BHs and BMs have it as a "primary active" (from old passives). TLMs have it as a secondary effect on a Strike-like skill. TMs (and BMs) have it on their Ultimate, as well as TLMs and Mercs. Ideally, it'd fit CHs to get it as a secondary effect on one of the skills. It'd be two classes per each effect, and Ultimate could be doing something with Energy - such as siphoning it based on the damage dealt? Who knows. Just throwing the concept around. Ideally? Alter Venom Strike, and make it CH exclusive - still a DoT, minimally weaker than it is now (by -10 or -20 DpT), but % of the DoT is returned to you as HP. There are plenty of possibilities. These secondary, or even tertiary, effects need to be implemented more. They come at a cost (lesser power), but they bring in some fancy effects and a little bit of variety. If we want to sway away from the simple gameplay, but still keep it somewhat easy to play (and kinda strategical), we need more creativity in skills.