on for three days now. There is someone tied up in the bushes, unseen by the warriors who are busy defending the town*
The mysterious captive speaks with a dry, hoarse voice, deprived of water since what sounds like the start of the war. "I don't care what you want, you monster."
Zadd appears unsurprised at the man's answer, as if he saw it coming. "I don't expect you to care. In fact, I don't want you to care. What I want is someone to lead the invasion on Granemor. Join me, fight by my side, help me conquer this intolerable place. My golems have already weakened the defenses, and they haven't even been given any serious orders as of yet."
The man suddenly perks up, motivation radiating from his entire being. "I will never work with a monster like you. If your monsters are weakening Granemor's defences, then heroes will stop by and clean up the mess, including every piece of trash they find. That means you will be found out for the garbage you are once more, and you will be stopped by Hict the Immortal. History repeats itself, like it always does. The outcome is set in stone, but the location is just a variable that is not inserted into the equation anywhere"

Just as the mysterious man is about to lose it and break free, an arrow is fired from the shadows and breaks the chains containing the man before he has a chance to free himself. A pair of eyes is seen in the trees, the silhouette of someone readying another arrow into the outline of a bow. Zadd turns and runs, an arrow catching his shoe as he bolts. The shoe is abandoned as Zadd exits.
"Thank you for helping me. You just saved my wrists the trouble of having to break metal" the now-freed prisoner said.
"Of course. I heard someone talking, and it sounded like they were struggling, so I decided to check it out."
The new person is still hidden from view. Before the prisoner can properly introduce himself, a cantene filled with water is thrown at him. Before he can hand the cantene back after drinking his fill, the man had left. After sitting around for a while to consider what had just happened, he realised he recognised the voice. He had just met the famous hero, Hict the Immortal.

As the mysterious man went back to town to find a little more to drink, he stopped at the tavern.
"I'll take something to drink, Boog. How's the war coming along?"
The owner of the tavern, Boog, started talking to the man as if he was a regular. "Sure thing, Killa. I'll get you something to drink. Any preferences? Oh, and the war is a war, what else is there to say?"
The man, apparently called Killa, replied in a tone of voice that showed slight dissappointment. "I suppose so. I'll just take whatever is the least hassle for you to give, I guess. Turns out the reverse interrogation didn't turn out too well. I was tied up for three days, hoping he'd think me vulnerable or weak, hoping he'd think me of me as no threat and harmless to divulge some information to. All I got out of it is that Zadd is behind it, as always when it comes to golems, and that he wanted me to join him. He let nothing slip, nothing be known. I guess even he doesn't know what he's after, or maybe it just doesn't really matter. For all I know, he's after war for the sake of war."
Boog listened intently as Killa further described his story, handing the drink to him when he had the chance.
"So, you try to get kidnapped, it works, you're upset that you gained nothing useful from it, and you met a hero from another town, right? Don't be too upset, at least now we known we have allies from other areas pitching in with the effort."
Killa sighed and agreed, knowing that's really all you could get out of it.
Just then, a loud noise from outside made everyone startled. Killa immediately went outside to see what caused the ruckus.
Somebody screamed in fear what had just happened. "The golems are breaking through our wall! Our primary defense has been destroyed!"

This story is STILL incomplete and will be finished at a later point in time, which is currently known as "eventually."
Thanks to Hict for letting me use his character, and giving me some motivation for the story.
Additional thanks to Tha Killa for letting me use him as well.
I apologize now for any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and for the fact that I wrote this sort of like a play.
I also apoligize now, because I'm going to be giving things too many adjectives or over-describing stuff later. No doubt about it.

< Message edited by popinloopy -- 6/2/2013 16:46:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
5/30/2013 18:05:44   

It was a normal day...

The Days - Duke Fredham
It was a normal day in Granemor the su... moon! Was shining, brighter than ever
I took a stroll in the town, bought a potion from Lucretia... she really does have the best mix I've ever tasted!
Went back home, wrote this entry then took a nice little doozy on my wooden hashbury bed

I decided to take a walk in the graveyard, man. Nothing gives you more of an uplifting mood in the
graveyard. Or is it just because it feels chilly and creepy there? Nah.... I'm pretty sure its nothing special
from here you can still see dewlok on the hill. I walk to home with a saturated face, go upstairs. And sleep
on my wooden... hashbury... bed..

