Dwelling Dragonlord
![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
The prince being robbed of everything, his family, his home, and his right to rule, grew up in bitterness, anger and resentment. One thing I always find interesting to take into account. Just how old do you consider Drakath to be when he was forced out of his home? quote:
Drakath walked away confused and unaware of the fact Robina was Actually Princess Victoria, the daughter of King Alteon. He was so distracted that he did not notice the flying eye emerge from a bush and speed <> into the night sky. actually, off quote:
Unbeknown for Drakath, the growing power of the Darkwolf Bandits had attracted the watchful eyes of the Doom knight Sepulchure. to quote:
“I am actually,” bet she never finished her sentence because Sepulchure appeared at that very moment with his flying fortress, Shadowfall. “Good work Drakath, the time has come to move on. We leave at once. You still have much to do to over throw Alteon.” Yelled Sepulchure. but, (before) overthrow(ing) Did Sepulchure recognize Robina for who she was? He, Alteon and Lynaria were pretty close after all. Overall it is a pretty good story.