There had been earthquakes or sudden ground jolts every hour or so, I wonder what it is?
I look outside through my window and nothing is happening. Just normal everyday life continuing.
I head to Boog's tavern and have a pint of BURP gland juice. delicious, never gets old. I come home satisfied,
go upstairs. And sleep on my wooden hashbury BED

I run outside in my owl skin pajamas, the walls being beaten. The rubble falling from the bricks, I had been informed
That Zadd the golem builder had invaded Granemor with his army of golems! I had been thinking... Granemor. Attacked by the devourer then rebuilt, mutants from no man's land which included the legendary Visia and Mutant King himself and still it rose victorious. I'm sure they'll take care of this easy right?

Hero's from all ends
Hero's from Battleon! Hero's from the paladins guild, Dragon slayers, Vampire hunters, They've helped us right?
Surely they can do it again? then in that split second, harnessing my thoughts I instinctively looked at the wall....
Crumbled and destroyed.. With a giant hole wreathed upon it, the wall that was juxtaposed with bricks smashed and revealed a gallery of golems. Zadd himself presented at his war stage Heroes like Artix and Galanoth all dirt-ridden and
bearing scars of the surfaced battle that my eyes are seeing. The golems are heavy work. Then I look at myself be-ridden why haven't I ran away? and as a flight of survival I run to the graveyard, cowering behind a gravestone.

A small manifestation of power came from the palm of my hand... my veins contract and become less full-posed I feel calm, and more measured... I suddenly drop on the floor and think of thoughts man would not bear to think My brain wriggles, my body twitches my arms sprained with muscles, my hair slightly jolted. I feel like I was possessed, but not by evil, but by a spiraling power, and most comforting spirit. It calls out Release.. Duke... duke.. d-d-dduke... It was the voice of my father, it was faint but hearable I could feel my mind being taken over. It was a temporal release of energy, and my father gave me this alias. Duke HEAR MY NAME AND RESONATE IT THROUGH YOUR VEINS, I shout with a blast of wind. Just enough for Zadd to hear me. I enter into the man's golem like grasp, ready, and willing to fight. I sheath out of air, the legendary blade of awe in my hand. Zadd stands smiling but with a bewildered face, I too take a bewildered face as to how I had gained the Epic Artifact Blade of Awe? I fix my head and stare at the sudden golems charging at me. I hold my blade and shout loud Wind of Winds heed my call raise forth your storms GREEN ENVY!, my voice bellowed, air came rushing from behind me a harnessed wind of green light rushed forth and swept the golems away I was shocked and startled by what had happened...

Soldiers were coming from all directions helping me out, I shout 'HOLD UNTIL THE HEROES COME', Soldiers repeat me and
civilians were in calm spirits. The forces of Granemor had held them, but it was failing. We need the heroes to come... And fast.

The battle had raged on. And Heroes from all corners of Lore had come to stop Zadd and his evil intent.
I saw what the golems did, but for them it was light work. Hict the immortal had been fending off wave after wave with breaking only a little sweat, Ubear had joined us wearing Tribal shamanic armour from his adventures. Ubear summoned a flurry of spiritual animals
to do his bidding. Disc Lorde assisted with Cerrana had been demolishing the east wing golems and west wing. I was in the heat of the battle.

90% (Narration)
Zadd had everyone in the corner of his eyes with the devils smile, as menacing as stragath was! But just like every time, Granemor will survive. The city of the undead will be un-dead!

95% (Duke)
I held the Blade of Awe slashing and piercing my way through, wave by wave of rubble and dust as they met my blade.
My hands had twitched in an irregular way, then I notice not my hands that were twitching. But the blade of awe itself.
The guardian dragon had arrived! and with a bellowing shout the dragon said this and everyone in the vicinity heard it.
"I HEED THE CALL OF AWE I COME WITH NO INTENT TO DESTROY, BUT DEMOLISH." gasses and packets of air start rushing into
his mouth, and what comes out? a flurry of hell flames, not exactly the way I wanted to happen but it did the job. All the golems had
been turned to ash only few groups were left and even possessed objects can still feel fear. We were winning and we are going to win.

Continued until 100%, watch out for this post after 100%!

< Message edited by klimg -- 5/31/2013 5:48:13 >
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